Damar Hamlin

Does not compute. If white Americans are so soft why are they still able to be so racist and do whatever they feel like while oppressing the other races. Are the other races too soft to put an end to it?
There are no soft white Americans really. The conquest of Earth surely proves that. :laugh:


He was murdered

For being black and in this racists neighborhood

he was killed because he jumped suckered punched a man

Trayvon Martin Attacked George Zimmerman, Report Says


Pathologist supports Zimmerman's description of attack

Evidence supports George Zimmerman's claim that Trayvon Martin was on top of him when Zimmerman fired the shot that claimed Trayvon's life, a forensic pathologist testified Tuesday at Zimmerman's murder trial.


George Zimmerman Was Beaten, Two Prosecution Witnesses Say


Do this to a man can lead to u being shot!
Does not compute. If white Americans are so soft why are they still able to be so racist and do whatever they feel like while oppressing the other races. Are the other races too soft to put an end to it?

You realize you've given your own answer to your question? :laugh:
They couldnt have done very well if they were mostly wiped out and had their land taken. You have an odd definition of doing well.......:laugh:

Which team will win? The one armed with firearms or the one not armed with firearms? :thinking:
Actually they did well but the disadvantage was the lack of firearms.

Technologically inferior....and not just firearms. There's also the stirrup which gave the rider a force advantage. F=MA

The Stirrup
Invention of the stirrup may rival that of the longbow and gunpowder

Stirrups did not come about until 1000 years after the horse was domesticated.

Horses used to run wild and untamed. It is believed that the first domestication of horses happened between the 4th and 5th century BC on the steppes of Central Asia.

Early representations of the stirrup did not occur until around 3rd century AD based on historical artifacts found in Asia.

The earliest evidence of a stirrup was excavated in India, during 2nd Century BC. It was a cornelian seal depicting a rider on a horse, his foot resting on a stirrup made of wood in a hook style L-shape format.