Coronavirus is a scam

Preliminary studies show that children are more likely to transmit disease to each other in school

No one needs a study for this. Kids have no hygiene. Of COURSE they're going to spread viruses, even harmless ones like this, more. Duh. :dunno:
Unknown. Probably because he too is taken in by the fear mongering to a certain extent.

It's the political calculation in an election year. Look what the media did to Bush over Katrina and "Mission: Accomplished," all over appearances. They have already been caught peddling four separate blatant hoaxes to overthrow the previous election. There is obviously no lie they won't tell to prevent his RE-election. They would fall over each other to smear him into looking negligent on this if he didn't overreact, so he's playing the game.
You're way out in front for JPP cretin of the week.

Mindlessly lashing out at facts you can't refute will get you nowhere. :cool:


Aren't you the same prick who was claiming it's OK to spray DDT ?

Not sure what you're referring to, but I DO prefer preventing mass epidemics of Malaria (a disease that ACTUALLY matters) to environmental hysteria, yes. I guess you're just on the side of whatever is mindless over-reacting and anti-science, huh?

Further- he's not going to survive on this forum- not under the same name anyway. The way it's looking there are people here who are going to lose relatives and friends. This asshole will be more reviled than maggot.

The common cold DOES kill the old, young, and OF COURSE people are going to die. That's already happening. The question is whether it makes sense to gridlock all of Western Civilization like it's the Apocalypse...over the common cold. :stup2:

Not so much the common cold, but the OTHER virus I keep likening this to, yes. The experts actually warn of far worse complications from the flu:

WebMD: "They include viral or bacterial pneumonia, dehydration, and ear infections and sinus infections, especially in children. The flu can worsen long-term medical conditions, like congestive heart failure, asthma, or diabetes. You might also have muscle inflammation (myositis), problems with your central nervous system, and heart problems such as heart attacks, inflammation of the organ (myocarditis), and inflammation of the sac around it (pericarditis)."

CDC: "Other possible serious complications triggered by flu can include inflammation of the heart (myocarditis), brain (encephalitis) or muscle (myositis, rhabdomyolysis) tissues, and multi-organ failure (for example, respiratory and kidney failure). Flu virus infection of the respiratory tract can trigger an extreme inflammatory response in the body and can lead to sepsis, the body’s life-threatening response to infection. Flu also can make chronic medical problems worse. For example, people with asthma may experience asthma attacks while they have flu, and people with chronic heart disease may experience a worsening of this condition triggered by flu."
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Asinine. Absolutely asinine. What happens in six weeks when another common cold virus comes out? Shut down the entirety of Western Civilization again? We are surrounded by fucking idiots. :palm:


More people died from the flu before this nonsense started, 12K according to the CDC, and not a single business, school, church, etc. was shutdown.

My wife is a FNP. Those like her, not someone sitting behind a desk, that work in the "trenches" are the medical experts that can truly provide a perspective on things.
The test is looking for the presence of antibodies. All it really shows you is that you may have once been infected. Note the MAY in that statement. You can develop antibodies to a virus without ever having been exposed to it or to a vaccine.

That's why I said it depends.
Glad you agree all this reaction to corona is nonsense. You're getting better.

I never disagreed. I have stated that there is nothing wrong with being prepared. This might be an overreaction but it is too early to tell.

The truth is you and me both have no idea.
I never disagreed. I have stated that there is nothing wrong with being prepared. This might be an overreaction but it is too early to tell.

The truth is you and me both have no idea.

There's a difference between being prepared and overreacting, something for which you can't make a distinction.

I have far more of an idea that you'll ever admit.