Dick Cheney Was Right

"Calling a human being by different stages of its development doesn't change the fact that it is human."

Really? By your reckoning, is an acorn a tree?

You turn crazy on these kinds of threads, and resort to all kinds of emo, charged language, like "baby killer." There is no rationality to your arguments; only zealotry.

You're wrong on this one...

Rationality? You have yet to show anything to dispute the fact that it is a human being you are destroying. You are the one who is dehumanizing the child in order to justify killing it. The only one irrational here is you and those who support the murder of kids. It is not emo to state that. It is a fact. You end a life. That is the life of a human child.

No, an acorn is not a tree. Nor is a child or teenager an adult. Your point?
Rationality? You have yet to show anything to dispute the fact that it is a human being you are destroying. You are the one who is dehumanizing the child in order to justify killing it. The only one irrational here is you and those who support the murder of kids. It is not emo to state that. It is a fact. You end a life. That is the life of a human child.

SF - When you start lobbying to shut down fertility clinics across the country for their practices I'll start taking your belief that a fertilized egg is a human child concept seriously. Until then relax with the nutter rhetoric.
"No, an acorn is not a tree. Nor is a child or teenager an adult. Your point? "

You are misrepresenting the comparable stages of development, because you have to. It's very telling.
SF - When you start lobbying to shut down fertility clinics across the country for their practices I'll start taking your belief that a fertilized egg is a human child concept seriously. Until then relax with the nutter rhetoric.

Funny, yet another idiot calling me the nutter. Yet not one of you can provide any scientific evidence to support your position or to argue against mine. So until you can, please shut the fuck up.
"No, an acorn is not a tree. Nor is a child or teenager an adult. Your point? "

You are misrepresenting the comparable stages of development, because you have to. It's very telling.

You are the one who presented the idiotic acorn analogy. I responded to it. your comparison was not valid and I pointed out why.

A tree is fully developed. An acorn is not.

An adult is fully developed. A child/teenager is not.

how is that misrepresenting anything?

An acorn is still going to have the genetic mapping to become a specific type of tree. It is not magically going to turn into a coconut.
Funny, yet another idiot calling me the nutter. Yet not one of you can provide any scientific evidence to support your position or to argue against mine. So until you can, please shut the fuck up.

I just thought you would be really upset about the murder factories across the country that create "human children" to destroy them. I mean, say what you will about women that get abortions, but few of them actually intentionally create "human children" only to murder most of them.
You are the one who presented the idiotic acorn analogy. I responded to it. your comparison was not valid and I pointed out why.

A tree is fully developed. An acorn is not.

An adult is fully developed. A child/teenager is not.

how is that misrepresenting anything?

An acorn is still going to have the genetic mapping to become a specific type of tree. It is not magically going to turn into a coconut.

Again, very telling.

An acorn is comparable to a zygote, not to a "child/teenager." The child/teenager has all of the characteristics that we associate with being a human being.

An acorn COULD become a tree, just like a zygote COULD become a human being. But an acorn doesn't have branches, leaves, roots, etc. If I was someone who believed with all my heart that trees were cognizant living things that were entitled to a right to life, I would not think destroying an acorn would infringe on that.

That's why viability is such a key question, and Roe is such a good compromise. Clearly, we'll never reach "common ground" with emo psycho's like you, so this is what we have. There is no way I'll ever live in an America that tells a woman that because of some accident or rape or whatever, she has to carry that fetus to term...
Baby Killer!

LOL. SF, I find you as irrational and incoherent and outright loonie, as the majority of Americans would find an aging hippie screaming Baby Killer! at returning troops in the year 2009. And actually, the hippie would have a better case than you do, though, because a small minority of US Soldiers actually personally kill children in Iraq and Afghanistan, it'd still be an erroneous charge.

If we were discussing rape and someone reacted in the deranged and demented way that you do, I would immediately shut down the discussion, out of fear that the person was a highly traumatized rape victim to whom I would be loathe to cause further harm or distress.

Is there any chance that you are an abortion survivor?
I'm not going to pretend i've been following the ins and out of this thread but i have to say my heart goes out to these poor women who, if circumstances were different, would be forced to give birth to oak trees.
Again, very telling.

An acorn is comparable to a zygote, not to a "child/teenager." The child/teenager has all of the characteristics that we associate with being a human being.

An acorn COULD become a tree, just like a zygote COULD become a human being. But an acorn doesn't have branches, leaves, roots, etc. If I was someone who believed with all my heart that trees were cognizant living things that were entitled to a right to life, I would not think destroying an acorn would infringe on that.

That's why viability is such a key question, and Roe is such a good compromise. Clearly, we'll never reach "common ground" with emo psycho's like you, so this is what we have. There is no way I'll ever live in an America that tells a woman that because of some accident or rape or whatever, she has to carry that fetus to term...

Ok... that is simply terminology... insert fertilized egg into the child/teenager portion of my comments. Bottom line, it was a stupid analogy. An acorn is not a tree, nor is a fertilized egg an adult human. Again... your point?
Ok... that is simply terminology... insert fertilized egg into the child/teenager portion of my comments. Bottom line, it was a stupid analogy. An acorn is not a tree, nor is a fertilized egg an adult human. Again... your point?
Correct. The acorn and the zygote are tree and human respectively, just at different stages of life. The assumption is that because the acorn looks different it is less than the other, but as long as it was germinated it is the same tree at a different stage of life.

The analogy fails to comprehend the reality of different stages of a life cycle and pretends that each stage is a different form of life rather than just a different stage of the same life, it's premise is incorrect and therefore the analogy is fallacious from the start.

We all began as zygotes, it was the first stage of our lives, all oak trees began as germinated acorns, it was the first stage of their life.
Baby Killer!

LOL. SF, I find you as irrational and incoherent and outright loonie, as the majority of Americans would find an aging hippie screaming Baby Killer! at returning troops in the year 2009. And actually, the hippie would have a better case than you do, though, because a small minority of US Soldiers actually personally kill children in Iraq and Afghanistan, it'd still be an erroneous charge.

If we were discussing rape and someone reacted in the deranged and demented way that you do, I would immediately shut down the discussion, out of fear that the person was a highly traumatized rape victim to whom I would be loathe to cause further harm or distress.

Is there any chance that you are an abortion survivor?

LOL.... funny, because that is exactly how I see you idiots who so irrationally support the killing of children. ESPECIALLY you who constantly point out when a kid is killed on accident by a bomb. That gets you worked up, but deliberately killing a kid, well... thats CHOICE!

You again are assigning emotion to me that does not exist. There is no rage, only mockery of the ignorance of your position. You and Lorax and Dung are now trying to judge my 'emotional' response as a diversion from having to answer the basic points.

Do you or do you not think the fertilized egg is human?

Is that fertilized egg alive?

Two simply questions.... yet you idiots cannot come up with an answer that will allow you to maintain your position.
An acorn COULD become a tree, just like a zygote COULD become a human being. But an acorn doesn't have branches, leaves, roots, etc. If I was someone who believed with all my heart that trees were cognizant living things that were entitled to a right to life, I would not think destroying an acorn would infringe on that.


Wrong.... unless you care to demonstrate when it is the magic human fairy comes and turns the zygote human?

It is always human you moron. At no time does it have the genetic mapping of any other species.
LOL.... funny, because that is exactly how I see you idiots who so irrationally support the killing of children. ESPECIALLY you who constantly point out when a kid is killed on accident by a bomb. That gets you worked up, but deliberately killing a kid, well... thats CHOICE!

You again are assigning emotion to me that does not exist. There is no rage, only mockery of the ignorance of your position. You and Lorax and Dung are now trying to judge my 'emotional' response as a diversion from having to answer the basic points.

Do you or do you not think the fertilized egg is human?

Is that fertilized egg alive?

Two simply questions.... yet you idiots cannot come up with an answer that will allow you to maintain your position.

My answer to both is no of course, and I could not previously discern a question amid all of your ranting.

I personally have had a first trimester abortion. I'm sure I've stated this on this board before. There was a time I wouldn't have said so, but I've grown into a very confident woman over time, and I have no problem stating so.

I have never had cause to regret the decision, which wasn't even much of a decision. A birth control failure, followed by a very fast determination that it had resulted in a pregnancy, and a visit to my doctor for what is basically a D & C.

When I said that you, quite literally, call me a murderer every time you post on abortion, I was very serious. I was also quite serious when I said that it had never affected me, because I understand you are fanatical, emotive, and I dismiss your opinion on my action as easily and with as little thought as I would give to Osama Bin Laden's opinions on the hairstyles of Western women. If you honestly believe that you come off as remotely rational on this subject SF, you do not. You are not forced to post on this thread, yet there has never been a thread on this board that even maginally involved abortion, on which you have not posted. You cannot control yourself.

I can.

I often simply do not post on abortion threads. Not because you or any other anti-choice fanatic "gets to me", but because it is fruitless, pointless, and not necessary.

Roe V Wade is the law of the land. Roe V Wade will continue to be the law of the land. So broadly speaking, these fanatical rantings don't matter. I would never become involved with a man who would even consider judging my own abortion, so personally speaking, these fanatical rantings don't matter.

I can walk away. You can't.

Who is the fanatic SF?
"My answer to both is no of course, and I could not previously discern a question amid all of your ranting."

LMAO.... so if it is not alive... then why exactly would you need an abortion?????????

"I personally have had a first trimester abortion. I'm sure I've stated this on this board before. There was a time I wouldn't have said so, but I've grown into a very confident woman over time, and I have no problem stating so."

Yes, you have stated that before.

"I have never had cause to regret the decision, which wasn't even much of a decision. A birth control failure, followed by a very fast determination that it had resulted in a pregnancy, and a visit to my doctor for what is basically a D & C. "

That is understandable given that you have chosen to believe in the fantasy that it is not human or alive at that stage

"When I said that you, quite literally, call me a murderer every time you post on abortion, I was very serious. I was also quite serious when I said that it had never affected me, because I understand you are fanatical, emotive, and I dismiss your opinion on my action as easily and with as little thought as I would give to Osama Bin Laden's opinions on the hairstyles of Western women. If you honestly believe that you come off as remotely rational on this subject SF, you do not. You are not forced to post on this thread, yet there has never been a thread on this board that even maginally involved abortion, on which you have not posted. You cannot control yourself. "

It is a discussion board you twit. You post on topics you believe in, as do I. Likewise, we both posts on some threads we really don't care that much about. It is a message board. That is what it is for. Again, the only ones that are irrational are those that bury their heads in the sand and pretend they have a position. The only irrational ones are those that, like Hitler, attempt to dehumanize a group in order to make themselves feel better about killing said group.

Roe V Wade is the law of the land. Roe V Wade will continue to be the law of the land. So broadly speaking, these fanatical rantings don't matter. I would never become involved with a man who would even consider judging my own abortion, so personally speaking, these fanatical rantings don't matter.

I can walk away. You can't.

Who is the fanatic SF?

A fanatic is one that holds on to their beliefs even when facts prove them wrong. A fanatic is one who is willing to kill another to support their personal beliefs. Such as the man who killed the doctor.... and of course... you.
A fanatic is one that holds on to their beliefs even when facts prove them wrong. A fanatic is one who is willing to kill another to support their personal beliefs. Such as the man who killed the doctor.... and of course... you.

Well, the fact is that nearly everyone is willing to kill to support their beliefs, other than hard-core pacifists which are a rare breed and I know of none here, including myself.

But no one kills so often, or so widely, as a war supporter. The difference being that there is no doubt that the people they kill are actually, you know, people.

Whereas to at least a plurality of people, perhaps even a majority, a first trimester fetus is not a baby, and many hold my own view which is that it's a clump of cells.

So our views of who the murderers are differ, and you are compelled to post feverishly on any thread that mentions abortion, and I am not.

Maybe that's because one of us is at peace with our view. I don't know. I only know that I am.