Damar Hamlin

We do love our sports stars, don't we? I'm very glad that he appears to be recovering well. Hope he will be able to resume his career.

I hope he's not able to resume his career. I hope he takes what little money he has and find a business to support or a career. What good is all this money and support, if your latter days are spent in a damn wheel chair.
I doubt he or anyone in his family or team would be appreciative of this post...but he would forgive you...
You should follow him...you might learn something...;)

Oh, I know he's one of the good one's, sponsor things for young blacks, etc....I knew all that, the fact he's getting white love, proves it...I also know a many of black men who have died at the hands of racist cops and racism, were also good men. Next stupid comment?
What? I agreed with her? How can a lefty possibly think thats wrong? :laugh:;) :laugh:

There is absolutely nothing wrong with my post and the fact so many people, ie loons found it insulting makes me know even more I was right. That black man out of uniform is just another random negro, should he find himself in a space were white ppl don't want him and you ppl know I am 100000% correct. The only time any negro in this country gets any type of respect or love from his white masters is when that poor as negro is performing, in a uniform. Mic drop!!
You are correct if he lived in Chicago he would be being shot at and killed by other blacks and no one would seem to care about him. That being said I'm very glad he is doing better. They say he is a nice guy.

They also say, as you put it, a lot of 'NICE" negro's are dying in this country needlessly and yes at the hands of their own race. I wish the brother well too. But I stand firm, that this beautiful black man would be a random were he not in uniform.
I guess this whole episode seems to prove one thing. If you are a good guy people seem to care about your well being and if you are a dirt bag your death on the streets of Chicago, Detroit, LA etc will probably go unnoticed.

So you are assuming that every single person murdered in these places you mentioned, all were evil and worthy of their demise??? None couldn't have been innocent bystanders, non could have been decent blacks, all must have deserved their fate? And I'm the racist, the insincere one??? Okay
Look at the title of this thread... nothing that happened to this young man that day and afterward had anything to do with race...

Coming from a white person, I would assume you assume this....however, as a person of color, seeing all races champion this young blood, when outside that arena society is raging war on itself and its ppl of color.
We just may be putting the cart before the horse here a little bit. Based upon FACTS it appears that a whole lot of minority ethnic groups need to be concentrating on losing a SHIT TON of weight before worry about any perceived racism! :laugh: Did they get THAT fat from being made by evil white pepo to do lots of hard work I wonder? Mmmmmmmmmmm..... Medically speaking I would say no! :)

You're the one threatening civil war every day you post in this forum.

Also, the oppressors are not allowed to tell the oppressed how oppressed the oppressors feel. Give me a fucking break. White fragility is real. It's also a fantastic book.

I find it rather entertaining if not odd, how sensitive the poster children of evil racist banter are. They can dish this shit out 25 hours a day, but God forbid you aim that shit right back at em and suddenly they got feelings....Give me a break!!
I am a retired teacher and you did not hit any nerve... if you don't care what I think then don't respond... there was nothing about this incident however that had anything to do with racism...

OMG, you can think? Stop the press, this shit is news!!
Actually Whites are among the least fat in the country. There was a big thread about it in here where all the stats were posted. Just off of memory,.......Blacks were the fattest followed by Native Americans,....followed by Hispanics,....followed by whites. The least fat were Asians. Feel free to look up the official govt stats on your own....

How the hell did being fat morphe into this subject??? LOLOL...you ppl seriously need lives...oh and by the way, 300 plus whale here....its true, us black women love us some good home cooked meals...shoot me.....LOLOLOLOL