Dear CHRISTIANS-How will this marriage destroy traditional marriage?

but if you voted for one of the elites of your party, how in the world do you get to then criticize ANYBODY for voting for their party's nominee?
but if you voted for one of the elites of your party, how in the world do you get to then criticize ANYBODY for voting for their party's nominee?

You forget primaries. We only have two choices in the general. Dumb ass. I would have preferred a real conservative like Mike Lee of Utah or Ted Cruz.
I disagree that maineman is confused. He's trying to create a straw man argument. This is SOP for liberals; make up a position for your opposition and then argue against that. The OP of this thread is a perfect example.

You do realize you are talking to an empty headed leftist fawning dunce who is uninterested in truth, reality or facts right? ;)
how disingenuous is it that you pretend that your side is without stain... without fault? It is soooooo boring to listen to righties pontificate about their purity.

Worse yet; when leftist dunces like you knowingly defend your parties shit stains and dishonestly pretend to care about mundane things like the truth, facts and reality.

I don't call you Commander Dunce for nothing; you really are THAT stupid, THAT big of a hypocrite and THAT moronically partisan.
I asked my African American neighbor about this. He said that as long as the republicans keep bringing him utter morons like George Bush and John Kasich, the democrats can have all of the votes of him, his family, his black co workers, his church....

Ah yes; you vote for lying idiots like this one eh?

yep. why do you answer a question with a question, piss brain?

This is more amazing hypocrisy from Commander Dimwit who is known for answering questions with off topic questions. It’s very hard to take your nonsense serious when your memory of your own stupidity only goes back one thread dunce.
I retired from a career in the military. I spent a good amount of time taking care of YOU, buddy.... and if one has the talent and the commitment and the patriotism to serve for two plus decades in harm's way, the government rewards that service. Do you disagree with paying military retirees a pension?

You were in harm’s way?? Give us an example of how you faced down harm for our benefit while you were crapping on your Commander and Chief and the efforts of your Army brethren.
You forget primaries. We only have two choices in the general. Dumb ass. I would have preferred a real conservative like Mike Lee of Utah or Ted Cruz.
so... you are saying that your vote in the general election is NOT, somehow, a vote for your party's elite who are pull the chains behind the curtain? You really ARE a piss brain, aren't you?
real sailors don't talk about their exploits.
That explains why you described your much younger wife doing unmentionables to you on the edge of the pool.

often. This afternoon, right on the edge of the pool. The fact that you've never had your cock sucked or ever eaten a woman's pussy until she screamed with delight and grasped your hair in her hands begging you not to stop speaks VOLUMES about what a sad repressed man you really are.
Rather than read thru 54 pages, of what is very likely vitriolic childishness, can someone tell me if there was a rational answer to the question in the OP?