Dick Cheney Was Right

Are you honestly claiming that you believe there are adults who don't know that sex can cause pregnancy? WTF are you babbling about?

I am 100% supportive of sex education and access to birth control for teens. If you are worried about adults not knowing that sexual intercourse can cause a pregnancy, then I really have no idea where you live, but I bet it's no tourist attraction.

stop being obtuse and try to use a little more comprehension, k?

knowing that pregnancy can occur from both protected and unprotected sex, an adult should stop being an idiot and decide if being stuck with a 9 month pregnancy is worth the sex. That way, all you dumbass liberals could stop using abortion as a last ditch effort at contraception.
stop being obtuse and try to use a little more comprehension, k?

knowing that pregnancy can occur from both protected and unprotected sex, an adult should stop being an idiot and decide if being stuck with a 9 month pregnancy is worth the sex. That way, all you dumbass liberals could stop using abortion as a last ditch effort at contraception.

Then we are back to your original fool claim which was that if a condom should come off, or as Top points out, break, during sex, a woman should be forced into childbirth. This is absurd lunacy, and has been round rejected by society.

That you believe only liberals have abortions is more ignorance on your part, and if I were you I wouldn't be so showy about my stupidity. They don't give out a prize for it you know.
Then we are back to your original fool claim which was that if a condom should come off, or as Top points out, break, during sex, a woman should be forced into childbirth. This is absurd lunacy, and has been round rejected by society.
WHY is it lunacy? did they know it was possible? you said that as adults they should. Did they know what the result could be? then why not force them to live with it?

That you believe only liberals have abortions is more ignorance on your part, and if I were you I wouldn't be so showy about my stupidity. They don't give out a prize for it you know.

if they gave out prizes for ignorance, you'd be world champion by now.
WHY is it lunacy? did they know it was possible? you said that as adults they should. Did they know what the result could be? then why not force them to live with it?

Because that would be state-ownership of a woman's body, and this misogynistic idea has been roundly rejected by society. If you are so emotionally attached to the idea of the state owning a woman's body, I urge you to move to Iran.
Because that would be state-ownership of a woman's body, and this misogynistic idea has been roundly rejected by society. If you are so emotionally attached to the idea of the state owning a woman's body, I urge you to move to Iran.

no it wouldn't be 'state ownership' dumbass. It's called taking personal responsibility. You know, that thing you want gun owners to take when they break a gun law, or when some moron shoots an abortion doctor.

you get a choice and live with the consequences. THAT is not state ownership. Only a real dipshit would consider forced accountability is equal to being owned by the state.
"No you piece of shit... no one is saying their bodies are 'properties of the state'. "

Rationalize it however you want. If you completely outlaw abortion, that is exactly what you are saying.

Funny you mentioning rationalization.... how is it going for you? Rationalizing taking a human life?

It would never be completely outlawed... there should always be a provision should the womans life be in danger.
It aint A human until it can survive separate from the mother --- ie third trimester. It's just human, like a severed toe, until then.

People on here argue about when that point is. Is it 20 weeks? Is it 23 weeks? Gee, there maybe kind of once was a case where a kid lived for a few hours at 20 weeks.

The point is if you want to go and argue about whether it's 21 or 22 weeks then go ahead and lobby your legislators to move the date back 7 days. Moving it back 154 days is retarded.

Ah yes, the ignorance of the left. The difference dumbass is that a toe is a body part. It is not a human being. The child is a unique life. A toe is not.

The very fact that you have to PICK some arbitrary time should tell you how moronic your proposal is. You do not arbitrarily assign a time as to when someone 'turns' into a human being.

the argument is.... should an unborn child be entitled to basic human rights.? THAT is the argument that can be discussed with at least some legitimacy.

Trying to pretend the child isn't a human being is just ignorance at its finest.
I understand that in this life, situations can arise that are horrific and tragic, and that any woman entering into a third-trimester abortion has found herself in one of them. If you want to know, there are going to be many first person accounts from women who had to obtain one from Dr. Tiller. In fact, there already are. They're out there, and more are being published now.

But you don't want to know. You are fanatical on this subject, and that's why I don't argue it with you. What can come from that other than your freaking out and calling names like you just did to Onceler? But when you post on a thread that I put up, this kind of rhetoric, and I don't dispute it, then people, including yourself, think I either agree with it, or am stuck on how to dispute it. I'm not stuck. I could go 100, 1,000, rounds with you on this and never get stuck.

And at the end of that, I would still hold my pro-choice opinion, and you would still hold your anti-choice opinion, and we would have called each other a lot of unforgivable names, and both feel bad.

That is an assumption on your part and a poor one at that. I most certainly would be interested in any of these stories.

But for you to comment on how the conjoined twins parents 'tragic' story of how they killed both twins to avoid killing one and maybe the other is not exactly a story that promotes the doctors cause.
I understand that in this life, situations can arise that are horrific and tragic, and that any woman entering into a third-trimester abortion has found herself in one of them. If you want to know, there are going to be many first person accounts from women who had to obtain one from Dr. Tiller. In fact, there already are. They're out there, and more are being published now.

But you don't want to know. You are fanatical on this subject, and that's why I don't argue it with you. What can come from that other than your freaking out and calling names like you just did to Onceler? But when you post on a thread that I put up, this kind of rhetoric, and I don't dispute it, then people, including yourself, think I either agree with it, or am stuck on how to dispute it. I'm not stuck. I could go 100, 1,000, rounds with you on this and never get stuck.

And at the end of that, I would still hold my pro-choice opinion, and you would still hold your anti-choice opinion, and we would have called each other a lot of unforgivable names, and both feel bad.

Side note... I am pro-LIFE... you are pro-abortion/death. At least get your positions stated correctly. :)

Side note 2.... at no time did I think you would agree with the correct positions I presented. You are a denialist. I get that. You are too stubborn to admit you are wrong. I get that too. I have presented a legitimate argument for the pro-abortion crowd time and again and yet they always seem to come back to the idiocy of 'well da kid ain't a human being yet' or some such nonsense. Why can't they simply say... I do not support giving basic human rights to unborn children? Why resort to such idiocy?
Its funny, as a student of early American history, the pro-abortion arguments seem all-too-familiar, yet abortion was not even an issue back then...
Side note... I am pro-LIFE... you are pro-abortion/death. At least get your positions stated correctly. :)

Side note 2.... at no time did I think you would agree with the correct positions I presented. You are a denialist. I get that. You are too stubborn to admit you are wrong. I get that too. I have presented a legitimate argument for the pro-abortion crowd time and again and yet they always seem to come back to the idiocy of 'well da kid ain't a human being yet' or some such nonsense. Why can't they simply say... I do not support giving basic human rights to unborn children? Why resort to such idiocy?

That's silly. Your position is just as extreme, simplistic & stupid as the one you are presenting for the pro choice side. You just don't realize it. You say you have presented a "legitimate argument," but that's your characterization & your characterization only. You say that the science is settled on the topic, but what are you basing that on? You filter the information that supports your position, and nothing more.

The right to choose is the law of the land, and that is unlikely to change. The Supreme Court STILL disagrees with you, decades into this thing...
First, I think it's important to read the words of someone who knew Dr. Tiller because they were tragically in need of his services as a doctor:

"In 1994 my wife and I found out that she was pregnant. The pregnancy was difficult and unusually uncomfortable but her doctor repeatedly told her things were fine. Sometime early in the 8th month my wife, an RN who at the time was working in an infertility clinic asked the Dr. she was working for what he thought of her discomfort. He examined her and said that he couldn’t be certain but thought that she might be having twins. We were thrilled and couldn’t wait to get a new sonogram that hopefully would confirm his thoughts. Two days later our joy was turned to unspeakable sadness when the new sonogram showed conjoined twins. Conjoined twins alone is not what was so difficult but the way they were joined meant that at best only one child would survive the surgery to separate them and the survivor would more than likely live a brief and painful life filled with surgery and organ transplants. We were advised that our options were to deliver into the world a child who’s life would be filled with horrible pain and suffering or fly out to Wichita Kansas and to terminate the pregnancy under the direction of Dr. George Tiller.

We made an informed decision to go to Kansas. One can only imagine the pain borne by a woman who happily carries a child for 8 months only to find out near the end of term that the children were not to be and that she had to make the decision to terminate the pregnancy and go against everything she had been taught to believe was right. This was what my wife had to do. Dr. Tiller is a true American hero. The nightmare of our decision and the aftermath was only made bearable by the warmth and compassion of Dr. Tiller and his remarkable staff. Dr. Tiller understood that this decision was the most difficult thing that a woman could ever decide and he took the time to educate us and guide us along with the other two couples who at the time were being forced to make the same decision after discovering that they too were carrying children impacted by horrible fetal anomalies. I could describe in great detail the procedures and the pain and suffering that everyone is subjected to in these situations. However, that is not the point of the post. We can all imagine that this is not something that we would wish on anyone. The point is that the pain and suffering were only mitigated by the compassion and competence of Dr. George Tiller and his staff. We are all diminished today for a host of reasons but most of all because a man of great compassion and courage has been lost to the world."

There are many more stories like this which will be coming out over the next weeks. As some may already know, third-trimester abortions represent a very miniscule number of abortions performed and they end the pregnancies of women whose doctors determine would suffer irreparable harm by giving birth.

A lot of people shoot off their mouths as if they know something about this, the greatest example being Bill O'Reilly. Sadly, a few loathsome women join him. I pity those women more than anything.

All of that given, it's time for the left to face a very disturbing fact. Dick Cheney was right.

Dick Cheney was right to say that terrorists would attack in this country again, because Obama is soft on terrorists. The facts are clear; the last abortion doctor was murdered in a terrorist attack on American soil under Bill Clinton, during a wave of clinic-bombings and armed attacks on doctors during the 1990's.

Not one doctor was murdered when George Bush was President. Read that again: Not one doctor was murdered under George W Bush.

Yet only months into the Obama administration the terrorists have struck again.

Any person that the terrorist had contact with over the past 6 months must be taken into custody and questioned. We know that appeasing these terrorists leads only to waves of clinic-bombings and more dead doctors, as we had during the 1990's. In fact, it is clear from that history that the assassination of Dr. Tiller is only the start. And we do not know when the next attack will occur, we only know that it will occur. This is absolutely a ticking time bomb scenario.

Anyone who ever knew this terrorist must be wiretapped. Any associates of this terrorist must be taken into custody for enhanced questioning. Waterboarding, stress positions and sexual humiliation must be employed until we find out from where and when the next attack is planned. Anyone who gives any verbal aid whatsoever to this terrorist must be put on the terrorist watch list.

Squeeze them till they squeal. American lives are at stake. And I am 100% in support of this, and 100% serious.

It's time to get tough on terrorists.
Keep in mind Darla that these were the same pricks and chicken hawks who banged the drums for an immoral war and called everyone traitors who disagreed with them and pretty much deny their mistakes to this very day. If they don't give a rats ass about the lives of thousands of our troops and tens of thousands of Iraqi's why would they give a damn about the plight of a pregnant woman? After all, in their eyes you're little more than chattel property in the first place.

The moral of the story Darla is that, sadly, for these people, ideology is more important then people.
So, just to understand their situation.... Had their conjoined twins (which could not be detected until the eigth month) been born:

1) One of the twins would die
2) That should the other survive, it would be likely to have to go through multiple surgeries and even then it may die.
3) The second twin, should it survive, would most likely have experienced 'horrible pain and suffering'

so the parents solution was to fly to Kansas and:

Scramble the brains of both of their kids... so that they could both die while experiencing 'horrible pain and suffering'.

Such good parents.... they saved money by not having surgeries.... total class
Before you become to judgemental maybe you should look up the mortality and morbidity rates for women who deliver conjoined twins.
Yeah there has always been and continues to be a policy of intimidation and fear, especially towards the providers and the women who visit the clinics. It's definitely terrorism.

and throw in the occasional drive by shooting and bombing and you have a pretty good point there.
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No. And who do you believe these impregnated women are having sex with?
Darla, that was an insenstive and provocative thing to say. GOOD JOB! :)

But really, you should have said something a little more direct like "Well then keep your dick in your pants mother fucker!"

That just drives me nuts when some asshole tries to shift the entire blame for abortion on women. Next thing you know their gonna give you a lecture about Eve and original sin.
then like I said before, would it not be more responsible to know upfront that YES those kinds of things can happen?

take your misogynistic rants and stuff them up your ass. I included men after you asked about it with the caveat that they should also be held responsible.

You dumb ass. Darla by definition can't be mysogenistic. Men are mysogenistic. Women are mysanthropic. Get a dictionary...and a clue! :pke:
First, I think it's important to read the words of someone who knew Dr. Tiller because they were tragically in need of his services as a doctor:

"In 1994 my wife and I found out that she was pregnant. The pregnancy was difficult and unusually uncomfortable but her doctor repeatedly told her things were fine. Sometime early in the 8th month my wife, an RN who at the time was working in an infertility clinic asked the Dr. she was working for what he thought of her discomfort. He examined her and said that he couldn’t be certain but thought that she might be having twins. We were thrilled and couldn’t wait to get a new sonogram that hopefully would confirm his thoughts. Two days later our joy was turned to unspeakable sadness when the new sonogram showed conjoined twins. Conjoined twins alone is not what was so difficult but the way they were joined meant that at best only one child would survive the surgery to separate them and the survivor would more than likely live a brief and painful life filled with surgery and organ transplants. We were advised that our options were to deliver into the world a child who’s life would be filled with horrible pain and suffering or fly out to Wichita Kansas and to terminate the pregnancy under the direction of Dr. George Tiller.

We made an informed decision to go to Kansas. One can only imagine the pain borne by a woman who happily carries a child for 8 months only to find out near the end of term that the children were not to be and that she had to make the decision to terminate the pregnancy and go against everything she had been taught to believe was right. This was what my wife had to do. Dr. Tiller is a true American hero. The nightmare of our decision and the aftermath was only made bearable by the warmth and compassion of Dr. Tiller and his remarkable staff. Dr. Tiller understood that this decision was the most difficult thing that a woman could ever decide and he took the time to educate us and guide us along with the other two couples who at the time were being forced to make the same decision after discovering that they too were carrying children impacted by horrible fetal anomalies. I could describe in great detail the procedures and the pain and suffering that everyone is subjected to in these situations. However, that is not the point of the post. We can all imagine that this is not something that we would wish on anyone. The point is that the pain and suffering were only mitigated by the compassion and competence of Dr. George Tiller and his staff. We are all diminished today for a host of reasons but most of all because a man of great compassion and courage has been lost to the world."

There are many more stories like this which will be coming out over the next weeks. As some may already know, third-trimester abortions represent a very miniscule number of abortions performed and they end the pregnancies of women whose doctors determine would suffer irreparable harm by giving birth.

A lot of people shoot off their mouths as if they know something about this, the greatest example being Bill O'Reilly. Sadly, a few loathsome women join him. I pity those women more than anything.

All of that given, it's time for the left to face a very disturbing fact. Dick Cheney was right.

Dick Cheney was right to say that terrorists would attack in this country again, because Obama is soft on terrorists. The facts are clear; the last abortion doctor was murdered in a terrorist attack on American soil under Bill Clinton, during a wave of clinic-bombings and armed attacks on doctors during the 1990's.

Not one doctor was murdered when George Bush was President. Read that again: Not one doctor was murdered under George W Bush.

Yet only months into the Obama administration the terrorists have struck again.

Any person that the terrorist had contact with over the past 6 months must be taken into custody and questioned. We know that appeasing these terrorists leads only to waves of clinic-bombings and more dead doctors, as we had during the 1990's. In fact, it is clear from that history that the assassination of Dr. Tiller is only the start. And we do not know when the next attack will occur, we only know that it will occur. This is absolutely a ticking time bomb scenario.

Anyone who ever knew this terrorist must be wiretapped. Any associates of this terrorist must be taken into custody for enhanced questioning. Waterboarding, stress positions and sexual humiliation must be employed until we find out from where and when the next attack is planned. Anyone who gives any verbal aid whatsoever to this terrorist must be put on the terrorist watch list.

Squeeze them till they squeal. American lives are at stake. And I am 100% in support of this, and 100% serious.

It's time to get tough on terrorists.
Pheeeeewwwww! Thank goodness, I thought you had lost you mind and I was going to have to jump a plane! and rescue you...

You are right. I wrote a letter or two to certain networks and their pundits.