Covid vax not affective after 4 months

We all would like to see the end....there's No one who does not.... It's complete chaos these days...especially for those... for anyone...who leaves the house....;)
(I hope you don't get relentlessly reminded of the "am end" typo...;)

How interesting. So it's true that when you accused someone else for having agoraphobia because she gets her groceries delivered, it was classic projection.

What's an "am end" typo? Drunk already? :rofl2:

Now toddle off and scream TDS at the clouds again.
Again, this posts diverts from the subject matter we we’re discussing. Top, you are easily duped. Don’t fall for everything people post on this forum.

Some of us hope to make each thread TOPICWAQd. lol

I believe that BSBoob has stated that he got the vax. So the other two here nattering about it -- STY and Toxic -- have no skin in the game because neither of them ever got the first one(s), let alone a booster. How interesting that they are SOOO afraid of a needle that they won't protect themselves or others.
Booster shots

Correction....... Booster shots FOREVER. Just as I predicted this would turn out long ago. Now the jabbed will happily submit to the collar and leash for the rest of their lives. Sadly,....even after waking up to the reality of this nightmare they will now still have no choice. Especially now. Boost or die. That will be the only choice. Such a pity.....
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Correction....... Booster shots FOREVER. Just as I predicted this would turn out long ago. Now the jabbed will happily submit to the collar and leash for the rest of their lives. Sadly,....even after waking up to the reality of this nightmare they will now still have no choice. Boost or die. Such a pity.....
That seems to be what's happening....
That seems to be what's happening....

Exactly. When you look at other countries that have the highest vax rates like Israel or Iceland it is total chaos. Infections thru the roof and they correlate to vax rates ,...almost an exact match. The jab IS the delta. Or at least is causing it. Sad how blinded most have become.....
Again, this posts diverts from the subject matter we we’re discussing. Top, you are easily duped. Don’t fall for everything people post on this forum.
That would be great advice for you to follow..."don't fall for everything people post on this forum:...;)
(I'm sure you guys don't mind your names were carelessly revealed....;)...we won't use them...but it sure was funny to watch the scramble to do damage control...)
That would be great advice for you to follow..."don't fall for everything people post on this forum:...;)
(I'm sure you guys don't mind your names were carelessly revealed....;)...we won't use them...but it sure was funny to watch the scramble to do damage control...)

And then there are assholes like me that care so little about "some" of these jokers that I could give a damn less what their real names are. They could post a full biography and I highly doubt I would as much as glance at it.......:laugh:
Some of us hope to make each thread TOPICWAQd. lol

I believe that BSBoob has stated that he got the vax. So the other two here nattering about it -- STY and Toxic -- have no skin in the game because neither of them ever got the first one(s), let alone a booster. How interesting that they are SOOO afraid of a needle that they won't protect themselves or others.

awwww, aren't you cute trying to make it about a needle, instead of the contents and nearly unknown after effects.............that makes you the TWAT
how ong until you need a booster for the booster?
It will be a carousel ride of boosters.

Once you hop onto the carousel, you damn well better be ready for the whole ride. If you grow tired of it and hop off before the ride is finished, then you will no longer be part of the "elite" "fully-vaxxed" club and you will likewise be tossed aside with the rest of the "unvaxxed heathen".

FJB can go fuck himself. I hear that he received a proper greeting in Michigan. Funny how the "most popular President in history" "winning" the "safest and most secure election in history" gets greeted in the particular manner that he does...

Fuck Joe Biden.
Fuck tyranny.
Fuck the Demonkkkrat Party.
awwww, aren't you cute trying to make it about a needle, instead of the contents and nearly unknown after effects.............that makes you the TWAT

My, aren't WE ugly today? Oh wait. You're *always* ugly, Incel.

What a brave little patriotic hero you are -- so big and tough and strong with your bang-bangs, but terrified to get a shot because "we don't know what's in it." Actually, we do. YOU don't because you are a science illiterate.

Carry on. Just remember not to eat out at any restaurants, don't drink any liquids other than water, don't breathe any city air, and take no vitamins or medications. You don't know what's in that, either. :laugh:
My, aren't WE ugly today? Oh wait. You're *always* ugly, Incel.

What a brave little patriotic hero you are -- so big and tough and strong with your bang-bangs, but terrified to get a shot because "we don't know what's in it." Actually, we do. YOU don't because you are a science illiterate.

Carry on. Just remember not to eat out at any restaurants, don't drink any liquids other than water, don't breathe any city air, and take no vitamins or medications. You don't know what's in that, either. :laugh:

well, isn't your ignorance redlining today..........maybe I need to fit you for that red cap and gown after all
I get a flu shot yearly,
AWEEEEEEEE you're such a good little boy!!!!!!!

how about you?
I don't bother with the damn thing. There's no need for it.

I’m sure Pfizer will continue to perfect the vaccine.
... it already clots one's blood and inflames one's heart pretty good...

That’s the marvel of modern medicine.
That's the marvel of the craftiness of Satan.
My, aren't WE ugly today? Oh wait. You're *always* ugly, Incel.

What a brave little patriotic hero you are -- so big and tough and strong with your bang-bangs, but terrified to get a shot because "we don't know what's in it." Actually, we do. YOU don't because you are a science illiterate.

Carry on. Just remember not to eat out at any restaurants, don't drink any liquids other than water, don't breathe any city air, and take no vitamins or medications. You don't know what's in that, either. :laugh:

lol look whos talking the woman who fell out of the ugly tree and got hit by every branch then took 3 more turns then went to I want a 80 lb ass .
I get a flu shot yearly, how about you? I’m sure Pfizer will continue to perfect the vaccine. That’s the marvel of modern medicine.

yea dont worry about any birth defects or other issues it causes till they get it right .
Thats what pisses me off morons like you .
AWEEEEEEEE you're such a good little boy!!!!!!!

I don't bother with the damn thing. There's no need for it.

... it already clots one's blood and inflames one's heart pretty good...

That's the marvel of the craftiness of Satan.
My heart and blood are just fine.
Satan is a mythical character in my opinion, misrepresented by Christianity.