Dear CHRISTIANS-How will this marriage destroy traditional marriage?

blacks are people.... who vote. they know that is how democrats view them... and then, when they listen to Trent Lott... they know how republicans view them.

see how that works?
seems to me like you're the one who is admiring him....not me.

and again... what does bringing him up get you, really? Does it get you any more blacks to register as republicans? Does it change the demographic death spiral of the GOP one iota?
seems to me like you're the one who is admiring him....not me.

and again... what does bringing him up get you, really? Does it get you any more blacks to register as republicans? Does it change the demographic death spiral of the GOP one iota?

Tell us which bill this democrat filibustered.
conservatives today are much the same as conservatives were a century ago, they are merely fighting to conserve different things, because the things they were fighting to conserve a century ago, like no women voting and no blacks voting and kids working in sweat shops... all those things that they tried to "conserve" got washed away by liberalism. Today they are fighting to conserve different stuff, but they will fail in their attempts, just like they did last century. sorry.

I suppose Mr. right will try to tell us that conservatives today are DIFFERENT than conservatives were last century.

gotta do more than read the liner notes....pal.

Liberals in America are basically the same as liberals were 60 years ago. I know. I have been one for nearly that long and I know that I certainly have not changed in any fundamental way.

And digging up what racist southern democrats said or did a half a century ago is really kind of stupid and mostly irrelevant.

How convenient of you, being the pinhead you are, to ignore or forget the rise of the KKK out of the Democrat party not only a hundred years ago, but as recently as the
1930's, 40's, 50's, 60's and 70's .....or that most heroine's of women's suffrage were members of the Republican Party....blacks not allowed to vote, again fault
the Democrat party.... in 1900 some members of Congress proposed stripping the South of seats, related to the number of people who were barred from voting, (obviously blacks)....[SUP][/SUP].for decades, Southern Democrats, voted into office by white voters, comprised a powerful voting bloc in Congress until the 1960s. then LBJ's dream of
getting the blacks to vote Democrat for the next 200 years through welfare is becoming a reality....

Yeah...we fought against all that stuff and our biggest enemy is liberal propaganda dished out in public schools and most media, and you're right...
we're losing again....and the obvious result is the demise of US prestige in the eyes of the world....

The changing of definitions of labels liberal and conservative is as irrelevant as changing the Republicans "blue" state to the now Republican "red" state....

Democrats are the same now as they were a century again....only smarter, more organized and more devious and dishonest than a hundred years ago.....
You're a liar. A larger percentage of dems in both houses voted against the civil rights act than repubs. Dem. Senator Robert Byrd filibustered. You're a liar.
we all know he filibustered the civil rights act. I tell you what.... why don't you book yourself a spot on the agenda at your next local NAACP convention and tell those folks that Robert Byrd filibustered the civil rights act and that's why they should all become republicans. I'm sure you'll be a resounding success.

now why don't you tell me how great Strom was for raping his chamber maid....
blacks are people.... who vote. they know that is how democrats view them... and then, when they listen to Trent Lott... they know how republicans view them.

see how that works?

blacks are people.... who vote. they know it is the democrats that PAY them for their vote.....LBJ's words of years ago couldn't be more correct.....
we all know he filibustered the civil rights act. I tell you what.... why don't you book yourself a spot on the agenda at your next local NAACP convention and tell those folks that Robert Byrd filibustered the civil rights act and that's why they should all become republicans. I'm sure you'll be a resounding success.

now why don't you tell me how great Strom was for raping his chamber maid....

You said liberals are responsible for the civil rights act. You lie.
we all know he filibustered the civil rights act. I tell you what.... why don't you book yourself a spot on the agenda at your next local NAACP convention and tell those folks that Robert Byrd filibustered the civil rights act and that's why they should all become republicans. I'm sure you'll be a resounding success.

now why don't you tell me how great Strom was for raping his chamber maid....

And the lies of the pinheads continue.....facts be very typical....

I'm afraid the rapist was Bill Clinton, the murderer was Ted Kennedy, the Klan bigot was Sen. Byrd.......facts, not lies...the heroes of the left.....
blacks are people.... who vote. they know it is the democrats that PAY them for their vote.....LBJ's words of years ago couldn't be more correct.....

that is the pitch.... appeal to the black's sense of honor. tell them that it is time to quit being bribed by the evil democrats. tell them that they've been taking illegal bribes for half a century. Tell then it's unpatriotic and that should get them all to switch en masse.... I am sure.
And the lies of the pinheads continue.....facts be very typical....

I'm afraid the rapist was Bill Clinton, the murderer was Ted Kennedy, the Klan bigot was Sen. Byrd.......facts, not lies...the heroes of the left.....

Strom didn't knock up his 15 year old black chamber maid? really? their love child says he did.
gotta do more than read the liner notes....pal.

Liberals in America are basically the same as liberals were 60 years ago. I know. I have been one for nearly that long and I know that I certainly have not changed in any fundamental way.

That doesn't jive with the Democrat Party re-write of history claiming that the two parties "switched" on the civil rights issue, does it? :rofl2:
That doesn't jive with the Democrat Party re-write of history claiming that the two parties "switched" on the civil rights issue, does it? :rofl2:

actually, the switch started in full force as early as 1948 with HHH's keynote address at the Minneapolis DNC. All my life I've been a civil rights supporting democrat and so was my dad before me.
What is interesting is how you can so arrogantly sit by and proclaim to know what the Founding Fathers intent was, some 200 years after the fact.

Then again, presumptive arrogance has always been a defining trait of your standard issue Conservative.
Looks like Damo stuffed that one down between your fat boobs, girlie....
actually, the switch started in full force as early as 1948 with HHH's keynote address at the Minneapolis DNC. All my life I've been a civil rights supporting democrat and so was my dad before me.
Assuming daddy is 30 years your senior, that puts the political philosophy unchanged for 90 years, right. THAT's hilarious.