Coronavirus is a scam

Would you lock an ax murderer out of your town if you could? The existing death numbers are not the point, school closings are about lowering them.
But go ahead and tempt fate and keep your death incubaters open as normal.
The thinking is that the children are carriers of the disease.
Anyone could potentially be a carrier of the disease.

They go to school and spread the disease.
... just like any other disease. Adults go out into public and spread it. So?

There is not 100% evidence that this is true, but there is some evidence.
It doesn't selectively choose children as a vessel to transmit itself to adults.

It is not complete nonsense.
The hysteria surrounding COVID-19 is complete nonsense. It is a winter flu. Stop clutching onto your toilet paper and hand sanitizer. The world will still be here tomorrow... and the next day... and the next day...

The hysteria surrounding COVID-19 is complete nonsense. It is a winter flu.

Simpleton sock.
Dr. Fauci said we should shut down for at least 2 weeks. He works for daffy. Not a Dem mouthpiece. Is that fear-mongering or relying on science and medicine, which is his field. You guys are so contrary to fact and logic, But that is what being a Trumpy has always required. This is easy for you.

It is fear mongering. Dr. Fauci does not work for Trump. He has been director of NIH since 1984. He fear mongered the AIDS response too.
Attempts to redefine (fact<->proof, fact<->Universal Truth, logic<->void).
So after the presser. but of course not during it, Trump stopped people from gathering in groups of 50 or more. He did that because this virus is a big nothing. He was just bored. We always stop groups from amassing during cold or flu season....we do don't we?

Trump does not have the authority to ban groups of 50 or more.
My State closed schools for two weeks. Number of deaths of children from it in the State - 0. Number of cases of children in the Stated confirmed to have it - 0

SIX weeks for us in Washington. Kids will have to complete six weeks of make-up days to comply with the law. That means kids will be going to school through late July
Coronavirus is a scam

I'm sure this is going to be a huge consolation to all those who are going to lose loved ones in the next few months!

Did you know people die? That already happens without the virus!

No one has died from this virus that wouldn't have died from any flu virus.
It doesn't selectively choose children as a vessel to transmit itself to adults.

Preliminary studies show that children are more likely to transmit disease to each other in school, and to then transmit it to adults at home. It appears that this even happens with diseases they are more resistant to than adults are. It is far from certain, but local and state leaders are following the best practices that we currently have.

We have to decide whether we as a nation will follow the best practices developed by experts, or the musings of an old man who inherited a lot of money and did little with it.
Now Las Vegas is shutting down. How many jobs is that?

Will the last person leaving Las Vegas please turn off the lights?

Just MGM and the Wynn properties, dude.
MGM was suffering a lot financially anyway. So is the Wynn. They've already lost a lot of customers.
Would you lock an ax murderer out of your town if you could? The existing death numbers are not the point, school closings are about lowering them.
But go ahead and tempt fate and keep your death incubaters open as normal.

The flu is not an axe murderer. No, I would catch him and punish him according to the law.
Preliminary studies show that children are more likely to transmit disease to each other in school, and to then transmit it to adults at home. It appears that this even happens with diseases they are more resistant to than adults are. It is far from certain, but local and state leaders are following the best practices that we currently have.

We have to decide whether we as a nation will follow the best practices developed by experts, or the musings of an old man who inherited a lot of money and did little with it.

A study is not a proof. It's not even an argument. 'Experts' is not a title of nobility. Bigotry. Buzzword fallacies.
A study is not a proof. It's not even an argument. 'Experts' is not a title of nobility. Bigotry. Buzzword fallacies.

Multiple studies, not "a study". A study is proof. It might not be conclusive proof, but it is proof that is used to build conclusive proof. They are still working out the mechanisms that spread diseases in our culture, but a lack of funding is an issue. We have a lack of funding, because losers like trump think they are smarter than the people who actually study the problems.
Multiple studies, not "a study".
A study is proof.
No. A study is not a proof.
It might not be conclusive proof, but it is proof that is used to build conclusive proof.
It is not any kind of proof. There are no proofs in science. Science is an open functional system.
They are still working out the mechanisms that spread diseases in our culture, but a lack of funding is an issue.
We already know them. What do you need funding for?
We have a lack of funding,
Again, what do you need funding for?
because losers like trump think they are smarter than the people who actually study the problems.
What problem? You mean this virus that has infected only 0.000135% of the world population and in most cases appears like a cold??? That's not a problem.
...What problem? You mean this virus that has infected only 0.000135% of the world population and in most cases appears like a cold??? That's not a problem.
Agreed! Why is Trump being such a fucking Pussy Assed Bitch about this? Why did he cancel rallies and recommending this "Social Distancing" bullshit? Trump is proving Chrissy Teigen correct; he's #PABOTUS.

It does not have to be by the authority when the people follow the stated guidelines. You may not have noticed, but they are doing it.

Yes, they are doing it, because governors are banning groups of 50 or more (like the twit here in Washington), and CNN, MSNBC, the Associated Press, and have been successful enough at fear mongering that many companies fell for it.

Paper masks are stupid. They don't stop the virus. Hoarding them only make it harder to perform dusty work for those that can't get them.
Hoarding toilet paper is stupid. It has nothing to do with the virus.
Hoarding hand lotion is stupid. It has nothing to do with the virus.
Hoarding the gloves is stupid. It just make it more difficult to use them for actual first aid, fixing engines, or other dirty or chemical work.
Closing businesses is stupid. It will just make them lose money...a LOT of money. Many won't survive it. Democrats are depending on this of course to take away what they perceive as Trump's biggest successes.
Hoarding alcohol is stupid. It creates a serious fire hazard in your home.
The infection rate in Washington is 0.000129%. In most cases, it appears as a bad cold and nothing more.

Fear mongering by the Democrats is the problem. Fear mongering by YOU is the problem.
SIX weeks for us in Washington. Kids will have to complete six weeks of make-up days to comply with the law. That means kids will be going to school through late July

Good luck.

What doesn't need to happen is for the parents that thought this was a good idea to complain about it.