Damar Hamlin

Somehow,.... When it comes to race Ive never felt like an oppressor, fragile, guilty or much of anything a day in my life. Never will either. BTW,..other whites that feel like me are overwhelmingly the majority of White people. The others are just giving people a pat on the head to shut them up. But even those numbers are dwindling fast. You can only accuse people of something so many times b4 they stop giving a fuck. TRAGIC error on the part of the race hustlers.

I never mentioned white guilt, did I? You brought that up all by yourself. It's a really lazy, tired diversion.

I realize I’m rayciss for advocating a healthy diet. You fucks convinced me of that. And I don’t have a gram of guilt about it.

Very well. It's you white people who are trying to tell us when we're allowed or not allowed to perceive racism. So let me not stoop down to your level and tell you that my racism charge against the NFL doesn't exist. That's just the delicateness of the white ego being told to go fuck itself while minorities take over the country.
Yes he is

It was a violent hit to exact spot on his chest during a precise moment in his heart beat

Violence caused the situation

One case was legal

One murder was not

Damar is a victim of playing football? I really wish you would just shut the fuck up. We share most opinions, but I cringe every single time you post.
I am a firm believer that all people of all races and cultures should embrace who they are. I am a White, Christian third generation American. My people came from Germany and Austria. Not only do I embrace my culture,....but I LOVE my culture and am extremely proud of it. Always will be too. If someone else doesnt happen to like my culture,....so be it,...I could care less,...its about ME not them. We should all feel this way as there would be far less problems. People should stop feeling sorry for themselves like defenseless pussies and instead begin to love themselves and their culture. Do as you will,......but I LOVE ME SOME ME and that is never going to stop. :laugh:
:laugh: Are you used to repeating yourself until you think you've become "right"? A lot of cocky, arrogant, self important, white racists think that way. What you're doing is the equivalent of saying, "You are not angry. You are not hurt," to a hurt and angry person. Seriously, who the fuck do you think you are?

I'll give you a hint: Your opinion about this doesn't matter. You're not going to change the OP's mind. You can't possibly prove him wrong. All you're doing is stomping your never-was-a-teacher feet and white-splaining to a Black person how he's supposed to feel. You wicked racist bitch.

Of course it matters... I'm not posting to change anyone's mind I'm just posting the facts... and I am a retired teacher...
while minorities take over the country.

Not to start anything but thats another difference of opinion we have. You are dreaming on that one. Matters not what the immigration numbers say either. In the end,.....Whites wont allow it. And YES....I absolutely admit that it is racist of them. But as we all know,.......shit happens.
Go get the studies of where the fat white people reside in this nation

I dont have to,...I just showed you the actual stats and facts. Would you like me to get MORE? They ALL show the same thing. Whites are the second least obese with only Asians ahead of them. Black the worst. Just because you dont like certain facts it doesnt give you the right to just spout stupid SHIT. Facts is facts old Looney,...facts is facts. :laugh:
Of course it matters... I'm not posting to change anyone's mind I'm just posting the facts... and I am a retired teacher...

I honestly don’t understand why these loons think you’d lie about being a retired teacher.
It’s not like you claim to be a retired astronaut or movie star.
I dont have to,...I just showed you the actual stats and facts. Would you like me to get MORE? They ALL show the same thing. Whites are the second least obese with only Asians ahead of them. Black the worst. Just because you dont like certain facts it doesnt give you the right to just spout stupid SHIT. Facts is facts old Looney,...facts is facts. :laugh:

Why do you not care when non rich and famous black people are harmed?
I honestly don’t understand why these loons think you’d lie about being a retired teacher.
It’s not like you claim to be a retired astronaut or movie star.

Because that Russo bot hole lies about everything

And is written to be a racist scum disinformation evil bag of shit
I honestly don’t understand why these loons think you’d lie about being a retired teacher.
It’s not like you claim to be a retired astronaut or movie star.
Exactly ...lol They think I'm lying because that's what they've been told... by someone who knows that I am a teacher... that's even loonier...:laugh:
Why do you not care when non rich and famous black people are harmed?

What does that have to do with fat people per race you looney old hag? Start eating more fish,....it will improve your brain, and body. Good old Wisconsin walleye!!!! We eat lots here,....and you should too! OBVIOUSLY...:laugh: