Dear CHRISTIANS-How will this marriage destroy traditional marriage?

I did not. I don't think you are actually that stupid. I think you are a punk who can dish it out but can't take it.

Yes, you did. Now you're a liar and a punk. I can take it. I'll be right here. Go for it, big city punk. You got your lying ass spanked and you took a cheap shot. You know you're a punk, don't you.
Yes, you did. Now you're a liar and a punk. I can take it. I'll be right here. Go for it, big city punk. You got your lying ass spanked and you took a cheap shot. You know you're a punk, don't you.

No, I did not. You said childbirth was like taking a dump. I said only for your mother. That is an insult of you not of her. And so you acted like a thin skinned little punk. Whatever.
No, I did not. You said childbirth was like taking a dump. I said only for your mother. That is an insult of you not of her. And so you acted like a thin skinned little punk. Whatever.

Yeah, whatever. Family is off limits, punk. Now crawl back into your little dark hole in your nasty bldg in your nasty big city. Learn to take your ass whoopin like a man and stop the cheap shots about my family.
Yeah, whatever. Family is off limits, punk. Now crawl back into your little dark hole in your nasty bldg in your nasty big city. Learn to take your ass whoopin like a man and stop the cheap shots about my family.

Get off it. I made no slur against your family. You are the one that crossed that line, you thin skinned little punk. Whatever, it's not like anyone respected you anyway.
Get off it. I made no slur against your family. You are the one that crossed that line, you thin skinned little punk. Whatever, it's not like anyone respected you anyway.

You get off it. You took a cheap shot. You can stop this if you want.

"Waaaa, waaa, no one likes you anyway.....waaaa, waaaa,"

Do you need me to change your diaper?
Fuck you, punk. I did not insult your mother. You insulted mine. An apology will not be accepted but you are not going to save face with childish attempts to shift blame. Just move on.

Make me. I'll be here as long as you. You got spanked in public and you took a childish cheap shot and you're too much of a coward to admit it. See, I know how to play your game as well as you.
Make me. I'll be here as long as you. You got spanked in public and you took a childish cheap shot and you're too much of a coward to admit it. See, I know how to play your game as well as you.

How did I insult your mother, punk? What is it that I called her or implied about her that was insulting?

You crossed the line after getting burned and I turned the other cheek.
How did I insult your mother, punk? What is it that I called her or implied about her that was insulting?

You crossed the line after getting burned and I turned the other cheek.

Getting burned? How old are you. You think getting burned is something? Yeah, you're a trained cocksucker. You really enjoy the attention. Do you swallow? Can I find your phone number on the bathroom wall at the bus station?
Just one question for the folk who keep claiming gay marriage will destroy the traditional family and society as we know it...

How SPECIFICALLY will that happen?

These Grandfathers Getting Married Might Just Make You Well Up

Together 46 years, Lewis Duckett and Billy Jones were introduced through a mutual friend. While Billy was deployed in Vietnam, the two were forced to write coded letters to each other to keep their relationship a secret. Eventually they adopted a baby, became grandfathers and then, finally, got married.

Watch the full video here:

How-SPECIFICALLY-will the marriage of those two fine gentlemen destroy the fabric of American society?

Enlighten me please.

As a Christian I know that the fear of "GAYS" is because it is one of the signs of the ends of time. (yet the bible doesn't tell you to judge it more than any other sin, yet some do JUDGE it when the bible says "Do not judge")

We Humans don't want to see the end of all time but what came first? People being themselves or other people judging them? It never stated that gays would CAUSE the end of time it only stated that gays would be there. And judging is gods job, not the peoples so why is this a conversation?

Possibly because the end is near but not because of gays, but because of the shallow hearts in the world today. As a Christian I know that gays shouldn't be gay but I also know the rest of the sins and NO ONE ON EARTH doesn't sin.

People are trying to attack 1 sin to ignore their own sins as if Congress has created a way to get you into heaven. "vote against this sin and you will get in to heaven". We all sin kiddos.
This is a sad day in mudville. Hasa is one of the smartest people here and is now down to one liners in responding to a poster with what is seemingly a single digit IQ. Is it possible for mods to look at changing a few rules about how far things get off track?
As a Christian I know that the fear of "GAYS" is because it is one of the signs of the ends of time. (yet the bible doesn't tell you to judge it more than any other sin, yet some do JUDGE it when the bible says "Do not judge")

We Humans don't want to see the end of all time but what came first? People being themselves or other people judging them? It never stated that gays would CAUSE the end of time it only stated that gays would be there. And judging is gods job, not the peoples so why is this a conversation?

Possibly because the end is near but not because of gays, but because of the shallow hearts in the world today. As a Christian I know that gays shouldn't be gay but I also know the rest of the sins and NO ONE ON EARTH doesn't sin.

People are trying to attack 1 sin to ignore their own sins as if Congress has created a way to get you into heaven. "vote against this sin and you will get in to heaven". We all sin kiddos.
This is an infinitely rational post compared to the hate, stupidity, and downright bigotry of posters such as Right, Post Mortem Prophet, and ishmael.
This is an infinitely rational post compared to the hate, stupidity, and downright bigotry of posters such as Right, Post Mortem Prophet, and ishmael. would have thought a rational man would have attempted to respond to some of my posts instead of simply calling me names.......ah well, I still DO think a rational man would have done so.......