Dear CHRISTIANS-How will this marriage destroy traditional marriage?

Again, because the traditional family is the backbone of society: men need women to make them more civilized; children need a stable mother and father to give them the best chance to obtain their potential.

What if:

-a man and woman get married and one of them turns out to be physically abusive;
-a man and woman get married and one of them bolts with a lover leaving the other to raise the children alone;
-a man and woman get married and then decide to have an "open marriage" with numerous other partners;
-a man and woman get married, tire of each other, split up, then repeat this cycle with new partners a few more times;


-a homosexual couple marry and stay married for life.

Which union is ultimately the most beneficial to society?
What if:

-a man and woman get married and one of them turns out to be physically abusive;
-a man and woman get married and one of them bolts with a lover leaving the other to raise the children alone;
-a man and woman get married and then decide to have an "open marriage" with numerous other partners;
-a man and woman get married, tire of each other, split up, then repeat this cycle with new partners a few more times;


-a homosexual couple marry and stay married for life.

Which union is ultimately the most beneficial to society?

What part of "stable" are you having trouble understanding? :rofl2:
Assuming daddy is 30 years your senior, that puts the political philosophy unchanged for 90 years, right. THAT's hilarious.

not at all... as I said earlier... there has been a very public fight for the heart and soul of the democratic party for the better part of the last century. Northern democrats were battling with southern democrats and the alliance was always a fragile and uneasy one. 1948.... Humphrey's speech... Strom's departure.... 1964... CRA.... the loss of the solid blue south... it has taken time, but there can be no doubt the transformation is complete.
What if:

-a man and woman get married and one of them turns out to be physically abusive;
-a man and woman get married and one of them bolts with a lover leaving the other to raise the children alone;
-a man and woman get married and then decide to have an "open marriage" with numerous other partners;
-a man and woman get married, tire of each other, split up, then repeat this cycle with new partners a few more times;


-a homosexual couple marry and stay married for life.

Which union is ultimately the most beneficial to society?
or homosexual couple do any of the other things you mention ? repeal no fault divorce and punting a spouse just gets harder.
not at all... as I said earlier... there has been a very public fight for the heart and soul of the democratic party for the better part of the last century. Northern democrats were battling with southern democrats and the alliance was always a fragile and uneasy one. 1948.... Humphrey's speech... Strom's departure.... 1964... CRA.... the loss of the solid blue south... it has taken time, but there can be no doubt the transformation is complete.
The fact is that the Democrats are unchanged in their desire to keep wide swaths of the people poor and uneducated, they simply switched tactics. Slavery and War on Poverty have the same effect....

Democrats believe that in order for there to be rich there must be many poor. You demonstrate this with your retirement in Mexico; basically slave labor to support your lifestyle.
So you agree that a man-woman marriage isn't more productive to society than a gay marriage if the man-woman union is unstable.

What I agree with is that a gay couple should only have kids that are their own, or adopt them only if a traditional stable couple is unavailable...
There was no poverty or crime when the "traditional family" was more common?

Is that what I said dunce? No, it isn't; so please spare me your dishonest strawmen.

How does denying marriage to people of the same gender encourage traditional families or effect poverty and crime?

As I stated, it is way beyond the intelligence level of such a small closed mind to comprehend; but it involves the erosion of the traditional family.

If you ever walked the streets of any urban community in decay, the truth and reality of that fact will hit you like a ton of bricks. But in your case, hope that they hit you in the head; it's the most useless organ on your body.

Carry on.