Democrats’ gaslighting takes a new and disturbing turn


Sums up your arguments perfectly.

Your "essayist" is an imbecile himself if he thinks "the disturbing turn" has been taken by Democrats

Word salad. You must have flunked high school English.

after Republicans made themselves the first national political party in the history of the nation to reject the result of a Presidential election.

Wrong. The first election deniers were the Democrats when Trump won in 2016. They made false claims about Russia, the Democratic Candidate produced a salacious lie filled dossier the CIA used to spy on his campaign, Democrats attempted to stop the certification of Trump and they continued to this day to declare him an illegitimate President.

I wish you had a brain. Really I do.
That does not invalidate the investigation nor its conclusions.

The investigation did not support the lies contained in the Steele Dossier or the claims from the election deniers in the Democratic Party that Russia had helped get Trump elected through collusion.

You definitely are a sad pathetic caricature of ignorance, stupidity and TDS.
You can talk, you juvenile half-wit,

Haw, haw...........................................haw.


Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. For example, if someone continuously bullies and ridicules a peer about his insecurities, the bully might be projecting his own struggle with self-esteem onto the other person.
You obviously did not read it and instead continue to bloviate the Russia Russia lies. :plam:
Still posting nothing but your insane rants to support anything you say. What's it like to be a pathetic, lying loser? Oh, nevermind, you wouldn't know, you're a pathetic, lying loser.
The only thing you make a point of is what a despicable, repugnant, dishonest terrorist loving asshole you are. ;)
Are you STILL scuffling about detecting truth, Troofie ? You poor deluded mug.

Haw, haw...............................................................haw.