Covid vax not affective after 4 months

Anyone who calls ivermectin "horse worm meds" is a person who has outsourced his/her thinking to manipulative liars.

Now, let's do a "deep dive" into the data being presented to us:

Take a look at the COVID case numbers in certain parts of India, specifically Uttar Pradesh and Delhi. You will first notice that both of them had a huge upward spike in COVID cases starting at the beginning of April of this year and continuing to spike until the end of April. You will then notice that both of them had a huge corresponding DOWNWARD SLIDE from the beginning of May until the end of May. You will then notice that both of them, since the beginning of June (and through today) have been all but "COVID-free" (very few isolated cases) and have effectively "flat lined" near zero with regard to COVID cases.

Now let's take a look at case numbers in another part of India called Kerala. All the way up until the beginning of April, their numbers were quite similar to Uttar Pradesh and Delhi. Through the month of April, they experienced the same upward spike in cases that Uttar Pradesh and Delhi did. During May, their numbers came down similarly to Uttar Pradesh and Delhi (but not a corresponding decrease, meaning that it was not as sharp of a decrease as the increase was). Then in June through today, the cases in Kerala did not effectively reach zero (near zero) like Uttar Pradesh and Delhi did, but they instead increased for months before now coming back down to where they were at the lowest part of the decrease, but are still nowhere near as low as Uttar Pradesh and Delhi are.

The former USA, in comparison, is different from all of them in regard that the increases and decreases are much wider-spread instead of squished in (meaning that it takes much longer for cases to increase and decrease). The former USA's chart is most similar to Kerala's chart though.

Before summarizing the differences in approach, let me first list out the populations of each area and then compare some data such as the seven day moving averages of "peak cases" and "current cases", ivermectin usage, and then compare India's vaccination rates to the former USA's vaccination rates:

DELHI: ~30 million
(~25k cases at end of April peak, ~30 cases at end of September)
(widespread usage of ivermectin, not as aggressively as Uttar Pradesh though)
Cases have been under 1,000 since the beginning of June and under 100 since early-July.

KERALA: ~35 million
(~38k cases at mid-May peak, ~15k cases at end of September)
(Initially had restricted ivermectin usage as a late treatment, then stopped ivermectin usage at beginning of August)
Cases have never been under ~11k, let alone under 1,000 or under 100.

UTTAR PRADESH: ~240 million
(~35k cases at end of April peak, ~15 cases at end of September)
(widespread prophylactic and therapeutic usage of ivermectin)
Cases have been under 1,000 since a bit into June and under 100 since mid-July.

FORMER USA: ~330 million
(~254k cases at early-January peak, ~13k cases at early-June, ~110k cases at end of September)
(Government is opposed to ivermectin usage. Very low ivermectin usage because it has been quite difficult to get a prescription for it and/or getting a pharmacy to fill it. A number of people have thus resorted to keeping the horse dewormer version of it on stock).
Cases have never been under ~11k, let alone under 1,000 or under 100.

(~2% "fully vaccinated" at end of April peak, ~17% "fully vaccinated" at end of September)

(~0% "fully vaccinated" at early-January peak, ~43% "fully vaccinated" at early-June, ~56% "fully vaccinated" at end of September)

It appears to me that aggressive ivermectin usage (both prophylactically and therapeutically) has made a huge difference and has largely been successful and that the vaccination approach has made little/no difference and has largely been a failure.

I'm not interested in the disinformation that Breitbart or the likes of publishes, because it's all right wing garbage.
Mmmmmm Hmmm. :rolleyes: But Im not the one who spent the better part of the last year or so living in fear and boarded up inside my own home in a shithole of a town like a prisoner, like mine. ;)

Maybe if you'd take a shower now and then, and get your shots, that wouldn't be necessary. Or at least that's what your neighbors are saying. :laugh:
Maybe if you'd take a shower now and then, and get your shots, that wouldn't be necessary. Or at least that's what your neighbors are saying. :laugh:

Im betting the crack of my ass and underside of my balls are cleaner than your face. In fact I KNOW they are,.. old hag. Now get to chopping that wood! Winters coming and for you it lasts 9 months! :laugh:
Im betting the crack of my ass and underside of my balls are cleaner than your face. In fact I KNOW they are,.. old hag. Now get to chopping that wood! Winters coming and for you it lasts 9 months! :laugh:

Right, Cindy.

I'd ask how's it hanging, but we already know the answer to that. :laugh:

I don't think most conservatives even think about this stuff anymore, or research it. Fox or talk radio or whoever on the internet tells them that they're supposed to be against the vax - mainly because they consider it to be a "liberal" thing - and everyone just repeats the marching orders.

Smart, during a global pandemic.
I don't think most conservatives even think about this stuff anymore, or research it. Fox or talk radio or whoever on the internet tells them that they're supposed to be against the vax - mainly because they consider it to be a "liberal" thing - and everyone just repeats the marching orders.

Smart, during a global pandemic.

Yet they then insist that everyone give Trump all the credit for it.

Some of the lifeforms on this planet are not logical. -- 21st Century Spock
Right, Cindy.

I'd ask how's it hanging, but we already know the answer to that. :laugh:


Thats your husbands dead little dick not mine,... hag. I know you havent been laid in decades,.. sow,...but thats not the worlds fault thats YOUR fault. No need to take your anger out on the world. Use your head Hag,...if you were your husband would you want to screw YOU? HELL NO! So even if the old fuck could get it up,...why would he? He wouldnt. Least not for the likes of an ugly old hag like you. Im tellin ya, better get that wood done. When he comes home from drinking with his squaw friends all day he's gonna expect food on the table and a full wood pile!

Thats your husbands dead little dick not mine,... hag. I know you havent been laid in decades,.. sow,...but thats not the worlds fault thats YOUR fault. No need to take your anger out on the world. Use your head Hag,...if you were your husband would you want to screw YOU? HELL NO! So even if the old fuck could get it up,...why would he? He wouldnt. Least not for the likes of an ugly old hag like you.



:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Anyone who calls ivermectin "horse worm meds" is a person who has outsourced his/her thinking to manipulative liars.

Now, let's do a "deep dive" into the data being presented to us:

It appears to me that aggressive ivermectin usage (both prophylactically and therapeutically) has made a huge difference and has largely been successful and that the vaccination approach has made little/no difference and has largely been a failure.

Let's do a deep dive into ivermectin usage in Brazil.

Brazil's tragic ivermectin frenzy is a warning to the US, experts say

Many Brazilians used to spend about $30 a head on what they called the "kit COVID." It was a mix of vitamins and other pills that President Jair Bolsonaro touted as early treatments for COVID-19, well before vaccines became widely available to prevent and minimize coronavirus infections. Among the "kit" drugs were the malaria pill hydroxychloroquine and the antiparasitic tablet ivermectin.

Brazilian authorities even at one point launched an app, called TrateCov, (in English, an abbreviation of "treat COVID") which recommended the sameseven "kit"

But Brazilians quickly discovered — through heart-wrenching personal experience — the limits of treating COVID-19 with ivermectin. Brazil suffered some of its worst death rates yet in late 2020 and early 2021, even in heavily ivermectin-dosed areas, as the more transmissible P1, or Gamma, variant spread quickly across the country.

The ivermectin strategy was once so popular in Brazil that entire towns tried it out. (Ivermectin is cheap and available in pharmacies across the country.)

In July 2020, ivermectin was available for free to all residents of Itajaí, to the tune of about $826,000 in government spending. The mayor of Itajaí, the physician Volnei Morastoni, said at that time that ivermectin was but "one more weapon in our war against the coronavirus."

Hospitals in Manaus ran out of oxygen in January, as the area recorded one of the highest death rates in the world.

I get a flu shot yearly, how about you? I’m sure Pfizer will continue to perfect the vaccine. That’s the marvel of modern medicine

From the link
[FONT=&quot]It's normal for neutralizing antibodies to decline after vaccination, and neutralizing antibodies are not the only element of immune response that protects us from reinfection[/FONT]
What your link really says

Pfizer's COVID-19 protection against infection may wane after 2 months, but it still prevents hospitalization and death for at least 6, new study finds
They never read the articles. They see a headline, and rush here to create a thread.
Booster shots
no. not taking booster for alpha COVID
when I already had 2 shots.

Where is the delta vaxx?? Biden keeps yammering about vaxxing,but never mentions a new vaxx
Trump got him 3 vaxxes -cant he do something to help get one?

Fauci is too busy preening for the camera to care about such details
Fuck Joe Biden, the mule "Kamala" he rode in on, and all who voted for him.