Coronavirus is a scam

Not a math guy, huh? :palm:

Italy's population = almost 61,000,000 people
Italy's infected population = 63,928 people
Italy's deaths from coronavirus = 6,078 people

That means about .1% of their population has been infected. And about one-tenth of .1% have died. <<<This is not an apocalypse. It's unhinged scaremongering demagoguery of the highest order.


Says the guy telling everyone the sky if falling over a common flu-level virus. :laugh:

And? :dunno:

Arguing for facts and science over hysteria and psychosis is wanting people to be happy about sick people? That's shockingly moronic, even for you.



The R naught for Coronovirus is around 2. That means every patient will infect 2 other people if nothing is done to reduce the R naught. Italy is on lock down to reduce their R naught. That is why you see their case count falling. You can't keep a country on lock down for ever. If you double a number every 4-5 days it doesn't take long to get huge numbers.
He knows full well. The asshole is just playing the annoying contrary- like the Brit maggot, Leg-iron and other attention-seekers.

Nobody could be as stupid as he makes out. Well.........check out my thread-ban list.

Haw, haw..............................haw.

That is a very optimistic assessment of these jerks. Their persistence and indefatigable enjoyment over it makes me think it's more mental pathology and low IQ
than entertainment.
If you avoid things that make you sick, you won't get sick. That's as reductionist as I can make this.
But feel free to have a fucking redneck orgy cons. . :palm:

Not a math guy, huh? :palm:

Italy's population = almost 61,000,000 people
Italy's infected population = 63,928 people
Italy's deaths from coronavirus = 6,078 people

That means about .1% of their population has been infected. And about one-tenth of .1% have died. <<<This is not the apocalypse.


Obviously, if the hospitals hadn't been working, a lot more would have died, and it is not over yet. Stop trying to prove you're right all the time and look at the facts: you have a market instead of a health service, and a self-obsessed old show-off in charge, so things are going to get worse and worse. These percentages you throw about so happily represent real people dying, and just because your lack of a proper system meant more died of flu that do elsewhere doesn't help anyone at all.
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The R naught for Coronovirus is around 2. That means every patient will infect 2 other people if nothing is done to reduce the R naught. Italy is on lock down to reduce their R naught. That is why you see their case count falling. You can't keep a country on lock down for ever. If you double a number every 4-5 days it doesn't take long to get huge numbers.

And who CARES how fast a virus that kills almost no one is spread?

If you avoid things that make you sick, you won't get sick. That's as reductionist as I can make this.
But feel free to have a fucking redneck orgy cons. . :palm:

What on Earth does this have to do with Democrats fear-mongering a common flu virus into the apocalypse? Of COURSE you generally try to avoid all illnesses. No one is arguing otherwise, moron.

This could be sensibly sold if we had a real president.

If you stay at home 99%, wear a mask when you shop, wash your hands when you return, and follow the 6 foot rule you will NOT die from this,

and not that you the individual cares, will not infect anyone else. Why is this so hard to sell. It plays to selfishness and fear. It will work.

You know what won't work? Saying its no big deal and saying the economy trumps death, hanging out with others without any purpose
for interaction aside from indifference.
Obviously, if the hospitals hadn't been working, a lot more would have died, and it is not over yet.

So it's okay for socialism to fail miserably, to ration health care, to deny treatment on a massive scale, and to needlessly murder entire populations...because without ANY health care, even more would have died?

Who could argue with sound, compelling logic of this caliber? :rofl2:

Stope trying to prove you're right all the time

You have noticed this is a *debate* site, right? :laugh:

and look at the facts

Conservatives are the only people here who do not need to be told that.


you have a market instead of a health service, and a self-obsessed old show-off in charge, so things are going to get worse and worse.

Socialism utterly failed in Italy and Spain. We are doing better than them because:

-The China travel ban worked.
-The mask shortage Obama created is being reversed.
-The FDA rules Obama put in the way have been removed.
-Democrats who spent the first few months diverting federal resources to their impeachment hoax while misinforming the public and obstructing solutions at every turn...are being worked around.

These percentages you throw about so happily represent real people dying

And? That means we all need to turn off our brains and run in circles screaming WHY, exactly? :dunno:


Again, conservatives operate on facts, logic, and reality. Leftists operate on blind ideology and emotional hysteria.

Thanks for demonstrating yet again. :hand:
This could be sensibly sold if we had a real president.

If you stay at home 99%, wear a mask when you shop, wash your hands when you return, and follow the 6 foot rule you will NOT die from this

Almost no one will die from it anyway. It really isn't rocket science to anyone but Democrats.


Why is this so hard to sell. It plays to selfishness and fear. It will work.

Because people know dishonest fear-mongering when they see it. :dunno:

You know what won't work? Saying its no big deal and saying the economy trumps death, hanging out with others without any purpose

That's literally exactly what happens with the other 99% of flu-level viruses like this. We sit back and let it take its course. And almost no one dies. Hence this being a scam.

Don't worry, you'll comprehend it once the media no longer needs useful idiots and tells you to think something else :laugh:
Anyone notice how the left's doomsday predictions always end up getting humiliated by actual science? How many DOZENS of climate apocalypses were we told would happen by now?

He knows full well. The asshole is just playing the annoying contrary- like the Brit maggot, Leg-iron and other attention-seekers.

Nobody could be as stupid as he makes out. Well.........check out my thread-ban list.

Haw, haw..............................haw.
First, I doubt Arminius does know. As my granddaddy used to say about the town drunk "that boy ain't too smart".

Second, agreed on the foreign assholes and British cocksuckers infesting this forum with anti-American tripe. I wonder why their own forums suck ass so much they feel compelled to come here. Is it because they are jealous? Secretly want to be Americans but can't be for some reason or another?