Democrats have fixed the economy. But that won’t be enough to defeat populism.

In response to a leftist moron claiming that it was Republicans.

Fascism is using the courts to inpugn and lock up your political opponents.

Fascism is using private enterprise to promote your policies.

Fascism is censuring opposing views.

Fascism is price controls.

Fascism is any political party that does not like political competition and will do anything to rid itself of it.

Fascism is one party rule which is what Democrats want.

So right now, we are headed for autocracy if Democrats got their way, which eventually leads to Fascism.

Now, do you have an argument, or want to continue whining like the little thread trolling bitch we know you to be? other words, fascism is government manipulation of markets.
They have had the WH 12 of the last 16 years but Trump is the problem. You can't make up how stupid these people are.
...... and "Chameleon" Harris keeps claiming that she's going to "do _________ upon being elected", conveniently forgetting that SHE'S ALREADY IN OFFICE and hasn't actually done anything good for any typical working class citizen of this nation.
I wouldn't say it's "fixed," but they have done a good job of improving things from the economic disaster that the worst jobs President in modern American history left for them.
DEMOCRATS caused the current economic depression. DON'T TRY TO BLAME DEMOCRAT PROBLEMS ON TRUMP!
I do not understand how anyone can think a Republican is better for the economy after the past 30+ years. There is simply no comparison at all.

Democrats have not fixed the economy.​

"Chameleon" Harris promises to "fix the economy" IF you "elect her in November", even though she's already been in office for almost four years, while simultaneously proclaiming that she's "proud of Bidenomics".

Libtard (lack of) Logic 101.
The term "ignorant masses" is not just empty or meaningless.

Nor is it anything new.

That's why traditional religious belief still exists in modern times.

Tell people that their souls can live in heaven for eternity if they just run around expressing belief in a particular deity, and a major percentage of them will dutifully follow along with it.

Similarly, if a master manipulator like Trump comes along and tells them he's the only one who can make them happy again, the low educated and self-interested will fall in line.

We'll see in November just how many Americans are gullible, low intellect rubes and how many are savvy enough to see through a mountain of @#$&.
I love posts like this. I screenshot and share them with the “ignorant masses” so they can see firsthand what the elite…or how was it put in the OP … “the urban elite…” think about them, their religion and the beliefs that are connected to it. So they can see themselves for the “low intellect rubes” they really are.
"Chameleon" Harris promises to "fix the economy" IF you "elect her in November", even though she's already been in office for almost four years, while simultaneously proclaiming that she's "proud of Bidenomics".

Libtard (lack of) Logic 101.
Leftists..... D-Rats are psychotic.

on the current state of the Democratic Party: “It’s NOT a political party. It has been captured by something that has objectives that have no place in a democratic society.”“It has engineered a FALSE coalition to demand preposterous things, to rationalize the abuse of power it exercises when it is in office.”“If you think about it as a group of Americans who have a view of the way the country should be governed, you’ll be scratching your head. If, on the other hand, you think of it as a HOSTILE force, one that has no interest in the wellbeing of average Americans, it makes a lot more sense.”“The people who are vocally supporting it are in some ways VICTIMS of a psychological operation that has convinced them to support things that are, frankly, UNHOLY.”
"And yet these factors are not giving the incumbent Democrats the advantage one might expect. In most polls, Donald Trump continues to lead Vice President Kamala Harris on the question of who would better handle the economy . When you consider that Trump might do better than polling indicates (which happened in both 2016 and 2020), the race remains a toss-up.
Nate Silver gives the win to Trump
Post your data refuting it.
Since February 2020, consumer prices have increased 20.9 percent, a Bankrate analysis of Bureau of Labor Statistics data shows. That's well above the historic average for a four-year period. For comparison, inflation rose 18.9 percent in the 2010s, 28.4 percent in the 2000s and 32.4 percent in the 1990s.
I love posts like this. I screenshot and share them with the “ignorant masses” so they can see firsthand what the elite…or how was it put in the OP … “the urban elite…” think about them, their religion and the beliefs that are connected to it. So they can see themselves for the “low intellect rubes” they really are.
Good for you!!! :thup:

Somebody needs to make those sorry-ass losers aware of how fucking bass-ackwards fucking stupid they are!!!

Keep up the good work!!! :hand:
All Fox talking points.

As opposed to MSNBC bullshit? Grow a brain halfwit. If you watched some Fox News you would be less stupid.

They are all FACTS. Something brainless morons like you wouldn't know if they slapped you across that thick, empty neanderthal skull.

Tell me... how does it feel to be in fear?
Tell does it feel to be such a clueless and brainless moron? :laugh:
you're just another stupid right wing troll
Typical, when a leftist dumbass like you get confronted with the facts, you result to childlike insults.

This is why I tell people they cannot argue with mentally deranged leftist morons like you. :palm: