Coronavirus is a scam

And now this comes out...

"Last week Bloomberg published a story about the mask shortages and how that was making it difficult for hospital workers in various states to take alternative measures to help protect themselves during the coronavirus pandemic, including making masks out of office supplies, and taking masks home to bleach them so they can be reused. It paints a horrible picture of chaos in our nation’s hospitals, and attempts to blame the problem on the Trump administration, because the Strategic National Stockpile, which is maintained by the Health and Human Services Department, is insufficient for the current crisis.

Back in 2005, the Bush administration published the “National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza.” The strategy called for plans to distribute medical supplies from the national stockpile and to assist state and local efforts to handle an outbreak, but last month, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar told Congress that the national stockpile of N95 respirator masks was 12 million—a mere fraction of the 1.7 billion masks government scientists estimated back in 2015 would be needed in the event of a severe flu outbreak.

How did we end up with such a low stockpile? It used to be much larger. What happened to it?

Buried several paragraphs deep in the aforementioned Bloomberg story we find out that “after the H1N1 influenza outbreak in 2009, which triggered a nationwide shortage of masks and caused a 2- to 3-year backlog orders for the N95 variety, the stockpile distributed about three-quarters of its inventory and didn’t build back the supply.”

That's right, the shortage of N95 masks can be traced back to the H1N1 (swine flu) pandemic of 2009... when Barack Obama was president.

A different story from the Los Angeles Times published last week goes into more detail about what happened after the swine flu pandemic depleted the supply. According to their story, “After the swine flu epidemic in 2009, a safety-equipment industry association and a federally sponsored task force both recommended that depleted supplies of N95 respirator masks [...] be replenished by the stockpile.” The problem is that didn’t happen. According to Charles Johnson, president of the International Safety Equipment Association, about 100 million N95 respirator masks were used up during the swine flu pandemic of 2009-2010, but, he said was unaware of any “major effort to restore the stockpile to cover that drawdown.”

It’s Barack Obama's Fault There’s a Shortage of N95 Respirator Masks
Coronavirus is such an apocalyptic world emergency that Democrats just voted down the relief package to push completely unrelated payoffs for their donors and economy-killing Green New Deal extremism. You know, because Democrats are all about compassion and caring for the poor.

Beat your little fists, moron- but you're still going down.

Haw, haw........................................haw.
Democrats rushed in to give taxpayer-funded handouts to their donors, immigrants, and special interest groups as America burns to the ground and the people they swore an oath to represent lose their jobs, loved ones, and country. Shoveling the last remaining gold from the treasury into the coffers of their allies as society collapses from Democrat-stoked panic and hysteria. The party of treason shows its appalling true colors.
You're going down;

The US reported more than 100 deaths on Monday, the first time the daily death toll has entered the triple digits. There have been 557 deaths and nearly 44,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus in the US, according to figures from Johns Hopkins.


Sticking to facts and science indicates I'm planning for "getting hung out to dry" or that I will change my name?

Um...okay. :dunno:


Italy was brought to their knees - this thing is coming and it is going to be pretty rough on our aging population. you will be looking like a buffoon very shortly
Somebody needs to explain, very, very slowly to Arminius that the very sick persons with Covid 19 are enough to swamp even a well developed health service, whereas primitives countries without one, like the US and certain bits of Africa, will see a great deal of death unless very, very lucky. For the US I've heard mentioned a figure of two-and-a-half millions mentioned as a distinct possibility. Here's hoping sane Americans will avoid that!
Italy was brought to their knees - this thing is coming and it is going to be pretty rough on our aging population. you will be looking like a buffoon very shortly

Italy was ravaged by SOCIALISM. Elderly people being turned away and literally rationed to death isn't coronavirus being more deadly than the common flu. All the experts confirm the flu is more brutal on the elderly, hence this being a non-apocalypse, no matter how many times you dishonest demagogues tell people the sky is falling.


Oh yeah, and about leftist predictions...

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Italy was brought to their knees - this thing is coming and it is going to be pretty rough on our aging population. you will be looking like a buffoon very shortly

VERY shortly- like yesterday.

Haw, haw.....................................haw.
Somebody needs to explain, very, very slowly to Arminius that the very sick persons with Covid 19 are enough to swamp even a well developed health service, whereas primitives countries without one, like the US and certain bits of Africa, will see a great deal of death unless very, very lucky. For the US I've heard mentioned a figure of two-and-a-half millions mentioned as a distinct possibility. Here's hoping sane Americans will avoid that!

He knows full well. The asshole is just playing the annoying contrary- like the Brit maggot, Leg-iron and other attention-seekers.

Nobody could be as stupid as he makes out. Well.........check out my thread-ban list.

Haw, haw..............................haw.
He knows full well. The asshole is just playing the annoying contrary- like the Brit maggot, Leg-iron and other attention-seekers.

Nobody could be as stupid as he makes out. Well.........check out my thread-ban list.

Yes, how could anyone possibly be so stupid as to notice that COVID kills fewer people than the common flu? Or that 80% experience minor or no symptoms at all.


Hint: Noticing facts that obliterate demagogue fear-mongering isn't's called thinking for yourself (the OPPOSITE of stupidity). :rofl2:

You should try it. :cool:

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Yes, how could anyone possibly be so stupid as to notice that COVID kills fewer people than the common flu? Or that 80% experience minor or no symptoms at all.


Hint: Noticing facts that obliterate demagogue fear-mongering isn't's called thinking for yourself (the OPPOSITE of stupidity). :rofl2:

You should try it. :cool:

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If twenty per cent of the population need immediate hospital care to live and - since Convid 19 is very contagious - they all swarm into the hospitals in a very short time, the hospitals will break down and people with other illnesses will die too. You have allowed an obsessive belief in plots to overcome your sense, mate. Three of my family have it: two are fine so far, but the third is not looking good at all. You think we should all be pleased about that or something?
If twenty per cent of the population need immediate hospital care to live and - since Convid 19 is very contagious - they all swarm into the hospitals in a very short time, the hospitals will break down and people with other illnesses will die too.

Not a math guy, huh? :palm:

Italy's population = almost 61,000,000 people
Italy's infected population = 63,928 people
Italy's deaths from coronavirus = 6,078 people

That means about .1% of their population has been infected. And about one-tenth of .1% have died. <<<This is not the apocalypse.


Losing your shit over this is unhinged scaremongering demagoguery of the highest order.


You have allowed an obsessive belief in plots to overcome your sense, mate.

Says the guy telling everyone the sky if falling over a common flu-level virus. :laugh:

Three of my family have it: two are fine so far, but the third is not looking good at all.

And? :dunno:

You think we should all be pleased about that or something?

Arguing for facts and science over hysteria and psychosis is wanting people to be happy about COVID? That's shockingly moronic, even for you.


