Covid Follies #31- homework assignment

Brett Weinstein, Professor of Evolutionary Biology.
Host of the DarkHorse podcast.
"The mRNA platform is brilliant.
But it has a giant gaping flaw in it, which is ;
Any cell of yours that produces a foreign protein, will be targetted by your immune system and destroyed.
You will create an autoimmune disorder. When it works.

How do you keep it out of your heart. Not by coding it in a lipid nanoparticle.

So, they had no way to deliver it safely to market.
So then they had a pandemic, the emergency allowed them to do it.
This technology, in my opinion, was at least 3 decades out from being usefully and safely deployed at all, if at all.
They did not want to wait, this crisis gave them the opportunity not to wait.

And now, they will blame the spike protein, we picked the wrong protein.
When in actual fact there are 2 problems, the spike protein and the platform itself."

Breaking news�� Young Army helicopter pilot collapses over the controls in cardiac arrest during a low altitude training flight. Myself and others have been highly vocal regarding the threat that the Covid 19 “vaccines”pose to aviation safety. Pfizer’s own documents list side effects of heart attack, stroke, blood clots, and neurological disorders! Despite concrete evidence of harm, the FAA, Airlines, and the US Military continue to turn a blind eye to aviation safety. Mark my words, accountability is coming for the evil people who created and illegally mandated these toxic medical devices.
Here's today's homework assignment: track the number of people who tested positive for corona virus and compare that to the actual number of covid patients hospitalized, and then the number of deaths from 2021 - 2022. Then compare those numbers to annual flu records from those years. Please do decent research using the Census Bureau, the NHI, the CDC and similar institutions. It may take awhile, but you'll come aways with something to ponder.

You realize don't you that no one is actually going to do this. I doubt you've even done it. But if anyone did do it when they see covid death numbers are those people who died with covid or from covid

Wait, what?!

According to the CDC’s newly published “Risk Assessment Summary for SARS CoV-2 Sublineage BA.2.86,” the new variant “may be more capable of causing infection in people who have previously had COVID-19 or who have received COVID-19 vaccines.”

So if you’ve received the experimental mRNA injection, the CDC now admits you’re more susceptible to COVID…

The “experts” failed you. Never again.


Geert Vanden Bossche told you well over a year ago that this would almost certainly happen, and told you why.
Geert also said that eventually it will be those who took the jabs who do all the dying, and he was only talking about the evolution of the bug, that is even without the jabs being poison, as they clearly are.

This is the highest quality paper ever produced on myocarditis risk post vaccination.

The debate is unironically over. With this paper, on top of the numerous others and the mountain of anecdotes and examples with the never ending stories of athletes collapsing on the field, there should be zero doubt any more about the vaccine and it's causality.

1 in 35 booster recipients suffered myocarditis. ONE IN THIRTY FIVE.

Now go look up the data for the 5 year survival rate of those with myocarditis.

"The survival rate for myocarditis is 80% one year after having it and 50% five years later."

Millions are going to die around the world, and because these cardiovascular events are going to happen intermittently over long periods of time with many variables eliciting their manifestation and possible causal misattribution, the government and pharma are going to take advantage of this and try to obfuscate this data for as long as possible to prevent the world from revolting against them for knowingly murdering people.

With this in mind, you now need to read this document called "death by medicine" by Gary Null, and understand they've been murdering us with their "treatments" for decades. Iatrogenic deaths are GROSSLY under reported, and it's still the 3rd leading cause of death.

If you factor in how we barbarically and wrongfully treat heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, you can easily argue that the medical system in general is the leading cause of death.

The westernized allopathic medical system is destroying the world.

You should also read Cause Unknown by
In yesterdays DarkHorse Bret says that he does not assume that the elites took the same jabs that were forced upon us. I have heard others suggest that the jabs they took were water.

Bret Weinstein Explains How the mRNA Vaccine Platform Can Cause Autoimmune Issues

"The fact that there is no targeting of those mRNA's, so that they can land in any cell, means that every time you attempt to vaccinate somebody with that technology you are inviting an autoimmune attack on the tissue that happens to pick up the lipid nanoparticle."
I wasn't up to doing the research.
I enjoy being retired.

This, however, is what I know.

I took five covid shots altogether.
I never experienced even the mildest reaction or discomfort from taking any of them.
I never got covid.

Feel free to use that data if it helps at all.
Same. And I've been taking Zinc along with a few other supplements every day, which I believe helps.

I also believe that some people just don't get Covid. I live with a nurse who got it 3 times, and I have never gotten it.

I also hold my grandchildren when their noses are running nonstop with snot from a cold, and never get sick.
Same. And I've been taking Zinc along with a few other supplements every day, which I believe helps.

I also believe that some people just don't get Covid. I live with a nurse who got it 3 times, and I have never gotten it.

I also hold my grandchildren when their noses are running nonstop with snot from a cold, and never get sick.

You can't get it three times.

Once you've been infected with a virus and recover, you are immune to that virus for the rest of your life.