Covid Follies #31- homework assignment

Dr. McCullough’s Speech at the European Parliament
'Dr. McCullough delivered a speech to the European Union Parliament on September 13, 2023, in a session dedicated to the World Health Organization and Pandemic response. There were four attorneys and five scientists who made presentations. Dr. McCulllough’s speech was organized around three main concepts:

1 – A Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex has formed after years of planning and congealing. This is a working syndicate that aspires for global domination over all plants, animals, and humans. Through the context of health emergencies, the Complex has gained powers of authoritarian control over the entire globe.

2 – We have witnessed two waves of human suffering: a) SARS-CoV-2 respiratory illness, and b) mass indiscriminate COVID-19 vaccination. Both have installed the engineered, disease-promoting and potentially lethal Spike protein from the novel Wuhan Institute of Virology coronavirus.

3 – The Complex has inflicted global terror through three false narratives:

> SARS-CoV-2 infection is unassailable. It cannot and will not be treated early. The only public health responses are to social distance, lock-down, and mask-up, and take genetic vaccines every six months with no end in sight.

> The COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective, with no questions allowed from academia, mainstream media, or among peers.

> The massive human toll of Spike protein injuries, disabilities, and death are from the coronavirus infection, not the accumulating synthetic mRNA coding for cellular production and circulation of the same long-lasting Spike protein.'



MUST WATCH: Cancer Genomics Expert Dr. Phillip Buckhaults Testifies to the SC Senate on the DNA Contamination Found in mRNA COVID Vaccines

"The Pfizer vaccine is contaminated with plasmid DNA, it's not just mRNA...I'm kind of alarmed about the possible consequences of this...It could be causing some of the rare, but serious, side effects like death from cardiac arrest...This DNA can and likely will integrate into the genomic DNA of cells that got transfected with the vaccine mix...It's different from RNA because it can be permanent...It could cause theoretically...a sustained autoimmune attack towards that tissue. It's also a very real theoretical risk of future cancer in some people...There's probably about 200 billion pieces of this plasmid DNA in each dose of the vaccine...This is a bad idea."

“A new study published on Aug. 31 in Proteomics Clinical Applications found spike protein in the biological fluids of people who received an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine six months after vaccination, suggesting mRNA may be integrated or retranscribed in some cells.

Researchers detected specific fragments of synthetic spike protein in about 50 percent of subjects who received mRNA vaccines. The synthetic spike protein was detected from 69 to 187 days following vaccination. All samples from the unvaccinated control group were negative, including the 20 individuals who had tested positive after contracting COVID-19.”

As Geert long ago predicted.

He also still suspects/believes that we will eventually get very lethal SARS-COV2 strains, only because this pandemic has been deeply bungled by the "Experts", who actually have not seemed to have any idea what they are doing.

There is no such thing as an 'Omicron variant'. It is not possible to have a variant of a variant.

Another round of 'The Election virus' is going to get rejected. People are done with this nonsense.

Sadly the damage isn’t always immediate. My immediate reaction to the shot was autoimmune. It has been medically proven the shot caused my body to eat away the covering in my spinal cord, a condition called transverse myelitis. A condition that was 3rd on the list of expected adverse events. I went from a healthy and active RN to a lifetime disabled woman who needs caregivers and lives with bedsores. That was 2021. Now in 2023, it has been discovered I am in advanced diastolic heart failure. This type of heart failure is not your “normal” CHF that everyone thinks of when you hear of heart failure. The mortality rate is much higher. Add on top of that, my heart is beating in irregular rhythms which could convert into a fatal rhythm suddenly. Do not for 1 minute think if you didn’t have an immediate reaction that it won’t creep up on you. Sadly I am a perfect example of how this bioweapon continues to eat you from the inside out even several years after the initial damage. Thank you to all who have stood up and spoke out. It is probably too late for me, but I’ll speak till my last breath.