Damar Hamlin

We are discussing this particular incident and there's nothing about it that has anything to do with race...

I can not believe you use to be a teacher, your ignorance is beyond comprehension....That brother, that beautiful talented black man had he a heart attack at home, in a club, anywhere but on that football field, yes he would have made the news, simply because he's a NFL player, but anybody with a working brain cell know that little sound bite would be over in a few days....BECAUSE DUDE WAS NOT ON A FOOTBALL FIELD AND NOT PERFORMANING FOR THE MASSA, IE WHITE FOLK. The ONLY VALUE BLACK MEN HAVE IN THIS COUNTRY, NOT EVEN BEING PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, THE ONLY VALUE BLACK MEN HAVE IS BEING IN A SPORTS UNIFORM AND SHOWING UP AND SHOWING OUT FOR WHITE FANS
Exactly. FACTS matter. Most race hustlers have a very hard time dealing with facts and instead choose to just freak out because they know they cannot debate the issues with facts. Its pathetic really,......like trying to debate with a bunch of unruly children on a sugar high...:) cant be done.

Says a Trump supporter. Havent' you gotten the memo yet, Stone....you and your kind have no creds at all, next?
Do the 15,000 Black people who live in Anchorage (5.3% of the population) know that you decided that they don't experience racism? How do they feel about that?

Why is the only ppl who know more about blacks is white ppl? The same white ppl who run when they see us, shun us, ignore us, but always always seem to have the tea on everything about us? I knew they were bewitched, but damn!!
Let’s remember how you racist ass bags reacted to a rich and famous football player who kneeled in morning for non rich and famous black people were murdered by cops

You lost your tiny minds and wanted him destroyed for it

Preach!!! Once again, as long as these non aggressive thankless negro's do what they are told and thats keep the white man entertained and sports happy, they're in the game, but you step outside that plantation, hell awaits you.

Why is the only ppl who know more about blacks is white ppl? The same white ppl who run when they see us, shun us, ignore us, but always always seem to have the tea on everything about us? I knew they were bewitched, but damn!!
Wite man in New Awlins live in da fee-ah. Da black foke got no fee-ah. Dey spect ta live ta 24 at mos’.
Muhdah captal of da cuntry now. Iz not like da wite man goin’ roun’ and doin’ all da killin.
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I can not believe you use to be a teacher, your ignorance is beyond comprehension....That brother, that beautiful talented black man had he a heart attack at home, in a club, anywhere but on that football field, yes he would have made the news, simply because he's a NFL player, but anybody with a working brain cell know that little sound bite would be over in a few days....BECAUSE DUDE WAS NOT ON A FOOTBALL FIELD AND NOT PERFORMANING FOR THE MASSA, IE WHITE FOLK. The ONLY VALUE BLACK MEN HAVE IN THIS COUNTRY, NOT EVEN BEING PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, THE ONLY VALUE BLACK MEN HAVE IS BEING IN A SPORTS UNIFORM AND SHOWING UP AND SHOWING OUT FOR WHITE FANS
How and who will you be helping on this day of learning?

I can not believe you use to be a teacher, your ignorance is beyond comprehension....That brother, that beautiful talented black man had he a heart attack at home, in a club, anywhere but on that football field, yes he would have made the news, simply because he's a NFL player, but anybody with a working brain cell know that little sound bite would be over in a few days....BECAUSE DUDE WAS NOT ON A FOOTBALL FIELD AND NOT PERFORMANING FOR THE MASSA, IE WHITE FOLK. The ONLY VALUE BLACK MEN HAVE IN THIS COUNTRY, NOT EVEN BEING PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, THE ONLY VALUE BLACK MEN HAVE IS BEING IN A SPORTS UNIFORM AND SHOWING UP AND SHOWING OUT FOR WHITE FANS
No one really cares what a Black racist like you thinks.

You are holding back gains for Blacks who are not racists like you, pendejo.

Perhaps white people will stop running from you and shunning you when you cease the disproportionate commission of violent crimes.
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No one really cares what a Black racist like you thinks.

You are holding back gains for Blacks who are not racists like you, pendejo.

Perhaps white people will stop running from you and shunning when you cease the disproportionate commission of violent crimes.
Today is the day for her to turn her life around...Review what she posted... then decide if that's the way she wishes to live the rest of her life...
Life is all about choices...
"The choice is not between violence and nonviolence, but between non violence and nonexistence..."
" Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness..." "We must learn to live together as brothers and sister or perish together as fools..." Dr. MLK
Wite man in New Awlins live in da fee-ah. Da black foke got no fee-ah. Dey spect ta live ta 24 at mos’.
Muhdah captal of da cuntry now. Iz not like da wite man goin’ roun’ and doin’ all da killin.

Oddly enough my dear friend, I understood every single word of the mush you presented and yes, completely agree, white ppl are stupid...great post, comrade!!
“If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”

“Faith is taking the first step even when you can't see the whole staircase.”

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”

“Forgiveness is not an occasional act, it is a constant attitude.”

“Only in the darkness can you see the stars.”

“The quality, not the longevity, of one’s life is what is important.”

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”

― Martin Luther King Jr. (born yesterday in 1929)
No one really cares what a Black racist like you thinks.

You are holding back gains for Blacks who are not racists like you, pendejo.

Perhaps white people will stop running from you and shunning you when you cease the disproportionate commission of violent crimes.

Pay attention Earl, I could personally give a damn if I never laid eyes on a white man or mop ever again in my life. Save of course for the few I find and hold as dear friends, all 3 of em.....but please get your facts straight, If negro's were to kill another Negro every single day for the rest of the this decade, it would pale to murders WHITES HAVE COMMITTED SINCE THE INCEPTION OF MANKIND, STARTING WITH CAIN SLAYING ABLE.
Today is the day for her to turn her life around...Review what she posted... then decide if that's the way she wishes to live the rest of her life...
Life is all about choices...
"The choice is not between violence and nonviolence, but between non violence and nonexistence..."
" Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness..." "We must learn to live together as brothers and sister or perish together as fools..." Dr. MLK

If by some chance you sir are refering to the Tiger, I am by no means a racist. I pride myself in being an equal opportunity hater....I can just as easily berate a negro as much as a white person. I speak nothing but the truth and I stand firm in every single comment I make here and, note, I do plan to arrive in Heavan the day I'm no longer present here on earth, because God knows my heart.
“If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”

“Faith is taking the first step even when you can't see the whole staircase.”

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”

“Forgiveness is not an occasional act, it is a constant attitude.”

“Only in the darkness can you see the stars.”

“The quality, not the longevity, of one’s life is what is important.”

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”

― Martin Luther King Jr. (born yesterday in 1929)

I suggest read revelations dear TOP, the wolves of which it refers seems similar to ppl like you, just sayin

If by some chance you sir are refering to the Tiger, I am by no means a racist. I pride myself in being an equal opportunity hater....I can just as easily berate a negro as much as a white person. I speak nothing but the truth and I stand firm in every single comment I make here and, note, I do plan to arrive in Heavan the day I'm no longer present here on earth, because God knows my heart.
If that is so, this is the perfect day to prove that...what will you be doing to help others today?
No one really cares what a Black racist like you thinks.

You are holding back gains for Blacks who are not racists like you, pendejo.

Perhaps white people will stop running from you and shunning you when you cease the disproportionate commission of violent crimes.

Holding back "gains for blacks"??? You mean to tell me yall didn't take that too???? Just askin....because throughout history, every single so called gain black folk make, you white racist not only seem to have a problem with it, you systematically determine just how and when it will be revoked.....starting with the voters right act. I mean you ppl can't stand to see blacks have anything but your misery and your vehement jealousy.

I suggest read revelations dear TOP, the wolves of which it refers seems similar to ppl like you, just sayin
Did you have a favorite teacher in school? Or preacher growing up? Why was that? What is the most important lesson we can pass along to our children?
What will you be doing today to help?