Democrats’ gaslighting takes a new and disturbing turn

I don't pass any propaganda. I deal with the facts, something you don't appear to be too familiar with.

What part of this article is propaganda or not factual, be specific?
What was propaganda?

"The Chair That Wasn't There"

Except there really WAS a chair...

G7 video

In the full, unedited G7 video, Biden – who was standing with the group of leaders as a parachutist carrying a G7 banner landed in front of them – briefly turned away to give a thumbs-up to several parachutists who had landed behind the group, along with a parachute rigger who was kneeling on the ground to pack up one of the skydiver’s chutes and the French flag.

But the video shared by The Republican National Committee, major conservative media outlets and right-wing influencers on X cropped out the kneeling parachute rigger, omitting the context of why Biden walked away from the group.

As usual, no FACTS from the Truth Rejector, only




What was propaganda?

"The Chair That Wasn't There"

Except there really WAS a chair...

G7 video

In the full, unedited G7 video, Biden – who was standing with the group of leaders as a parachutist carrying a G7 banner landed in front of them – briefly turned away to give a thumbs-up to several parachutists who had landed behind the group, along with a parachute rigger who was kneeling on the ground to pack up one of the skydiver’s chutes and the French flag.

But the video shared by The Republican National Committee, major conservative media outlets and right-wing influencers on X cropped out the kneeling parachute rigger, omitting the context of why Biden walked away from the group.

As usual, no FACTS from the Truth Rejector, only




Biden wandered off again. They had to go get him and bring him back.
Still posting nothing but your insane rants to support anything you say. What's it like to be a pathetic, lying loser? Oh, nevermind, you wouldn't know, you're a pathetic, lying loser.

What was propaganda?

"The Chair That Wasn't There"

Except there really WAS a chair...

G7 video

In the full, unedited G7 video, Biden – who was standing with the group of leaders as a parachutist carrying a G7 banner landed in front of them – briefly turned away to give a thumbs-up to several parachutists who had landed behind the group, along with a parachute rigger who was kneeling on the ground to pack up one of the skydiver’s chutes and the French flag.

But the video shared by The Republican National Committee, major conservative media outlets and right-wing influencers on X cropped out the kneeling parachute rigger, omitting the context of why Biden walked away from the group.

As usual, no FACTS from the Truth Rejector, only





I know you witless wonders love being lied to and gaslighted, but watching the Italian Prime Minister guide Biden back was telling. Of course, in moron land where you wallow, we're not supposed to believe our eyes or the facts.
