Damar Hamlin

I am a firm believer that all people of all races and cultures should embrace who they are. I am a White, Christian third generation American. My people came from Germany and Austria. Not only do I embrace my culture,....but I LOVE my culture and am extremely proud of it. Always will be too. If someone else doesnt happen to like my culture,....so be it,...I could care less,...its about ME not them. We should all feel this way as there would be far less problems. People should stop feeling sorry for themselves like defenseless pussies and instead begin to love themselves and their culture. Do as you will,......but I LOVE ME SOME ME and that is never going to stop. :laugh:

What does that have to do with fat people per race you looney old hag? Start eating more fish,....it will improve your brain, and body. Good old Wisconsin walleye!!!! We eat lots here,....and you should too! OBVIOUSLY...:laugh:

We’ll stick to the thread subject you dumb Russian tool

Start your own thread about that nonsense of yours
Probably the same reason as when some random white guy is.
At least that’s true for me.

She and many others are far too empty and daft to understand that we dont base our concern or lack of concern based on race. People like her are soooooooooo backward.
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Exactly ...lol They think I'm lying because that's what they've been told... by someone who knows that I am a teacher... that's even loonier...:laugh:

FoulWoman? lol
She claims to be a retired nurse yet has shown time and again she doesn’t have the education of the average eight grader… well, the avg eight grader when I was in it.
Of course it matters... I'm not posting to change anyone's mind I'm just posting the facts... and I am a retired teacher...

:laugh: What TOP says = facts. :laugh:

This crinkled, pasty, never-was-a-teacher racist is telling racial minorities what racism is.
Not to start anything but thats another difference of opinion we have. You are dreaming on that one. Matters not what the immigration numbers say either. In the end,.....Whites wont allow it. And YES....I absolutely admit that it is racist of them. But as we all know,.......shit happens.

Whites won't allow becoming a minority? They don't have a choice, bruh.