Democrats have fixed the economy. But that won’t be enough to defeat populism.


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"And yet these factors are not giving the incumbent Democrats the advantage one might expect. In most polls, Donald Trump continues to lead Vice President Kamala Harris on the question of who would better handle the economy . When you consider that Trump might do better than polling indicates (which happened in both 2016 and 2020), the race remains a toss-up.
Many commentators argue that the Trump phenomenon is a fluke, fueled by his celebrity and almost cultlike following. Some of that is true. But right-wing populism isn’t going anywhere. It is being fueled by a deep backlash against the economic, political and cultural openness of the past few decades — and the urban elites supporting those trends.

Of course its a "fluke" LMBO
Many commentators argue that the Trump phenomenon is a fluke, fueled by his celebrity and almost cultlike following. Some of that is true. But right-wing populism isn’t going anywhere. It is being fueled by a deep backlash against the economic, political and cultural openness of the past few decades — and the urban elites supporting those trends.

The economy is fixed??? You might want to tell Kamala Kameleon that. She claims she has a plan but won't share it. :laugh:
"And yet these factors are not giving the incumbent Democrats the advantage one might expect. In most polls, Donald Trump continues to lead Vice President Kamala Harris on the question of who would better handle the economy . When you consider that Trump might do better than polling indicates (which happened in both 2016 and 2020), the race remains a toss-up.
The race won't be a tossup when voters go to the polls. ;)

It's only a tossup for wishful thinkers on the left.
The American people know that the Democrats have not fixed the economy.

The American people go to the supermarket and the gas station.

The Democrats are responsible for the out of control inflation.
Have you tried begging for money on the street corner, poor baby.
Many commentators argue that the Trump phenomenon is a fluke, fueled by his celebrity and almost cultlike following. Some of that is true. But right-wing populism isn’t going anywhere. It is being fueled by a deep backlash against the economic, political and cultural openness of the past few decades — and the urban elites supporting those trends.

You should write the WaPo and tell them they spelled "fucked" wrong. It's not "fixed."

From your article:

The U.S. economy has low inflation, low unemployment, a boom in manufacturing and dominance in technologies of the future, such as artificial intelligence and gene editing. Even inequality, which has soared for decades, has recently abated.

Low inflation? Inflation has come down from the first two years of Biden to being only about 50% higher than under Trump or Obama, at about 3% versus the roughly 2% previously.

Low unemployment? The labor utilization rate is at a low of about 64% right now. Unemployment is low only because people have given up looking for jobs.

A boom in manufacturing? The EV market is tanked--something Bribem pushed hard for. Intel and the semiconductor sector are in collapse. Inequality of income and such is higher than it's been in decades. People can't even afford rent let alone buy a house or new car. Everything in that article is cherry picked propaganda pulled from very selective use of statistics. As an article, it fills all three of Mark Twain's quote...

You should write the WaPo and tell them they spelled "fucked" wrong. It's not "fixed."

From your article:

The U.S. economy has low inflation, low unemployment, a boom in manufacturing and dominance in technologies of the future, such as artificial intelligence and gene editing. Even inequality, which has soared for decades, has recently abated.

Low inflation? Inflation has come down from the first two years of Biden to being only about 50% higher than under Trump or Obama, at about 3% versus the roughly 2% previously.

Low unemployment? The labor utilization rate is at a low of about 64% right now. Unemployment is low only because people have given up looking for jobs.

A boom in manufacturing? The EV market is tanked--something Bribem pushed hard for. Intel and the semiconductor sector are in collapse. Inequality of income and such is higher than it's been in decades. People can't even afford rent let alone buy a house or new car. Everything in that article is cherry picked propaganda pulled from very selective use of statistics. As an article, it fills all three of Mark Twain's quote...

duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh picture duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
The term "ignorant masses" is not just empty or meaningless.

Nor is it anything new.

That's why traditional religious belief still exists in modern times.

Tell people that their souls can live in heaven for eternity if they just run around expressing belief in a particular deity, and a major percentage of them will dutifully follow along with it.

Similarly, if a master manipulator like Trump comes along and tells them he's the only one who can make them happy again, the low educated and self-interested will fall in line.

We'll see in November just how many Americans are gullible, low intellect rubes and how many are savvy enough to see through a mountain of bullshit.
Many commentators argue that the Trump phenomenon is a fluke, fueled by his celebrity and almost cultlike following. Some of that is true. But right-wing populism isn’t going anywhere. It is being fueled by a deep backlash against the economic, political and cultural openness of the past few decades — and the urban elites supporting those trends.

You start out with a false premise.

Democrats have fixed the economy. (False)​
