Covid Follies #31- homework assignment

Good luck with that. I say that in all earnest, because the startling increase in people of all ages and physical fitness levels that are dropping dead .... either by reported cardio-vascular incidents or "not disclosed".

What's a shame is that the extreme anti govt types on both sides of the political fence are getting all the press as they spew forth all types of half truths, guess work and sheer irrational conspiracy. The reputable, board certified, seasoned and respected medical (domestic & foreign) who are doing the due diligence and showing the data for what a dangerous crap shoot the vax agenda is are either ignored, demonized or slandered.

I'm not worried. Look at the rates of problems and underlying conditions. I'm not paranoid enough to think the world's best medical experts are trying to kill us through carelessness or negligence.
Here's the thing.... in the last near 2 years, there has been a startling increase in people of all ages and physical fitness levels that are dropping dead .... either by reported cardio-vascular incidents or "not disclosed".

The medical industrial complex (my creation on words) with it's sycophants in the media have tried their damnedest to say only in rare or special cases is the vaccine responsible. But this was already showing it's ugly head back in 2020 and 21:

I'm not worried. Look at the rates of problems and underlying conditions. I'm not paranoid enough to think the world's best medical experts are trying to kill us through carelessness or negligence.

Don't be too the military coined the phrase "collateral damage" for their military campaign, the medical industry has adopted a similar position. I can't remember the guys name, but I do recall about 30 years ago "60 Minutes" did an episode on the guy who fought for years and finally pushed through Congress the rule that mandated all pharmaceutical drugs to list the possible side effects and such for each prescription. If you read through these on your prescription, you'll note the sentence that says your doctor has weighed the risks against the benefits for your condition. Then you'll recall the ruling under the Shrub's administration (I believe) where pharmaceutical companies have a cap on being sued should their product screw you up or kill you. And remember, the same judicial system that decreed Peter Deusberg wrong on his HIV doesn't equal AIDS papers, reversed that decision a few years back. And don't get me started on Fauci and the late Dr. Mullis.

No, not the entire medical profession is purposely trying to kill people, but just enough greedy, sociopathic people in positions of power who don't give a damn.
It's short for the Latin phrase quod erat demonstrandum.

The inventor of texting should be put down for causing the creation of all of these lazy acronyms.
His Majesty's English has been reduced to the alphabet soup of illiterates.

If the inventor of texting is already dead, I'll settle for going after his/her/its family.
Don't be too the military coined the phrase "collateral damage" for their military campaign, the medical industry has adopted a similar position. I can't remember the guys name, but I do recall about 30 years ago "60 Minutes" did an episode on the guy who fought for years and finally pushed through Congress the rule that mandated all pharmaceutical drugs to list the possible side effects and such for each prescription. If you read through these on your prescription, you'll note the sentence that says your doctor has weighed the risks against the benefits for your condition. Then you'll recall the ruling under the Shrub's administration (I believe) where pharmaceutical companies have a cap on being sued should their product screw you up or kill you. And remember, the same judicial system that decreed Peter Deusberg wrong on his HIV doesn't equal AIDS papers, reversed that decision a few years back. And don't get me started on Fauci and the late Dr. Mullis.

No, not the entire medical profession is purposely trying to kill people, but just enough greedy, sociopathic people in positions of power who don't give a damn.

Awesome conspiracy theory. :)

Facts, Doc, FACTS. That you chose to ignore them is at your own risk.
The inventor of texting should be put down for causing the creation of all of these lazy acronyms.
His Majesty's English has been reduced to the alphabet soup of illiterates.

If the inventor of texting is already dead, I'll settle for going after his/her/its family.
Bullshit, neef, since to understand the acronym, one has to understand the phrase.

True, the Age of Texting, and its subcategory, Sexting, has produced a digital cornucopia of acronyms which leave many of our old, dimmer members befuddled in a near-constant state of confusion. However, new technologies produce more efficient means of communication and are quickly adapted by strong, curious minds. Older, less flexible minds are often left behind with their buggy whips and incandescent light bulbs.
Facts, Doc, FACTS. That you chose to ignore them is at your own risk.

I never ignore facts, kiddo. My career spanning over four decades required appreciating and adhering to facts or ending killing people if not myself.

Conspiracy theories usually have a basis in fact.....then they quickly travel into LaLa Land of rubber rooms and fantasies. There's a big difference between seeing a very fast, very maneuverable unidentified object in the sky and extrapolating that into an invasion force from Tralfamadore.
Bullshit, neef, since to understand the acronym, one has to understand the phrase.

True, the Age of Texting, and its subcategory, Sexting, has produced a digital cornucopia of acronyms which leave many of our old, dimmer members befuddled in a near-constant state of confusion. However, new technologies produce more efficient means of communication and are quickly adapted by strong, curious minds. Older, less flexible minds are often left behind with their buggy whips and incandescent light bulbs.

To you, it's about modernity.
To me, it's about standards.

Your year round school idea had lots of practical merit to it, I fully confess,
but it would have diminished the quality of my life.
I summered at the beach.

In the end, what priority trumps quality of life?

I'm reminded of the TV series, Downton Abbey.
I'm a democratic socialist, politically,
but I was enthralled by Downton Abbey.

The plight of the peerage adjusting to a new way of life after WWI
made me empathize with them.

I, on a much smaller scale, of course,
have also undergone the experience of outliving my world
and spending my third act
in somebody else's.

You're a libertarian Texan, Oom, and that's a perfectly legitimate thing to be,
and far more tolerable
if you're not accustomed to something better.

I grew up with words.
I like them, and was raised to use them properly.
To you, it's about modernity.
To me, it's about standards....

Wrong again, neef. It's about efficiency and productivity. Modern for modern's sake is as bullshit as doing it the old-fashioned way for old-fashion's sake.

Re Downton Abbey; monarchists are racists by virtue of the fact they claim certain people are superior by bloodline.
....monarchists are racists by virtue of the fact they claim certain people are superior by bloodline.

I understand the point that you seek to make, Oom,
and also understand that somehow,
you don't see that as obvious.

We hopefully seek to secure a decent and comfortable life for everybody.

There isn't a fucking thing we can do, however,
to make them all equal.
I understand the point that you seek to make, Oom,
and also understand that somehow,
you don't see that as obvious.

We hopefully seek to secure a decent and comfortable life for everybody.

There isn't a fucking thing we can do, however,
to make them all equal.
We can make people equal before the law. The jury is still out on making them equal in ability, but it's unlikely.
We can make people equal before the law. The jury is still out on making them equal in ability, but it's unlikely.

Status under the law
and a nice assortment of certain specific abilities
are only two of an almost infinite number of areas in which we may be unequal.

I think we could agree, Oom,
that there are several
about which you don't care
but I do.
Status under the law
and a nice assortment of certain specific abilities
are only two of an almost infinite number of areas in which we may be unequal.

I think we could agree, Oom,
that there are several
about which you don't care
but I do.
You are assuming your own limitations belong to others, neef.

Start a list and let's see, neef.