Democrats have fixed the economy. But that won’t be enough to defeat populism.

Democrats are on track to win "populism", i.e., the vote of the people. They most always do.
Typical, when a leftist dumbass like you get confronted with the facts, you result to childlike insults.

This is why I tell people they cannot argue with mentally deranged leftist morons like you. :palm:
Good, then stop responding to my posts you stupid troll.
I wouldn't say it's "fixed," but they have done a good job of improving things from the economic disaster that the worst jobs President in modern American history left for them.

I do not understand how anyone can think a Republican is better for the economy after the past 30+ years. There is simply no comparison at all.
If Trump voters thought in those terms we would all be better off, but they don't. Whatever excuses or distortions have to be made on policy or anything else will be made so as not to be in the way of what matters, and we know what that is.
What policies do Republicans have that seem to trigger you brain dead morons on the left?

That they want to limit abortions and not allow abortion on demand until full term?
Law and order?
Border security?
Economic prosperity?
Keeping Government within the confines of the US Constitution?
Abiding by the Constitution?
Free speech?
Free enterprise unhindered by massive Big Government regulations?
Lower taxes?
Balanced budgets?

Tell us halfwit.