Coulter on Biden

Harold and Maud comes to mind. Also, my best friend's 15-year-old sister claims to hate all teens as dumb, immature, and unknowledgable about the world and claims she would fall for a guy as old as 40 (???). Apparently she has had mutual crushes on guys 18-22, which scares me a little.

But, generally, we 20-somethings like to joke about American Pie, but we prefer the young hotties. And when you're inexperienced, you're not going to know the difference anyway.
Don't listen to her Three. In general youth calls to youth but there's a hell of a lot an older man or woman can offer to a younger lover. Just read Ben Franklins comments on that. A man may be at his reproductive peak maybe in his 20's but his best years as a lover are in his 30's, 40's and 50's. Darla is just being niave to think that what floats her boat should be normal for everyone.

When I was in my 20's I was lucky and had an affair with a woman in her 40's and she taught me how to be a good lover. Not just sexually but how to understand what's important for a woman emotionally as well as physically.

Now I have a wife significantly younger than me and though I love her dearly.....she has a hell of a lot to learn about being a good lover and I have the patience and understanding now to put up with all her insecurities.

Eww, shut up. Teach her about sex. You are without a doubt one of the biggest pigs on here.

Sorry not all women want an old man. I don't. My bf is 6 years younger than I am. That's what I call age appopriate.

LOL. Men fooling themselves into believing all women are clamoring for their grandpa asses. Sorry, not. need some serious help with your sexual hang ups. The only age appropriate part of sex is the age of consent, other than that, it's all good. :)

To assume that all people feel the same way as you do is colossually niave and down right insulting.

BTW, I happen to be 18 years older than my wife and I must have something going for me or she wouldn't have married me (God knows it's not a 6 figure bank account! LOL)

Of course! All women who don't want men 20 years (or 18, same diff) older than they are, have sexual hangups don't they?

Or, maybe they're lesbians, you know?


Oh man. It never ends. You truly are a pig Mott.
Ohhh Darla has sexual hangups and is disturbed because she doesn't find this, hot! LMAO, looks like one of the guys leering at me on the train last week. Oh he sure looks like he could "teach" me a lot about sex! I feel bad about missing out with my hot 34 year old bf.

Of course! All women who don't want men 20 years (or 18, same diff) older than they are, have sexual hangups don't they?

Or, maybe they're lesbians, you know?


Oh man. It never ends. You truly are a pig Mott.

I'm not the one being a pig. You're the one who's insulting those who are in a relationship with someone significantly younger than they are. I'm harsh in my comments towards you because your comments were out right insulting. It's a form of bigotry no differennt than if you had made the same comments about someone who is in a gay relationship or someone who is in an interacial relationship. The only one being a pig here Darla is you. A niave one at that.
I'm not the one being a pig. You're the one who's insulting those who are in a relationship with someone significantly younger than they are. I'm harsh in my comments towards you because your comments were out right insulting. It's a form of bigotry no differennt than if you had made the same comments about someone who is in a gay relationship or someone who is in an interacial relationship. The only one being a pig here Darla is you. A niave one at that.

Ohhh Darla has sexual hangups and is disturbed because she doesn't find this, hot! LMAO, looks like one of the guys leering at me on the train last week. Oh he sure looks like he could "teach" me a lot about sex! I feel bad about missing out with my hot 34 year old bf.


Girl you are showing the classic sign of immaturity. You are egocentric as hell. Well the world doesn't revolve around you.

Though you may not find older men attractive there are some women who prefer an older man and they don't all run to seed.

Here's another older guy, same age as I.

Here's another old shabby fuck
My parents are nine years apart, although I have always found it a little strange. The marriage of Catherine Zeta-Jones to Michael Douglass raised my eyebrows a bit. I guess its hard for a younin to fathom it, but at the same time, I have always seen an abundance of young women going after older men. And a few men who can give all sorts of reasons why older women are better (one argued it was easier on the wallet).
My parents are nine years apart, although I have always found it a little strange. The marriage of Catherine Zeta-Jones to Michael Douglass raised my eyebrows a bit. I guess its hard for a younin to fathom it, but at the same time, I have always seen an abundance of young women going after older men. And a few men who can give all sorts of reasons why older women are better (one argued it was easier on the wallet).

Ehh it all boils down to personal chemistry, despite what Darla thinks.
Ehh it all boils down to personal chemistry, despite what Darla thinks.

I seldom get a chance to agree with Mott, this feels weird, almost like I need to go take a shower or something. I think age is merely a reference to how long you've existed outside the womb on this planet, and that's about it. Meaningless as far as love or relationships go.

My dad was 10 years older than my mom. My sister married a man 8 years younger than her. My last girlfriend was 16 years younger than me, but that was the widest gap in age I've ever dated, and she was extremely mature for her age. Consequently, I dated someone two years older than me, and they were extremely immature for their age. When it gets into 60 year old men with 20 year old women, that is a little disgusting (imho), but Bill was 58 and Monica 24, and Darla didn't seem to have a problem with that, did she?
My current Girlfriend in 11 years younger than I. My last girlfriend was 10 years younger than I was and my last wife was 7 years younger than I. I am 43 this December. Men who go out of their way to find younger women have some problems. I have never made a conscious effort to date women younger than I and my first wife was only 5 months younger than I was. I have dated women in the past that were 10 years older than me as well. I do find however, that there is some pretty serious hostility from women my age when they know that I am with a woman 11 years younger than I am.
I seldom get a chance to agree with Mott, this feels weird, almost like I need to go take a shower or something. I think age is merely a reference to how long you've existed outside the womb on this planet, and that's about it. Meaningless as far as love or relationships go.

My dad was 10 years older than my mom. My sister married a man 8 years younger than her. My last girlfriend was 16 years younger than me, but that was the widest gap in age I've ever dated, and she was extremely mature for her age. Consequently, I dated someone two years older than me, and they were extremely immature for their age. When it gets into 60 year old men with 20 year old women, that is a little disgusting (imho), but Bill was 58 and Monica 24, and Darla didn't seem to have a problem with that, did she?

Younger women always seem mature for their age, because they are women and we are men. :)
My current Girlfriend in 11 years younger than I. My last girlfriend was 10 years younger than I was and my last wife was 7 years younger than I. I am 43 this December. Men who go out of their way to find younger women have some problems. I have never made a conscious effort to date women younger than I and my first wife was only 5 months younger than I was. I have dated women in the past that were 10 years older than me as well. I do find however, that there is some pretty serious hostility from women my age when they know that I am with a woman 11 years younger than I am.

Yea that's how it worked out for me. To be honest I didn't go out looking for a younger woman and I was very much concerned about the age difference when we were introduced but that all worked out to the good.

What was frustrating for me back when I was on the dating scene was that women my age just didn't seem to give a damn about prioritizing a relationship. Of course most were single mom's and that put me about 385th on their priority list and no relationship will work if your not each others first priority.
I seldom get a chance to agree with Mott, this feels weird, almost like I need to go take a shower or something. I think age is merely a reference to how long you've existed outside the womb on this planet, and that's about it. Meaningless as far as love or relationships go.

My dad was 10 years older than my mom. My sister married a man 8 years younger than her. My last girlfriend was 16 years younger than me, but that was the widest gap in age I've ever dated, and she was extremely mature for her age. Consequently, I dated someone two years older than me, and they were extremely immature for their age. When it gets into 60 year old men with 20 year old women, that is a little disgusting (imho), but Bill was 58 and Monica 24, and Darla didn't seem to have a problem with that, did she?

I think Monica had a daddy complex and what dirty old man wouldn't take advantage of that? LOL

But seriously, that's what concerned me when I was introduced to my now wife. Last damn thing I wanted was a young lady with a daddy complex. I was looking for wife and a partner, not a daughter to raise.
My wife is 14 years younger than me. She had a tough time getting me to date her. The age difference was an issue.

But a 48 year old man with a 34 year old woman is one thing. A 32 year old man with an 18 year old is completely different. Thats what always pops into my head when this subject is discussed.

The guys I worked with in FL were always going after the spring break girls. These are men in their 30s and 40s looking for some college girl. Yes, I find that disturbing.

Someone mentioned teaching someone about sex? A lot of guys want that inexperienced virginal girl. I can think of nothing worse in bed than a woman without experience.