Covid Follies #31- homework assignment

: Ivermectin “Was Really a Miracle Drug”

“There are now 100 studies that show that Ivermectin had profound benefits. Generally speaking, a 70% to 85% reduction in hospitalizations and deaths,” reported Kennedy. “It was really a miracle drug.”

He also noted that many, many studies showed “extreme benefits, like devastating benefits of ivermectin.” But there were a handful of government and WHO-produced studies, some financed by Bill Gates, that concluded there was no benefit of Ivermectin. “Those studies have a lot of problems,” contended Kennedy.


Designed to show a false result because the truth would have been a problem for the Dath Jab Pushers Bret and Heather have long said.

�� Bret Weinstein & Heather Heying on Dr. Paul Offit's Admission of the Link Between mRNA COVID Vaccines & Myo/Pericarditis

"I believe what Paul Offit is doing is a 'limited hangout' designed to rescue the mRNA platform from the natural consequences of what we have now discovered at the cost of who knows how many lives globally."

This is why the COVID Vaxx was called “EXPERIMENTAL”, cuz they have no idea what it’s going to do to us, & when it does something to us they have no idea how or why. It’s a GIANT experiment & we are the GUINEA PIGS.

Most people wont admit to themselves that they were lied to about Covid/Vaccines/Lockdowns/Natural Immunity/Masks/Mandates etc etc so this kind of news will be ignored by those who most need to hear it.
I wasn't up to doing the research.
I enjoy being retired.

This, however, is what I know.

I took five covid shots altogether.
I never experienced even the mildest reaction or discomfort from taking any of them.
I never got covid.

Feel free to use that data if it helps at all.
Dont expect Google to let this stay up for long:

Pharma: Not Their First Rodeo – Umberto Meduri & Paul Marik

This is the highest quality paper ever produced on myocarditis risk post vaccination.

The debate is unironically over. With this paper, on top of the numerous others and the mountain of anecdotes and examples with the never ending stories of athletes collapsing on the field, there should be zero doubt any more about the vaccine and it's causality.

1 in 35 booster recipients suffered myocarditis. ONE IN THIRTY FIVE.

Now go look up the data for the 5 year survival rate of those with myocarditis.

"The survival rate for myocarditis is 80% one year after having it and 50% five years later."

Millions are going to die around the world, and because these cardiovascular events are going to happen intermittently over long periods of time with many variables eliciting their manifestation and possible causal misattribution, the government and pharma are going to take advantage of this and try to obfuscate this data for as long as possible to prevent the world from revolting against them for knowingly murdering people.

With this in mind, you now need to read this document called "death by medicine" by Gary Null, and understand they've been murdering us with their "treatments" for decades. Iatrogenic deaths are GROSSLY under reported, and it's still the 3rd leading cause of death.

If you factor in how we barbarically and wrongfully treat heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, you can easily argue that the medical system in general is the leading cause of death.

The westernized allopathic medical system is destroying the world.

You should also read Cause Unknown by

This is the highest quality paper ever produced on myocarditis risk post vaccination.

The debate is unironically over. With this paper, on top of the numerous others and the mountain of anecdotes and examples with the never ending stories of athletes collapsing on the field, there should be zero doubt any more about the vaccine and it's causality.

1 in 35 booster recipients suffered myocarditis. ONE IN THIRTY FIVE.

Now go look up the data for the 5 year survival rate of those with myocarditis.

"The survival rate for myocarditis is 80% one year after having it and 50% five years later."

Millions are going to die around the world, and because these cardiovascular events are going to happen intermittently over long periods of time with many variables eliciting their manifestation and possible causal misattribution, the government and pharma are going to take advantage of this and try to obfuscate this data for as long as possible to prevent the world from revolting against them for knowingly murdering people.

With this in mind, you now need to read this document called "death by medicine" by Gary Null, and understand they've been murdering us with their "treatments" for decades. Iatrogenic deaths are GROSSLY under reported, and it's still the 3rd leading cause of death.

If you factor in how we barbarically and wrongfully treat heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, you can easily argue that the medical system in general is the leading cause of death.

The westernized allopathic medical system is destroying the world.

You should also read Cause Unknown by

You're putting a lot of good info here....but it's "buried" on this thread. Start a new one in the Current Events section and copy/paste all this so more people can read it.
The American people by and large dont want to believe that they are the victim of complete betrayal and abuse over SARS-COV2, that they are suckers, so they dont..... they refuse to process information.

Which thread it is in wont matter a lick.
I dont work for you.

who said you did? WTF is your problem, man? I'M AGREEING WITH YOU AND SUGGESTING THAT YOU PUT IT WHERE MORE PEOPLE WILL READ IT! You don't want to do that, that's your choice. But don't give me a hissy fit because I came up with an idea before you did.

Look Hawk, you seem to be careening towards the MAGA/troll mindset more and more. I'll just put you on the ignore list for a month or so until you calm down or get your head straight or both. Later.
who said you did? WTF is your problem, man? I'M AGREEING WITH YOU AND SUGGESTING THAT YOU PUT IT WHERE MORE PEOPLE WILL READ IT! You don't want to do that, that's your choice. But don't give me a hissy fit because I came up with an idea before you did.

Look Hawk, you seem to be careening towards the MAGA/troll mindset more and more. I'll just put you on the ignore list for a month or so until you calm down or get your head straight or both. Later.

You did not ask you told......No, you dont do that with me.