Dear CHRISTIANS-How will this marriage destroy traditional marriage?

:rofl2: I've received my political education by reading Madison, Hamilton, Jay, Jefferson, Novak, and Zak....

gotta do more than read the liner notes....pal.

Liberals in America are basically the same as liberals were 60 years ago. I know. I have been one for nearly that long and I know that I certainly have not changed in any fundamental way.
Gosh...and here I thought we were talking about politics and not ancient history!

What the democratic party WAS for and what it IS for are two different sets of things entirely. Same for the GOP.

Liberals were FOR child labor laws, conservatives were against them
Liberals were FOR giving labor the right to organize, conservatives were against it
Liberals were FOR social security, conservatives were against it
Liberals were FOR medicare, conservatives were against it
Liberals were FOR civil rights, conservatives were against them
Liberals were FOR environmental protections, conservatives were against them
Liberals were FOR minimum wage, conservatives were against it.
Liberals were FOR women's suffrage, conservatives were against it.
Liberals were FOR a 40 hour work week, conservatives were against it.
Liberals are FOR gay rights, conservatives are against them...

I gotta stop, my hands are tired from typing... but you get the picture. The list goes on and on and on and on....

progressive liberalism always wins. always

A larger percentage of republicans voted for the civil rights act than democrats, and why don't you tell us the name of the democrat who filibustered..
gotta do more than read the liner notes....pal.

Liberals in America are basically the same as liberals were 60 years ago. I know. I have been one for nearly that long and I know that I certainly have not changed in any fundamental way.

If anything, the need for environmental protection, education, clean food and water, safe consumer products, a safety net for the unemployed, equal protection under the law fro everyone.......this is even more critical now than it was 30 or 50 years ago.
A larger percentage of republicans voted for the civil rights act than democrats, and why don't you tell us the name of the democrat who filibustered..

newsflash: we aren't talking about DEMOCRATS and REPUBLICANS... we are talking about LIBERALS and CONSERVATIVES!

Here's another interesting fact: Contemporary Conservatives support limited government as intended by the Founders; contemporary Liberals support usurpation of it by "creative interpretation".

What is interesting is how you can so arrogantly sit by and proclaim to know what the Founding Fathers intent was, some 200 years after the fact.

Then again, presumptive arrogance has always been a defining trait of your standard issue Conservative.
You should educate yourself on what the contemporary meaning is. Because with today's meaning, there is no way one could be considered both a liberal and a patriot. You'll have to pick one.

More arrogant presumption from another know-it-all Conservative.

Thinking his opinion counts as ANYTHING other than a humorous diversion intended to change the subject.
What is interesting is how you can so arrogantly sit by and proclaim to know what the Founding Fathers intent was, some 200 years after the fact.

Then again, presumptive arrogance has always been a defining trait of your standard issue Conservative.

We don't have to proclaim it, we simply read what they wrote about it. They proclaimed it...
And digging up what racist southern democrats said or did a half a century ago is really kind of stupid and mostly irrelevant. It is no secret that a battle has been waged for the heart and soul of the democratic party... that battle has been waged since the early part of the last century. The real gauntlet was finally and irrevocably thrown down by Hubert Humphrey in his keynote address to the 1948 Democratic National Convention. It was then that Strom Thurmond left the convention and began his third party bid for the White House under the banner of the Dixiecrats. Strom lost, came back to the democratic party for a time, and then, realizing that the democrats were no longer the party of southern white racists, he left. It took several election cycles to finally purge ourselves of white racists... and an argument can be made that we never really got rid of all of them.... but we tried, and we became a party that changed from one that lynched blacks and made them sit at the back of the bus, to a party that nominates them to be President. The battle for the soul of the democratic party has been won.... and we are now a rainbow coalition... and the losers... well, they've pretty much all become republicans. And the really telling thing.... early in this, the 21st century, the US senate leader of the republican party was praising one of his own... that same Strom Thurmond guy who broke away from the democrats back in '48 and ran on a platform of segregation and a constitutional ban on interracial marriage... and that senate leader said that America would be a better country TODAY in the 21st century, if we had ELECTED that racist democrat turned dixiecrat turned republican back then in 1948. America would be a better place today, he said, if we had elected a racist segregationist to the white house instead of Harry Truman. That's what the senior republican in the congress said just a few short years ago.... And the republican party wonders why it has a problem attracting black voters. Amazing.
And digging up what racist southern democrats said or did a half a century ago is really kind of stupid and mostly irrelevant. It is no secret that a battle has been waged for the heart and soul of the democratic party... that battle has been waged since the early part of the last century. The real gauntlet was finally and irrevocably thrown down by Hubert Humphrey in his keynote address to the 1948 Democratic National Convention. It was then that Strom Thurmond left the convention and began his third party bid for the White House under the banner of the Dixiecrats. Strom lost, came back to the democratic party for a time, and then, realizing that the democrats were no longer the party of southern white racists, he left. It took several election cycles to finally purge ourselves of white racists... and an argument can be made that we never really got rid of all of them.... but we tried, and we became a party that changed from one that lynched blacks and made them sit at the back of the bus, to a party that nominates them to be President. The battle for the soul of the democratic party has been won.... and we are now a rainbow coalition... and the losers... well, they've pretty much all become republicans. And the really telling thing.... early in this, the 21st century, the US senate leader of the republican party was praising one of his own... that same Strom Thurmond guy who broke away from the democrats back in '48 and ran on a platform of segregation and a constitutional ban on interracial marriage... and that senate leader said that America would be a better country TODAY in the 21st century, if we had ELECTED that racist democrat turned dixiecrat turned republican back then in 1948. America would be a better place today, he said, if we had elected a racist segregationist to the white house instead of Harry Truman. That's what the senior republican in the congress said just a few short years ago.... And the republican party wonders why it has a problem attracting black voters. Amazing.

Who was the guy who was called "The Conscience of the Senate"?
If he was conservative then why didn't he switch parties? This should be fun.

you do understand that all politics is local, don't you? I'm just curious.

I mean, have you ever even driven THROUGH West Virginia? You can count the liberals in that state and the entire number would be only slightly larger than your two digit IQ.

Now... wasn't that fun, you fuckin' moron with a grade school understanding of politics in America? wasn't that just wicked fun?
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Who was the guy who was called "The Conscience of the democrat party"?


We are no longer the party of southern white racists. fact. We own the black vote. fact. We nominate them and elect them to the white house. You guys praise white racists who statutorily raped black chamber maids.... and you DON'T own the black vote. fact.
you do understand that all politics is local, don't you? I'm just curious.

I mean, have you ever even driven THROUGH West Virginia? You can count the liberals in that state and the entire number would be only slightly larger than your IQ.

Now... wasn't that fun, you fuckin' moron with a grade school understanding of politics in America? wasn't that just wicked fun?

So why would you admire and protect a racist hillbilly? Your uncle? It's fun to watch you spit and spew your venom.

We are no longer the party of southern white racists. fact. We own the black vote. fact. We nominate them and elect them to the white house. You guys praise white racists who statutorily raped black chamber maids.... and you DON'T own the black vote. fact.

And there you have it, right front a leftist. Blacks are votes. Nothing more. The dems just moved the plantations. They're now located in Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis, Washington D C, etc,etc