Defending the Constitution?

You are a liar, you initiated this. You made implied threats and now you back down!
You can win this debate.
You have my address, SSN, DOB, name, the fucking lot!

Back up you posts chicken shit.
What are you afraid of?

Are you this delusional in real life, or is this just an online psychosis?

I can see that you really have to work to have guests come by. But its a little out of my way.

But do take me up on my offer of buying you a beer if you ever get down south. Oh, and that is the actual southeastern USA. Not the south part of Nevernever Land or the south side of the rabbit hole.
You are a liar, you initiated this. You made implied threats and now you back down!
You can win this debate.
You have my address, SSN, DOB, name, the fucking lot!

Back up you posts chicken shit.
What are you afraid of?

Oh, and since you are so proud of the fact that you posted your address, SSN, DOB, and name,I thought I'd help you out by repost all that info on several other websites.
Oh, and since you are so proud of the fact that you posted your address, SSN, DOB, and name,I thought I'd help you out by repost all that info on several other websites.
But still not back up your threats, you fucking coward !
I have no fear!!
I am invincible!
But still not back up your threats, you fucking coward !
I have no fear!!
I am invincible!

I will back up every threat I have made. Of course, having made no threats that is pretty easy.

Ok, you go be invincible. Have fun with that. But I was wondering, does the invincibility hinge on you wearing a tinfoil hat or is it just part of your superhero personna?
Are you this delusional in real life, or is this just an online psychosis?

I can see that you really have to work to have guests come by. But its a little out of my way.

But do take me up on my offer of buying you a beer if you ever get down south. Oh, and that is the actual southeastern USA. Not the south part of Nevernever Land or the south side of the rabbit hole.
Go on, idiot.
Prove your cowardice!
I'm still alive you chickenshit!!
When I'm down south, I prefer Knoxville. The prohibition pub is my local.
Love the back room at dinner time mind!!
When I'm down south, I prefer Knoxville. The prohibition pub is my local.
Love the back room at dinner time mind!!

I'm not that far from Knoxville. I'm there several times a year. I prefer Chattanooga. The bars and restaurants are better and its not so much of a college town. I prefer grownups.

Right now I'm living in Atlanta. Traffic sucks, but there are some pluses.

Let me know when you'll be down here. As I have said numerous times, I'll buy you a beer.
I'm not that far from Knoxville. I'm there several times a year. I prefer Chattanooga. The bars and restaurants are better and its not so much of a college town. I prefer grownups.

Right now I'm living in Atlanta. Traffic sucks, but there are some pluses.

Let me know when you'll be down here. As I have said numerous times, I'll buy you a beer.
You can buy me a beer, if you kill me first.
You made a threatening post, you have tho option.

I am invincible, I will tell the friends you allude to on your PMs.
Kill me, I will accept a beer from you.
Lets say, you will never buy ME a beer.
I will spot you a heady topper though, no death threats assigned.
I'm not obamacult after all!
You can buy me a beer, if you kill me first.
You made a threatening post, you have tho option.

I am invincible, I will tell the friends you allude to on your PMs.
Kill me, I will accept a beer from you.
Lets say, you will never buy ME a beer.
I will spot you a heady topper though, no death threats assigned.
I'm not obamacult after all!

WTF? You are seriously paranoid. I have never threatened to kill you or even hurt you.

I did suggest using less profanity or superfluous crap in your posts. Is that a threat? Really?

Even the hardcore conservatives are backing away from your lunacy. Do you need an audience to self-destruct or is it just the way you are wired?
WTF? You are seriously paranoid. I have never threatened to kill you or even hurt you.

I did suggest using less profanity or superfluous crap in your posts. Is that a threat? Really?

Even the hardcore conservatives are backing away from your lunacy. Do you need an audience to self-destruct or is it just the way you are wired?
I will not
Need one of your beers.
I am invincible. I have plenty.
There is a difference between agreeing with the rules of employment required by a private employer and the Federal Government forcing welfare applicants to surrender their 4th amendment rights.

But leftist believe there’s no such thing as constitutional rights if the government decides that a law is in the ”GENERAL WELFARE. It’s funny when lefties try to use the Constitution to make an argument.
If anybody should be drug tested, I vote for drug testing politicians.

The federal government has no constitutional authority to drug test anybody or even be involved in an unconstitutional Drug War.

Employers have every right to require and perform drug testing on employees there’s no violation of any right there because nobody has to take a particular job.

The federal government has no constitutional authority to be involved in welfare programs. So, if the feds just followed the Constitution to begin with there’d be no need or rightwing desire to federally require drug testing welfare recipients to begin with.
Private employers are allowed to set whatever rules they like for prospective employees.

The Government is not allowed to favor one segment of the population over another, or require one group to conform to rules others don't have to follow.

The government favors segments of society all the time and requires groups to conform to rules others don't have to follow.

Example 1: only poor folks can get Obamaphones. People who make $300,000 a year can't get a free phone. That is favoring one segment over another. I could list thousands more

Example 2: The voting rights act says some states have to get permission to change voting rules while others don't. Thus requiring one group to conform to rules others don't have to follow.

So.....if anyone receiving gov't checks has to undergo drug screening, then they all should?

Cool. Plenty of gov't workers have to take drug tests. Lets make them all take them.


We need to start at the top and drug test every single Government employee from the President on down!
Perhaps some advice is in order? Most people know that sending your home address to a stranger, even in a PM, is not a smart move. If there is one thing most of us have learned it is to keep private information private.

the nutcase posted his addy right out in the forums...I sent him a PM waring him about the crazies and he shot back his standard insult filled tantrum saying I'd threatened him and making all kinds of crazy accusations.