Covid vax not affective after 4 months

Boosters...... twice a year ,...every year....FOR life. That or die. The collar and leash was easier to slip on you than even the powers that be ever envisioned. Slavery without end . There will be no masters granting you freedom papers. EVER. Boost or die. Have you figured out the kind of absolute CONTROL that is yet? I can assure you that your masters have. ;) You will do ANYTHING,.... anything at all you are told to do.
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I also wonder how many of you have figured out yet that the things you believe are about as opposite from the truth as can be. Do you understand YET that the unjabbed are actually the ones who do not want to be anywhere near you? Why would we? It is you that are the ones actually spreading the sickness. You are the ones creating the variants. We do not want or need your cooties. We will more than happily separate ourselves from your filthy world eventually. You can have it. At this point all it is is a burned out hulk of something that used to exist anyway. Cling to it all you would like. We dont want it...:thinking:
This is the headline to this lying assholes linked article folks

Pfizer's COVID-19 protection against infection may wane after 2 months, but it still prevents hospitalization and death for at least 6, new study finds

you dont like the truth that is not the all in one cure all so you going to get a booster every few months dumb ass
Booster shot yesterday. Wow, if I have to have another one in six months it will be SUCH a burdern. Fifteen minutes. Done. Have fun in the ICU Stoney.
At least a 3rd of the jabbed are already having the same thoughts I have but would NEVER admit it in a public forum. If they go down,.....they want us ALL to go down. VERY selfish little crabs in a bucket. Always have been...
Booster shot yesterday. Wow, if I have to have another one in six months it will be SUCH a burdern. Fifteen minutes. Done. Have fun in the ICU Stoney.

How are those booster shots doing in Israel? :thinking: Poor souls.
For the record. I am NOT telling anyone to not take the jab. To me that is a personal health decision. If you choose too, fine,....if not,...thats fine to. Everyone gets to make their own choices as it should be.
Booster shot yesterday. Wow, if I have to have another one in six months it will be SUCH a burdern. Fifteen minutes. Done. Have fun in the ICU Stoney.

Why are you people constantly wishing ICU visits or death on other people all the time? We do not do that to you. Cant you see how you are changing, what you people are becoming? Its like you are losing your humanity and ability to feel empathy for other Human beings. Poor lost souls. Such a pity.
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You are a fucking moron not worth my time.
This message is hidden because Stone is on your ignore list.

You are a fucking moron not worth my time.

Mmmmmmmmmm hmmmmmm. I get it. The truth is very uncomfortable for some.
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Not sure what this will mean long term for us all but it is interesting .

It also will create more doubt about the long term effects of what are basically really untried and tested vaccines that were rushed .
That was a concern for a lot of people. I got vaxed but Im 63 years old and have some health issues . Figured any bad affects would develop long after I'm dead .

( I bet a lot of liberals here got a Woodie thinking of me dead lol )

Besides the bad spelling and wrong number the basic message is incorrect. Nice post, Bob

The vaccine is effective after six months in preventing serious disease and death.
You would think by now that some in here would at least take the time to look up the charts of the mosts jabbed countries on Earth. How infections spike as more get jabbed in places with over 90% vax rates. How the jabs and infections mirror each other. But no,....its like they dont want to know.
"Two weeks to flatten the curve!!!! " ....." It is nothing more than crazy conspiracy talk to suggest that we, YOUR government would EVER insist that everyone must take the jab!" ...... " Crazy conspiracy people actually think that the virus was created thru gain of function research in a Chinese lab! Silly rubes! Dont they know it was a natural occurrence?!"

The track record of some when it comes to C-19 is quite say the least. Its almost as if they are being fed FAKE NEWS :cool: ;)
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I also find it interesting that you would choose a gif of a nasty cackling old whore with an even nastier big fat ass. I guess when you are a bedpan shit pot scrubber in a poverty riddled shithole it doesnt take much to impress...;)
