Dark Energy

Human hubris and egocentricity was well known by Galileo. ;)

Agreed on the context of use, especially when overlapping topics. There's the Universe and all it is and then there's our puny perceptions of it.

Something I've posted about before is the mind-boggling size of our own solar system much less trying to comprehend the size of the Universe. On a 1/10 Billionth scale, the Sun is about the size of a grapefruit and the Earth is about the size of this "o". The Moon about the size of the period at the end of the sentence and about 3 inches away. Jupiter is over 400 feet further away with Alpha Centauri about 2,500 miles away. https://www.jeffreybennett.com/model-solar-systems/voyage-scale-model-solar-system/

Grains of sand held by a string of gravity that, on that scale, amazes me by how thin it is. Much less how a grain of sand can attract a rock the size of a mountain to destroy it. Context is, indeed, everything hence my being a bit anal about the use of the word "universal". :)

It is really cool.

In some ways I believe a true scientist looks upon the universe with a sense of awe and quasi-reverence in a way that even a devout bible thumper doesn't.
It is really cool.

In some ways I believe a true scientist looks upon the universe with a sense of awe and quasi-reverence in a way that even a devout bible thumper doesn't.

Agreed. A scientist can look in but likes to look out, but the Bible thumper only looks in...and refuses to ever look out.

Why Bible thumpers don't see studying the Universe as divine work is a mystery to me.
Agreed. A scientist can look in but likes to look out, but the Bible thumper only looks in...and refuses to ever look out.

Why Bible thumpers don't see studying the Universe as divine work is a mystery to me.

Which Bible thumpers? Usually they preach that shit for money and control. Private jets, yachts and all that shit.
Agreed. A scientist can look in but likes to look out, but the Bible thumper only looks in...and refuses to ever look out.

Why Bible thumpers don't see studying the Universe as divine work is a mystery to me.
for sure

My sense is that having a working knowledge of cosmology, general relativity, quantum mechanics gives one a sense of awe about the cosmos in a way that Genesis and Exodus really don't.

I think Issac Newton and Albert Einstein both felt this way.
Spirit world aren't subject to the laws of Physics that control the physical universe.

I do not even like the word laws, because it implies permanent and immutable.

Only mathematical theorems are immutable and a offer glimpse into ultimate knowledge.

Scientific theories are provisional and subject to revision or change.
Bible thumpers who aren't on television.

Those people? I can think of reasons (I was one myself).

Afraid that your God (the brand of God at least) doesn't exist.
Afraid that you might be wrong on a lot of things.
Afraid that the Earth might be billions years old.
Afraid that we did evolve (assuming there was no alien involvement as per Genesis).
You name more.
Those people? I can think of reasons (I was one myself).

Afraid that your God (the brand of God at least) doesn't exist.
Afraid that you might be wrong on a lot of things.
Afraid that the Earth might be billions years old.
Afraid that we did evolve (assuming there was no alien involvement as per Genesis).
You name more.

The common thread there is fear.
Dark energy might be neither particle nor field

Everything else in the universe is either a particle or field. Dark energy behaves as neither, and it may be a property inherent to space itself.

.. there is no evidence that dark energy is anything other than the most basic entity imaginable: a property that is uniformly inherent to space everywhere and at all times. This can come about in one of two different ways very easily:

The universe can possess a positive, non-zero cosmological constant, a term perfectly allowable in general relativity. It has to be very, very small, but when you put it in everywhere over the whole universe, it eventually comes to dominate.

It could be a quantum property of space: the zero-point energy of all the fields in the vacuum of space is not required to be zero but could take on some positive, non-zero value. What we often interpret as quantum fluctuations, or particle-antiparticle pairs popping in and out of existence, could be the cause behind dark energy.


or it could be chi. I'm going with chi.
or it could be chi. I'm going with chi.

or it could be chi. I'm going with chi.

Okay, I did not recognize the spelling, but this is the Qi that the Confucians articulated 2,500 years ago.

A Qi life force obviously has no scientific confirmation, but I can see why the concept held appeal for the ancient Chinese.
His equations explain what is going on in the universe.
Einstein was at the forefront transforming long-accepted scientific dogma into something entirely new.

I believe he would be the first to say scientific knowledge and theories are provisional and subject to modification or change.
Okay, I did not recognize the spelling, but this is the Qi that the Confucians articulated 2,500 years ago.

A Qi life force obviously has no scientific confirmation, but I can see why the concept held appeal for the ancient Chinese.

yes its present in a number of different cultures with different spellings.

I would argue the scientific confirmation mainly because science has not figured out how to define and measure it. But I've seen it and people I know far more extensively.

Its real and it could well be this dark energy.