Covid vax not affective after 4 months

due to reactions to flu shots I stopped getting them over 15 years ago and with Tamiflu available it knocks it out quickly anyway
To bad, I prefer preventive medicine when available, especially at my age, be well.

Not sure what this will mean long term for us all but it is interesting .

It also will create more doubt about the long term effects of what are basically really untried and tested vaccines that were rushed .
That was a concern for a lot of people. I got vaxed but Im 63 years old and have some health issues . Figured any bad affects would develop long after I'm dead .

( I bet a lot of liberals here got a Woodie thinking of me dead lol )

What your link really says

Pfizer's COVID-19 protection against infection may wane after 2 months, but it still prevents hospitalization and death for at least 6, new study finds
how many years you plan on taking them ? Every 4 months yea sure you will.

You fucking lied about the article you posted

Boosters will be given and taken until people don’t need them anymore

Go ahead and die if you insist on it

Just stop fucking lying about facts
You fucking lied about the article you posted

Boosters will be given and taken until people don’t need them anymore

Go ahead and die if you insist on it

Just stop fucking lying about facts

How long exactly have you been crazy? Or do you not know? IMO someone should have really stepped in and locked you down in the rubber room a long time ago. Its a matter of public safety.
how ong until you need a booster for the booster?

You believed the fucking lie your fellow asshole muttered here

It’s six months

This has been known for a couple of months

Medicine gets taken as needed

Do you complain about having to repeatedly take your heart medicine?

It’s an idiots complaint

Not sure what this will mean long term for us all but it is interesting .

It also will create more doubt about the long term effects of what are basically really untried and tested vaccines that were rushed .
That was a concern for a lot of people. I got vaxed but Im 63 years old and have some health issues . Figured any bad affects would develop long after I'm dead .

( I bet a lot of liberals here got a Woodie thinking of me dead lol )

This is the headline to this lying assholes linked article folks

Pfizer's COVID-19 protection against infection may wane after 2 months, but it still prevents hospitalization and death for at least 6, new study finds
You believed the fucking lie your fellow asshole muttered here

It’s six months

This has been known for a couple of months

Medicine gets taken as needed

Do you complain about having to repeatedly take your heart medicine?

It’s an idiots complaint

As of now it looks like you have been used by an entity you dont even believe in for a very long time. But the situation is not hopeless by a long shot. You have every opportunity for redemption right up until the moment you take that last breath. Hopefully that happens.
To bad, I prefer preventive medicine when available, especially at my age, be well.

me too, these drugs are so proprietary that one can't find out what is actually in them to predict a reaction. Taking singulair makes all these respiratory viruses easier to handle as I never get the inflammation that others experience
You believed the fucking lie your fellow asshole muttered here

It’s six months

This has been known for a couple of months

Medicine gets taken as needed

Do you complain about having to repeatedly take your heart medicine?

It’s an idiots complaint

They are ALREADY talking SECOND booster in Israel. You will be taking boosters for life. Poor soul. We PURE BLOODS will not be,... no need to. I pity you.
YOU brought it up to me. YOU are the one that made the claim he does not exist. Prove it now. You cant. ;)

How do you prove something isn’t real!

By showing there is no evidence it does exist

Here is all the evidence that the devil exists

Listed one by one

1. Zero

Thanks for playing
How do you prove something isn’t real!

By showing there is no evidence it does exist

Here is all the evidence that the devil exists

Listed one by one

1. Zero

Thanks for playing

So then NO, cant PROVE he does not exist. Got it. :laugh:
In your case, maybe horse worm meds would be more appropriate.
Anyone who calls ivermectin "horse worm meds" is a person who has outsourced his/her thinking to manipulative liars.

Now, let's do a "deep dive" into the data being presented to us:

Take a look at the COVID case numbers in certain parts of India, specifically Uttar Pradesh and Delhi. You will first notice that both of them had a huge upward spike in COVID cases starting at the beginning of April of this year and continuing to spike until the end of April. You will then notice that both of them had a huge corresponding DOWNWARD SLIDE from the beginning of May until the end of May. You will then notice that both of them, since the beginning of June (and through today) have been all but "COVID-free" (very few isolated cases) and have effectively "flat lined" near zero with regard to COVID cases.

Now let's take a look at case numbers in another part of India called Kerala. All the way up until the beginning of April, their numbers were quite similar to Uttar Pradesh and Delhi. Through the month of April, they experienced the same upward spike in cases that Uttar Pradesh and Delhi did. During May, their numbers came down similarly to Uttar Pradesh and Delhi (but not a corresponding decrease, meaning that it was not as sharp of a decrease as the increase was). Then in June through today, the cases in Kerala did not effectively reach zero (near zero) like Uttar Pradesh and Delhi did, but they instead increased for months before now coming back down to where they were at the lowest part of the decrease, but are still nowhere near as low as Uttar Pradesh and Delhi are.

The former USA, in comparison, is different from all of them in regard that the increases and decreases are much wider-spread instead of squished in (meaning that it takes much longer for cases to increase and decrease). The former USA's chart is most similar to Kerala's chart though.

Before summarizing the differences in approach, let me first list out the populations of each area and then compare some data such as the seven day moving averages of "peak cases" and "current cases", ivermectin usage, and then compare India's vaccination rates to the former USA's vaccination rates:

DELHI: ~30 million
(~25k cases at end of April peak, ~30 cases at end of September)
(widespread usage of ivermectin, not as aggressively as Uttar Pradesh though)
Cases have been under 1,000 since the beginning of June and under 100 since early-July.

KERALA: ~35 million
(~38k cases at mid-May peak, ~15k cases at end of September)
(Initially had restricted ivermectin usage as a late treatment, then stopped ivermectin usage at beginning of August)
Cases have never been under ~11k, let alone under 1,000 or under 100.

UTTAR PRADESH: ~240 million
(~35k cases at end of April peak, ~15 cases at end of September)
(widespread prophylactic and therapeutic usage of ivermectin)
Cases have been under 1,000 since a bit into June and under 100 since mid-July.

FORMER USA: ~330 million
(~254k cases at early-January peak, ~13k cases at early-June, ~110k cases at end of September)
(Government is opposed to ivermectin usage. Very low ivermectin usage because it has been quite difficult to get a prescription for it and/or getting a pharmacy to fill it. A number of people have thus resorted to keeping the horse dewormer version of it on stock).
Cases have never been under ~11k, let alone under 1,000 or under 100.

(~2% "fully vaccinated" at end of April peak, ~17% "fully vaccinated" at end of September)

(~0% "fully vaccinated" at early-January peak, ~43% "fully vaccinated" at early-June, ~56% "fully vaccinated" at end of September)

It appears to me that aggressive ivermectin usage (both prophylactically and therapeutically) has made a huge difference and has largely been successful and that the vaccination approach has made little/no difference and has largely been a failure.