Damar Hamlin

I know people who moved to the Keweenaw. Different strokes. You cannot say why she chose to do anything.

Yet you dopes can lip off about Top left and right and accuse her of being all sorts of things. Follow your own rules or STFU,.... simple as that.
Oh joy... Lefty is here to play his usual semantic game in which something "is not what he said" because he used slightly different wording to convey the exact same message. Meh.

Okay let's analyze the OP's post.

"It is beyond refreshing to see a black man recieve so much love and so much support from ppl all over the country, while this nation still struggles with a divisive legacy of racism and hatred."

[1] People across the country are showing tons of love/support towards a black man.
[2] While this nation still struggles with a divisive legacy of racism and hatred.

Not a claim that there are the same people who both love him and racist towards him.

There is no paradox.

You invented a paradox where there is none.
Okay let's analyze the OP's post.

"It is beyond refreshing to see a black man recieve so much love and so much support from ppl all over the country, while this nation still struggles with a divisive legacy of racism and hatred."

[1] People across the country are showing tons of love/support towards a black man.
[2] While this nation still struggles with a divisive legacy of racism and hatred.

Not a claim that there are the same people who both love him and racist towards him.

There is no paradox.

You invented a paradox where there is none.
If there is widespread support and love across the nation for a black man, then there are a widespread amount of people in this nation who have absolutely no issue with a black man being black. That means that there are a widespread amount of people across this nation who don't give a shit about the guy having black colored skin.

Thus, he can't make claim to "widespread love/support for a black man" while at the very same time making claim to "widespread racism and hatred (re: black people having black colored skin).

He should also take a look at history and see that the "widespread racism and hatred", especially aimed at black people, almost exclusively comes from the Democrat Party, from the moment that it was first formed and even until this very day. There is a reason why the official Democrat Party website refuses to talk about the first 100 years of their own party's history, and there is a reason why the rest of their listed "accomplishments" over the last 100 years mostly attempts to take credit for the things that the Republican Party either already did or have already fought for for many decades beforehand.
If there is widespread support and love across the nation for a black man, then there are a widespread amount of people in this nation who have absolutely no issue with a black man being black. There are a widespread amount of people across this nation who don't give a shit about the guy having black colored skin.

Correct. Not disagreeing.

He can't make claim to "widespread love/support for a black man" while at the same time making claim to "widespread racism and hatred".

He had made no such claim.

Here is his exact words:

"while this nation still struggles with a divisive legacy of racism and hatred."

See there? There is no claim that there is "widespread racism and hatred".

Again, there is no paradox. You made it up.

The rest is dismissed as nonsense.

[1] People across the country are showing tons of love/support towards a black man.
[2] People across the country are racist, hating black men because they are black.

Which is it?


Every person makes choices every day. We can choose positivity & to try to be better, or we can choose hate & ignorance.

Hopefully, people can start choosing the former without some crisis or heart-wrenching incident to inspire that choice. If we can start doing that as a matter of course, we will thrive and secure our future as a species for a very long time.
He had made no such claim.

Here is his exact words:

"while this nation still struggles with a divisive legacy of racism and hatred."

See there? There is no claim that there is "widespread racism and hatred".

Again, there is no paradox. You made it up.

The rest is dismissed as nonsense.
Summarily dismissed as continued AProudLefty semantic games.
Impossible. Either there is widespread love/support for a black man or there isn't. If there IS widespread love/support, then there isn't widespread "struggle with racism/hatred". It is one or the other.

Every person makes choices every day. We can choose positivity & to try to be better, or we can choose hate & ignorance.

Hopefully, people can start choosing the former without some crisis or heart-wrenching incident to inspire that choice. If we can start doing that as a matter of course, we will thrive and secure our future as a species for a very long time.
Usage of Marxist "we".

Continued attempting to claim the existence of a particular problem while simultaneously denying the existence of that particular problem.