Damar Hamlin

It is beyond refreshing to see a black man recieve so much love and so much support from ppl all over the country, while this nation still struggles with a divisive legacy of racism and hatred. It does however saddens me that a negro in order to get this type of love and affection has to be in full gear, ie a sport uniform for white ppl to give a damn, else he's just another negro in distress.....as a matter of fact, had this brother had this same event take place outside of entertaining white ppl, I don't think he'd recieve the type of attention he's recieving now. So to all my black brothers, you want love from the master, bust your ass while in a uniform, else look out!!

First you're a brain dead idiot. Second I am pleased that the covid stab didn't kill this young man but thats mostly because he was helped by highly trained medical professionals within seconds of hitting the ground. Had this happened at home or elsewhere I suspect the covid stab would have killed this poor man.

I find it rather entertaining if not odd, how sensitive the poster children of evil racist banter are. They can dish this shit out 25 hours a day, but God forbid you aim that shit right back at em and suddenly they got feelings....Give me a break!!

I'm convinced that white Americans are the biggest snowflakes on the planet. They think they're victims. Fat, soft, slow people whining about their privilege and taking for granted everything that they never earned. And then they have the white nerve to tell non-white people what feelings they're allowed to feel. I'm convinced that every single one of them need to spend at least 5 years in a country/community where they are a minority. That would teach those pussies something.
How the hell did being fat morphe into this subject??? LOLOL...you ppl seriously need lives...oh and by the way, 300 plus whale here....its true, us black women love us some good home cooked meals...shoot me.....LOLOLOLOL

Family, food, fucking, and fun. That's how I live. :laugh:

I can not believe you use to be a teacher, your ignorance is beyond comprehension....That brother, that beautiful talented black man had he a heart attack at home, in a club, anywhere but on that football field, yes he would have made the news, simply because he's a NFL player, but anybody with a working brain cell know that little sound bite would be over in a few days....BECAUSE DUDE WAS NOT ON A FOOTBALL FIELD AND NOT PERFORMANING FOR THE MASSA, IE WHITE FOLK. The ONLY VALUE BLACK MEN HAVE IN THIS COUNTRY, NOT EVEN BEING PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, THE ONLY VALUE BLACK MEN HAVE IS BEING IN A SPORTS UNIFORM AND SHOWING UP AND SHOWING OUT FOR WHITE FANS

They can be musical performers too. The old white people who infest this forum aren't into it, but white folk under 40 love them some Black-made music.

Says a Trump supporter. Havent' you gotten the memo yet, Stone....you and your kind have no creds at all, next?

In my opinion, Stone is one of the whiniest, move privileged, most undeserving baby bitches on JPP. He's fat. He doesn't work hard. He relies on his dad's success. He is the quintessential white American who feels like a victim but has never had a bad day in his worthless life.

Why is the only ppl who know more about blacks is white ppl? The same white ppl who run when they see us, shun us, ignore us, but always always seem to have the tea on everything about us? I knew they were bewitched, but damn!!

Phew. Where even to start? Geography is one problem. 60% of Americans live within TEN MILES of the place where they were born. 80% of Americans live within 100 miles of their birthplace. No mobility. Lazy. Uncurious. Shit, most Americans can't even speak English let alone a second or third language. White Americans don't know anything because they haven't experienced anything. Having basked in the glow of their unearned privilege for their entire trailer park lives, they feel justified in telling non-white people how we're allowed to feel.

Pair all of that with the pitiful state of public education in the US and you end up with a bunch of lazy, stupid racists who think they run the world. Then they show up on the internet and white-splain the world to us while thinking that we take them seriously. If they only knew what we said about them when we get in our cars and close the doors.
Wite man in New Awlins live in da fee-ah. Da black foke got no fee-ah. Dey spect ta live ta 24 at mos’.
Muhdah captal of da cuntry now. Iz not like da wite man goin’ roun’ and doin’ all da killin.

What the fuck is wrong with you? Can't you white racists ever shut your fucking mouths?

Oddly enough my dear friend, I understood every single word of the mush you presented and yes, completely agree, white ppl are stupid...great post, comrade!!

I understood it, too, but the fact that he spent the time to type in his interpretation of Ebonics while he and Top burn crosses in their pointy hoods is too much for me. Fuck them.
If that is so, this is the perfect day to prove that...what will you be doing to help others today?

What about you, bitch? What are you going to do today to improve one single other person's life? Will you confess that you were never a teacher and ask God to forgive your wickedness?
Did you have a favorite teacher in school? Or preacher growing up? Why was that? What is the most important lesson we can pass along to our children?
What will you be doing today to help?

Did you have a favorite teacher in school? Or preacher growing up? Why was that? What is the most important lesson we can pass along to our children?
What will you be doing today to help?
I stand corrected, its not necessary to toss stones and behave like a child, so I apologize sir. But do note, I am extremely passionate about my opinions and I do not take lightly those that marginalize me or my commentary as racist fodda, of which it is not.

I do not recommend apologizing to TOP. She's a fraud and a racist liar. A typical, old, white Karen.
Did you have a favorite teacher in school? Or preacher growing up? Why was that? What is the most important lesson we can pass along to our children?
What will you be doing today to help?

She’s just another Black racist who will hate Whites for her own inadequacies til the day she dies.

Both of you are fucking morons for not recognizing a POE when you see one. Especially one playing for your team.

Would you two idiots recognize a Lefty Sock playing as a Racist White Supremacist? $100 says you’d be thanking nearly every post they made no matter how outrageous.
