Deceptive God, Incompetent Messiah

Why would you doubt what family members say? She was the daughter of a minister. He was in Bible studies at school. They were Pentecostalists who believed in the Quiverfull movement.

I think you just don't want to admit that some people pervert the beliefs of Christianity.

Once again. A person is defined by their actions. Christians are not murderers, rapists, or whatever. This guy was never a Christian.
Once again. A person is defined by their actions. Christians are not murderers, rapists, or whatever. This guy was never a Christian.

There's nothing in the Qur'an advocating rape, murder and suicide bombings either, so those who do these things aren't really Muslims.
I'm sure that he's not really disappointed in that choice...and forgives the poor dear for her transgressions...and that inappropriate language;) The parrots will still be welcome when they cross the rainbow bridge...not her choice, there...thankfully:)
Thanks for clearing that up. I'm glad I'm not a child of that god that you follow. He's pretty much a dick, judging from his followers.

Yeah. How dare they point out the fact that your a sinner and warn you of the consequences, as well as the only way to avoid them. Well. Enjoy your sin. God is laughing at you.
Yeah. How dare they point out the fact that your a sinner and warn you of the consequences, as well as the only way to avoid them. Well. Enjoy your sin. God is laughing at you.

I'm fine with that. Your imaginary friend's opinion of me matters about as much as what the clouds think of the sea.
I'm sure that he's not really disappointed in that choice...and forgives the poor dear for her transgressions...and that inappropriate language;) The parrots will still be welcome when they cross the rainbow bridge...not her choice, there...thankfully:)

As I said, O Attention Whore, that god's pretty much a dick, judging by his followers -- like you. Now go toddle off and try to convince everyone who cares what a pathetic victim you claim to be, instead of the sick stalker that you really are. lol

She knows not what she does or says or posts these days...and it's very understandable...considering...
Not her choice, when all is said and done though...she'll learn...
I'm fine with that. Your imaginary friend's opinion of me matters about as much as what the clouds think of the sea.

You poor fool. You have no idea.

Psalm 14:1 The fool has said in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt, they have committed abominable deeds; There is no one who does good.

That's you. But God still want's you to come to know Him. He died for you. That's how much He loves you. But you spit in His eye. A fool, indeed.
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As I said, O Attention Whore, that god's pretty much a dick, judging by his followers -- like you. Now go toddle off and try to convince everyone who cares what a pathetic victim you claim to be, instead of the sick stalker that you really are. lol


Poor Top:-( ~
You poor fool. You have no idea.

Psalm 14:1 The fool has said in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt, they have committed abominable deeds; There is no one who does good.

That's you. But God still want's you to come to know Him. He died for you. That's how much He love you. But you spit in His eye. A fool, indeed.
Indeed...her pal knows better, but...
As I said, O Attention Whore, that god's pretty much a dick, judging by his followers -- like you. Now go toddle off and try to convince everyone who cares what a pathetic victim you claim to be, instead of the sick stalker that you really are. lol


Where's Yayurt when you need him? This was a perfectly good thread that stayed on point until she showed up with a couple of snide remarks. Yayurt won't call her out for hijacking because he's just that two-faced.
LOL...poor Christiecrite and Fowl...but thanks:) You all could have just ignored me, after all...if it was that "snide"...:)
Where's Yayurt when you need him? This was a perfectly good thread that stayed on point until she showed up with a couple of snide remarks. Yayurt won't call her out for hijacking because he's just that two-faced.

I'm sure he's off posting about Jade and will be by to properly chastise the home-wrecking whore when he's done. lol

Some of the people who pose as Xtians around here are a pretty sad bunch. Definitely not doing much for the cause.