Democrats’ gaslighting takes a new and disturbing turn


Yes, that is certainly the reaction we can expect from you- ANYTIME ANYONE CALLS OUT YOUR CONSTANT AND RELENTLESS BULLSHIT!

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Once again, this article illustrates that Democrats are everything they claim Trump and his supporters are.

Democrats’ gaslighting takes a new and disturbing turn

Overcome with Trump derangement syndrome after the brash billionaire from New York launched his candidacy in June 2015, the Left threw out the playbook for how political campaigns should be run. Although politicians have been fighting dirty throughout history, up until then, most had managed to stay within the bounds of decency and the limitations of the law.

The 2016 launch of the Steele dossier, a collection of derogatory and fictional stories about former President Donald Trump designed to derail his candidacy and then sabotage his presidency, marked the end of traditional electioneering in the United States and the normalization of Soviet-style campaign tactics. This was necessary, the Democrats rationalized, because they had to save American “democracy” from this evil man by any available means. And, as we now know, the dossier was merely the first in a never-ending series of fraudulent schemes orchestrated by the Left to destroy Trump.

But until this week, they typically chose narratives that were difficult or impossible to either prove or disprove. For example, when the “Dirty 51” former intelligence community officials signed a public letter saying that the Hunter Biden laptop story had all the hallmarks of a Russian disinformation campaign days before a 2020 presidential debate, there was no way to confirm it or deny it. And given the esteem in which the distinguished signers were held, most voters tended to believe them.

At any rate, emboldened by the effectiveness of their many hoaxes and by the fact that no one has ever been held accountable for their complicity, the Left’s deceptions have become increasingly more daring — and dangerous. Their current lawfare campaign against Trump is perhaps their most brazen plot yet.

But it’s their latest attempt to explain away video recordings of President Joe Biden’s very public and very humiliating senior moments at the recent G7 summit, the Juneteenth celebration, and last weekend’s Los Angeles fundraiser that truly baffles me. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre stood at the press room podium on Monday and insisted these videos had been edited by Republicans to make Joe Biden appear dazed and confused and therefore unfit for the presidency. Her explanation was immediately echoed by MSNBC host Nicole Wallace and the rest of the legacy media.

It was the Blitzkrieg of Propaganda by the Marxist media.
You need a brain obviously!

Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. For example, if someone continuously bullies and ridicules a peer about his insecurities, the bully might be projecting his own struggle with self-esteem onto the other person.