Dear CHRISTIANS-How will this marriage destroy traditional marriage?

Here's another interesting fact: Contemporary Conservatives support limited government as intended by the Founders; contemporary Liberals support usurpation of it by "creative interpretation".

Ansolute bullshit. BushCo creatively interpreted to allow for the nsa and many other things. Conservatives don't support limited government at all.
liberals were. and conservative racist democrats certainly tried to stop it... and they punished the democratic party even up until today for the fact that a democrat signed it into law.

You lied. A larger percentage of conservatives voted for it than democrats. You manipulate, you deflect, and you lie. You're a deranged cockroach.
How do you explain someone who was straight, then turned gay?

Why don't you ask them? I don't know what goes in someone else's body/mind and don't pretend to. Someone could want to be a male to female transsexual one day, and give it up the next. I'll respect whatever that person wants to be recognized as and not belittle them by calling their earlier lifestyle into question to further my own agenda.