Coronavirus is a scam

People die in droves from the FLU all the time, in far greater numbers

COVID-19 has barely started yet in the US. If it infects half the population (as it may do if we just ignore it as you suggest)
and the mortality rate is as low as 2%, that's THREE MILLION dead in the US this season alone. And it may not go away - we just don't know.

Why are countries all over the world taking it extremely seriously? Are they all in on this 'Demagogue' scam? Some things transcend politics, even Trumpism, and this is one of them.
Too funny, the socialists are to blame, however similar statistics have been endorsed by American scientists and the CDC, you going to tell us now they are all part of the "deep state" conspiring to get trump?

And the best part is that even omitting the facts, the coronavirus has no vaccine, lets repeat that, has no preventive measures, it is a virus spreading and it has no hurdles stopping it from spreading further. The only thing known is that it spreads best in groups, and now you are telling us that advice even issued by the CDC to avoid such gatherings is a hoax

As I always say, entertaining

The common cold has no preventative measures also
OMFG!!!! Shut it down!
Really, dude, WTF point do you think you are making? You just proved that you will fall for the most inane propaganda. You are a Dunning Kruger allstar. Learn that you're stupid, and you might actually be smart in way.
COVID-19 has barely started yet in the US. If it infects half the population (as it may do if we just ignore it as you suggest)
and the mortality rate is as low as 2%, that's THREE MILLION dead in the US this season alone. And it may not go away - we just don't know.

But we DO know the kill rate is the same as the common cold, less than the flu. So that tells you it will kill no more people than a really mild flu or minor bug. So why all the hysterical fear-mongering? And where were you when Obama was presiding over the catastrophe known as H1N1 with the 30+ percent kill rate?


Why are countries all over the world taking it extremely seriously?

Excellent question. The reaction is completely mismatched with what the data are showing. So either there is more going on than they are telling us, or they are just suddenly, arbitrarily following every step of this common cold-level virus' progression for no apparent reason.

Are they all in on this 'Demagogue' scam? Some things transcend politics, even Trumpism, and this is one of them.

Tell leftists to stop politicizing this phony crisis with frantic anti-science scaremongering and conservatives will stop noticing that they're doing it. :dunno:

It's more prone to kill a mentally handicapped dumbass like you than me shit-for-brains. Be afraid, be very afraid and cower in your moms basement. :laugh:

His basement is very clean. I'd suggest that you clean yours. It reeks something fierce. I cannot point out what it is.
The common cold has no preventative measures also
OMFG!!!! Shut it down!
Really, dude, WTF point do you think you are making? You just proved that you will fall for the most inane propaganda. You are a Dunning Kruger allstar. Learn that you're stupid, and you might actually be smart in way.

EXACTLY! THANK YOU!! The sane people of the science world THANK YOU!!

The common cold has no preventative measures also
OMFG!!!! Shut it down!
Really, dude, WTF point do you think you are making? You just proved that you will fall for the most inane propaganda. You are a Dunning Kruger allstar. Learn that you're stupid, and you might actually be smart in way.
The problem with this virus is that it’s very contagious and there is no vaccine, the problem created is that the system is overwhelmed with sick people, this making the virus lethal to people who would have survived if they had treatment. China, Italy and Iran are having this problem. It is what the USA would prefer to avoid.

But we DO know the kill rate is the same as the common cold, less than the flu. So that tells you it will kill no more people than a really mild flu or minor bug. So why all the hysterical fear-mongering? And where were you when Obama was presiding over the catastrophe known as H1N1 with the 30+ percent kill rate?


Excellent question. The reaction is completely mismatched with what the data are showing. So either there is more going on than they are telling us, or they are just suddenly, arbitrarily following every step of this common cold-level virus' progression for no apparent reason.

Tell leftists to stop politicizing this phony crisis with frantic anti-science scaremongering and conservatives will stop noticing that they're doing it. :dunno:

Great post. It has become blatantly obvious that they are using this crisis to trick investors into panic selling. The media is so demonstrably dishonest after three years of the Russian collusion story, thery have no credibility except with the most retarded people or hyper partisan leftists that don't care to be honest. LOL let the left seethe! Fuck them and laugh at them!
>OMFG guise! Trump killed everyone!
The problem with this virus is that it’s very contagious and there is no vaccine, the problem created is that the system is overwhelmed with sick people, this making the virus lethal to people who would have survived if they had treatment. China, Italy and Iran are having this problem. It is what the USA would prefer to avoid.

It's the common cold. It doesn't MATTER if health care systems are overwhelmed with panicked people who have the common cold. It's the common cold. Almost everyone infected with it will be fine.
Where do you get that from? In every country where there has been a major outbreak, the overall 'kill rate' has been at least 2% and much higher for older people.

From the Johns Hopkins link in the OP. This is a nothingburger being sold as the end of the fucking world, and people are buying it. It's a scathing indictment of our educational system. :palm:
I don't reveal personal information on here very often, but my background is microbiology. My wife processes coronavirus samples in a medical lab every single night. Working in a microbiology lab is how we met.

80% of those who get coronavirus will have mild or no symptoms. It is far less deadly than the flu, and pretty much the equivalent of the common cold. We are collapsing our stock market, gridlocking entire cities, and fleeing in terror like it's the Bubonic plague...and it's virtually the most trivial, ordinary, non-threatening virus ever discovered.

The Demagogue Party is deliberately stoking panic, exploiting ignorant mass hysteria, and celebrating the completely senseless paralysis of the economy...while falling over each other to weaponize this 100% manufactured crisis against Trump in an election year.

You miss the point. Those people will not have symptoms, but they will be hot and pass it to others. Those people may not be so lucky. Exactly how are the Dems crashing the market, the playground of rich Repugs. What a stupid thread.
What does this imaginary hysteria look like in your mind? Do you see people rioting in the streets? Are there torches and pitchforks?
You miss the point. Those people will not have symptoms, but they will be hot and pass it to others. Those people may not be so lucky.

YOU miss the point. This is the story of EVERY common cold virus.

Exactly how are the Dems crashing the market, the playground of rich Repugs. What a stupid thread.

Um...obviously, by fearmongering the common cold into the Bubonic plague. What a stupid question. :palm:

What does this imaginary hysteria look like in your mind?

We're not TALKING about imaginary hysteria. We're talking about REAL, Democrat-induced hysteria. Try to keep up. :cool:

Do you see people rioting in the streets? Are there torches and pitchforks?

There have to be torches and pitchforks in order for there to be hysterical fear-mongering over nothing? Nice logic. :laugh:
I don't reveal personal information on here very often, but my background is microbiology. My wife processes coronavirus samples in a medical lab every single night. Working in a microbiology lab is how we met.

80% of those who get coronavirus will have mild or no symptoms. It is far less deadly than the flu, and pretty much the equivalent of the common cold. We are collapsing our stock market, gridlocking entire cities, and fleeing in terror like it's the Bubonic plague...and it's virtually the most trivial, ordinary, non-threatening virus ever discovered.

The Demagogue Party is deliberately stoking panic, exploiting ignorant mass hysteria, and celebrating the completely senseless paralysis of the economy...while falling over each other to weaponize this 100% manufactured crisis against Trump in an election year.
Very interesting. It doesn't surprise me at all. They just shut down the entire Players Championship here. Thanks for your post.
We are collapsing our stock market, gridlocking entire cities, and fleeing in terror like it's the Bubonic plague...and it's virtually the most trivial, ordinary, non-threatening virus ever discovered.
I got damn lucky with a gamble and put everything into a money market about a week and a half ago. When this bottoms out I go back into into index funds and I'll make a ton.
You miss the point. Those people will not have symptoms, but they will be hot and pass it to others. Those people may not be so lucky. Exactly how are the Dems crashing the market, the playground of rich Repugs. What a stupid thread.
What does this imaginary hysteria look like in your mind? Do you see people rioting in the streets? Are there torches and pitchforks?

You miss the point. The weak dying off makes us stronger in the long run. Why are you so anti-science?