Coronavirus is a scam

Dr. Fauci said we should shut down for at least 2 weeks. He works for daffy. Not a Dem mouthpiece. Is that fear-mongering or relying on science and medicine, which is his field.

Science and Medicine: 80% experience zero or barely noticeable symptoms. The threat of such a harmless bug spreading is, by definition, non-existent..."fearmongering" is the only logical word for panicking people over an imaginary threat.


You guys are so contrary to fact and logic

The facts show we are the ONLY people thinking for ourselves. How hilarious that you can't distinguish independent reason from blindly swallowing obviously false hysteria (what YOU'RE doing). :laugh:

View attachment 14627

But that is what being a Trumpy has always required. This is easy for you.

Say the people who fell for:

-the Russia collusion hoax,
-the "Investigating Biden's corruption is worse than Biden BEING corrupt" hoax,
-the Covington Catholic hoax,
-the Roy Moore pedophile hoax,
-the Kavanaugh rape gang hoax,
-the "repealing Net Neutrality will destroy the Internet" hoax,
-the Jussie Smollett hoax,
-the Charlottesville "very fine people" hoax,
-the Duke Lacrosse team hoax,
-the fake Ukraine transcript hoax,
-the Trayvon Martin hoax,
-the "Trump admitted to sexual assault" hoax,
-the "penises cause climate change" hoax,
-the "uninsured crisis" hoax,
-the "Trump denying passports to Latinos" hoax,
-the multitude of college hate crime hoaxes,
-the "Mission Accomplished" hoax,
-the "deceptively edited video" Planned Parenthood hoax,
-the "children in cages" hoax,
-the Michael Cohen perjury/contacting the Russians hoaxes,
-the SPLC "hate group" hoax,
-the "Trump mocking people with disabilities" hoax,
-the "you can keep your doctor" hoax,
-the "immigrants are rapists, criminals, animals" hoax,
-the Kavanaugh "white power symbol" hoax,
-the "Trump asked Putin to hack the DNC" hoax,
-the polar bear dying from climate change hoax,
-the "Trump made it easier for the mentally ill to purchase guns" hoax,
-the Scaramucci Russian bankers hoax,
-the "Muslim ban" hoax,
-the global warming "consensus" hoax,
-the "Obama's scandal-free presidency" hoax,
-the Trump Jr. WikiLeaks hoax,
-the Iran nuclear appeasement hoax,
-the "polls show Trump will lose" hoax,
-the "Obamacare will never fund abortions or illegal immigrants" hoax,
-the "Hillary exonerated" hoax,
-the "white privilege" hoax,
-the voter suppression hoax,
-and the "hands up don't shoot" hoax.

So after the presser. but of course not during it, Trump stopped people from gathering in groups of 50 or more. He did that because this virus is a big nothing. He was just bored. We always stop groups from amassing during cold or flu season....we do don't we?

80% experience zero symptoms or barely noticeable symptoms. Trump was right when he resisted this mindless panic in the beginning. But he knows the media will succeed at crucifying him as a heartless monster if he shrugs as a harmless virus hurts almost no one like all the rest do on a regular basis, so he reversed course and played along with the scam. 80% experience the sniffles for one day or nothing at all. You are a hyperventilating moron.


My State closed schools for two weeks. Number of deaths of children from it in the State - 0. Number of cases of children in the Stated confirmed to have it - 0

My State is closing schools for at least three weeks.
Number of deaths of children from it in the State - 0. Number of cases of children in the State - 0.

Asinine. Absolutely asinine. What happens in six weeks when another common cold virus comes out? Shut down the entirety of Western Civilization again? We are surrounded by fucking idiots. :palm:

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Coronavirus is a scam

I'm sure this is going to be a huge consolation to all those who are going to lose loved ones in the next few months!

A tiny fraction of the population dying JUST like with the flu and common cold means no one is allowed to point out that hyperventilating over it is moronic anti-science hysteria? Nice logic. :laugh:

As a millennial myself, I appreciate your concern. :)

But yes, it is truly stunning how hysterical people are acting over this. During my short lifetime, I don't remember virtually the whole country shutting down, and crashing the stock market and everything, over the SARS of 2003 nor the H1N1 of 2009.

And those diseases had actual REASONS to a 30+% kill rate. This one? It's basically the common cold. People are fucking morons. :palm:
You got schools in your state, banjo-boy ? Why didn't they let you in ?

View attachment 14628

Hey look, leftists despising and shitting on the working class people they pretend to represent some more. Pssst: Your (unjustified) arrogant elitist snobbery is showing. :laugh:

Way to lash out mindlessly while smearing others as stupid for being smarter than you. :rofl2:
On the subject of stupid;

It's basically the common cold. People are fucking morons.

You're way out in front for JPP cretin of the week.

Aren't you the same prick who was claiming it's OK to spray DDT ?
This thread did not age well.

Other scams: bubonic plague, HIV, scurvy, botulism, e-bola, polio, cerebral palsy and necrotic Republicanism

Did the "80% zero or almost unnoticeable symptoms" fact change? No? Then you realize that increased/sustained anti-science fearmongering doesn't somehow magically validate previous fearmongering, right? :laugh:

View attachment 14628

Hey look, leftists despising and shitting on the working class people they pretend to represent some more. Pssst: Your (unjustified) arrogant elitist snobbery is showing. :laugh:

Way to lash out mindlessly while smearing others as stupid for being smarter than you. :rofl2:

That poster is so far down the gene pool that hardly anyone replies.

Right down there with dumber76 and evince.

A colossal waste of time.
Further- he's not going to survive on this forum- not under the same name anyway. The way it's looking there are people here who are going to lose relatives and friends. This asshole will be more reviled than maggot.
The thinking is that the children are carriers of the disease. They go to school and spread the disease. There is not 100% evidence that this is true, but there is some evidence. It is not complete nonsense.

Carriers...of a harmless disease, hence its complete and utter meaninglessness.

Would you lock an ax murderer out of your town if you could? The existing death numbers are not the point, school closings are about lowering them.
But go ahead and tempt fate and keep your death incubaters open as normal.

They are the ENTIRE point you fucking moron. Who CARES about the spread of something that kills almost no one? Caring about that means suddenly freaking out over the common cold. Why would any thinking adult ever do that?
