Dick Cheney Was Right

"when facts prove them wrong"

According to you, it is scientific fact that a zygote IS a baby.

You understand what a baby is, correct, Superfreak?
"fallacious from the start."

Better than "retarded." Good save.
It's both. It is retarded to try to pretend that human life at a different stage is not somehow human life at that stage because it isn't the same thing as human life at a different stage.

It's like arguing 144 hour creationism. It starts off wrong and gets worse as the argument progresses.
Well, the fact is that nearly everyone is willing to kill to support their beliefs, other than hard-core pacifists which are a rare breed and I know of none here, including myself.

But no one kills so often, or so widely, as a war supporter. The difference being that there is no doubt that the people they kill are actually, you know, people.

Whereas to at least a plurality of people, perhaps even a majority, a first trimester fetus is not a baby, and many hold my own view which is that it's a clump of cells.

So our views of who the murderers are differ, and you are compelled to post feverishly on any thread that mentions abortion, and I am not.

Maybe that's because one of us is at peace with our view. I don't know. I only know that I am.

Not true... far more innocent people died at the hands of abortionists than due to war.

There is also no doubt that the abortionists is killing an innocent human child. Just because you pretend this isn't the case doesn't change that fact.

You continue to proclaim that I am the one 'feverishly' posting on this thread... I am simply trying to educate the morons who cannot even comprehend what science is telling us. you on the other hand continue to also proclaim that you do not need to be here.... yet here you still are trying to feverishly defend your idiocy.

As for peace, I am totally at peace with my view. I am not the one supporting the murders of innocent kids.
"when facts prove them wrong"

According to you, it is scientific fact that a zygote IS a baby.

You understand what a baby is, correct, Superfreak?
"Baby" is a relative term. One can call even an adult their "baby" when they were the youngest child of a family.

A zygote is human life, as genetically unique as you are.
It's both. It is retarded to try to pretend that human life at a different stage is not somehow human life at that stage because it isn't the same thing as human life at a different stage.


You're completely oversimplifying. If it's "retarded," then there are a vast # of justices, legislators, doctors & citizens who fall under that category over the past few decades.

Viability, functionality, cognizance, characteristics - these all play a part in a debate that rational, intelligent people have on this topic. No one except the fantatics pretend it is simple or cut & dry. The idea that Superfreak calls a zygote a "baby" is absurd, at least to most people, but it's something you have no qualms with, apparently.

An acorn is NOT a tree; no one would make that argument seriously. Is it a potential tree? Sure. Is a zygote a potential life? Sure. But it isn't, yet.
"when facts prove them wrong"

According to you, it is scientific fact that a zygote IS a baby.

You understand what a baby is, correct, Superfreak?

Again, you are playing word games.

here, I'll make it easier for you to comprehend... the fertilized egg/zygote/fetus/baby/child/teenager are ALL HUMAN. They are ALL unique humans. They are all alive. They are ALL developing. They are all the progengy of HUMANS.
"when facts prove them wrong"

According to you, it is scientific fact that a zygote IS a baby.

You understand what a baby is, correct, Superfreak?

child  /tʃaɪld/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [chahyld] Show IPA
–noun, plural chil⋅dren. 1. a person between birth and full growth; a boy or girl: books for children.
2. a son or daughter: All my children are married.
3. a baby or infant.
4. a human fetus.
5. a childish person: He's such a child about money.
6. a descendant: a child of an ancient breed.
7. any person or thing regarded as the product or result of particular agencies, influences, etc.: Abstract art is a child of the 20th century.
8. a person regarded as conditioned or marked by a given circumstance, situation, etc.: a child of poverty; a child of famine.
9. British Dialect Archaic. a female infant.
"when facts prove them wrong"

According to you, it is scientific fact that a zygote IS a baby.

You understand what a baby is, correct, Superfreak?

ba⋅by  /ˈbeɪbi/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [bey-bee] Show IPA noun, plural -bies, adjective, verb, -bied, -by⋅ing.
–noun 1. an infant or very young child.
2. a newborn or very young animal.
3. the youngest member of a family, group, etc.
4. an immature or childish person.
5. a human fetus.
6. Informal. a. Sometimes Disparaging and Offensive. a girl or woman, esp. an attractive one.
b. a person of whom one is deeply fond; sweetheart.
c. (sometimes initial capital letter) an affectionate or familiar address (sometimes offensive when used to strangers, casual acquaintances, subordinates, etc., esp. by a male to a female).
d. a man or boy; chap; fellow: He's a tough baby to have to deal with.
e. an invention, creation, project, or the like that requires one's special attention or expertise or of which one is especially proud.
f. an object; thing: Is that car there your baby?

–adjective 7. of or suitable for a baby: baby clothes.
8. of or like a baby; infantile: baby skin.
9. small; comparatively little: a baby car.
10. treating babies: a baby doctor.

–verb (used with object) 11. to treat like a young child; pamper.
12. to handle or use with special care; treat gently.
child  /tʃaɪld/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [chahyld] Show IPA
–noun, plural chil⋅dren. 1. a person between birth and full growth; a boy or girl: books for children.
2. a son or daughter: All my children are married.
3. a baby or infant.
4. a human fetus.
5. a childish person: He's such a child about money.
6. a descendant: a child of an ancient breed.
7. any person or thing regarded as the product or result of particular agencies, influences, etc.: Abstract art is a child of the 20th century.
8. a person regarded as conditioned or marked by a given circumstance, situation, etc.: a child of poverty; a child of famine.
9. British Dialect Archaic. a female infant.

Oh... well, THAT certainly is definitive. Really shuts the door on the debate; a zygote IS a baby, after all. I stand corrected.
You're completely oversimplifying. If it's "retarded," then there are a vast # of justices, legislators, doctors & citizens who fall under that category over the past few decades.

Viability, functionality, cognizance, characteristics - these all play a part in a debate that rational, intelligent people have on this topic. No one except the fantatics pretend it is simple or cut & dry. The idea that Superfreak calls a zygote a "baby" is absurd, at least to most people, but it's something you have no qualms with, apparently.

An acorn is NOT a tree; no one would make that argument seriously. Is it a potential tree? Sure. Is a zygote a potential life? Sure. But it isn't, yet.

No, that is simply the slippery slope that idiots play on to justify taking a life. Because as I stated before and you chose to spaz out about....

If viability, functionality, cognizance etc... determining factors, then why apply it to the unborn and not others?

Oh yeah, because it is an arbitrary way for you to dehumanize the unborn child in order to justify killing it.
An acorn is NOT a tree; no one would make that argument seriously. Is it a potential tree? Sure. Is a zygote a potential life? Sure. But it isn't, yet.

Listen dipshit.... do try to explain your position here if you can.... If it is not currently 'life'.... then why is it even necessary to kill it?

You're completely oversimplifying. If it's "retarded," then there are a vast # of justices, legislators, doctors & citizens who fall under that category over the past few decades.

Viability, functionality, cognizance, characteristics - these all play a part in a debate that rational, intelligent people have on this topic. No one except the fantatics pretend it is simple or cut & dry. The idea that Superfreak calls a zygote a "baby" is absurd, at least to most people, but it's something you have no qualms with, apparently.

An acorn is NOT a tree; no one would make that argument seriously. Is it a potential tree? Sure. Is a zygote a potential life? Sure. But it isn't, yet.
As were a great many just as wrong before the Darwin cases, and with Dred Scott. While they may argue that human life at that stage is not worth as much as human life at the adult or infant stage, they cannot argue that it isn't a human life at all, unless they ignore science.

Lawyers are not the quintessential be all of scientific knowledge, and scientists who try to tell you that a zygote isn't a human life are simply rejecting direct information for convenience.

What you argue here with "visibility and cognition" is "personhood" not whether it is human life. One can argue the philosophical argument of "personhood" but we have direct knowledge that it is the first stage of human life, arguing that it isn't is retarded.
SF - How do you rationalize fertility clinics given your position? Seriously. I'm quite curious. No bullshit.

Most folks would at least concede that, whatever you want to call a fertilized egg, it has zero chance of survival unless and until it is implanted in the uterus so fertilized eggs in fertility clinics stand on a different footing from fertilized eggs implanted in the uterus. But you don't make that distinction so I'm intrigued.
You asked for a definition moron. I provide you with them and you bitch???


Why are people so in love with providing dictionary definitions of certain terms? I mean, what does it prove?

Webster doesn't include "fetus" as an alternative definition of "child." What does that prove?
Not true... far more innocent people died at the hands of abortionists than due to war.

There is also no doubt that the abortionists is killing an innocent human child. Just because you pretend this isn't the case doesn't change that fact.

You continue to proclaim that I am the one 'feverishly' posting on this thread... I am simply trying to educate the morons who cannot even comprehend what science is telling us. you on the other hand continue to also proclaim that you do not need to be here.... yet here you still are trying to feverishly defend your idiocy.

As for peace, I am totally at peace with my view. I am not the one supporting the murders of innocent kids.

No, I stated that you feverishly post on all abortion threads, or threads that even mention abortion. I'll go further and remind that you have in the past even turned threads that were not about abortion at all, into tirades on abortion.

You're a fanatic, so of course, you are not going to change this fanatical view you describe, yet again, above. But you're also irrelevant on this particular matter. So it's nothing for anyone to get upset over. Except for you I guess.
As were a great many just as wrong before the Darwin cases, and with Dred Scott. While they may argue that human life at that stage is not worth as much as human life at the adult or infant stage, they cannot argue that it isn't a human life at all, unless they ignore science.

Lawyers are not the quintessential be all of scientific knowledge, and scientists who try to tell you that a zygote isn't a human life are simply rejecting direct information for convenience.

What you argue here with "visibility and cognition" is "personhood" not whether it is human life. One can argue the philosophical argument of "personhood" but we have direct knowledge that it is the first stage of human life, arguing that it isn't is retarded.

Honestly, I have to say that if I were black, this is the one thing the fanatics do that would upset me. Comparing two week old clumps of cells to African Americans. In fact, you guys are l ucky I'm not black because I'd be coming to kick the shit out of you.

Honestly, I think it's dismissive, demeaning, and borders on racism. It's beyond disgusting. It's the tool of moral turds.
And Damo, speaking of Dred Scott, how's your friend Tancredo doing huh?

Have you called him about his assistant? The one who pleaded guilty two years ago to charging an African American woman in Washington DC, screaming the n word at her, and then karate chopping her in the head?

You're so concerned about our racist "past" well it turns out that the past really isn't dead, and in Colorado, it's not even past.

Maybe you should make some phone calls.
SF - How do you rationalize fertility clinics given your position? Seriously. I'm quite curious. No bullshit.

Most folks would at least concede that, whatever you want to call a fertilized egg, it has zero chance of survival unless and until it is implanted in the uterus so fertilized eggs in fertility clinics stand on a different footing from fertilized eggs implanted in the uterus. But you don't make that distinction so I'm intrigued.

The above is correct. One is growing and developing as it has implanted, the other is not. If the fertilized egg in the clinic is not frozen then it will die as we do not have the technology to keep it alive without implantation. But fertility clinics do freeze the eggs for future implantation.

As our technology increases we are able to screw around more with the natural life cycle.
Correct. The acorn and the zygote are tree and human respectively, just at different stages of life. The assumption is that because the acorn looks different it is less than the other, but as long as it was germinated it is the same tree at a different stage of life.

The analogy fails to comprehend the reality of different stages of a life cycle and pretends that each stage is a different form of life rather than just a different stage of the same life, it's premise is incorrect and therefore the analogy is fallacious from the start.

We all began as zygotes, it was the first stage of our lives, all oak trees began as germinated acorns, it was the first stage of their life.

The human being is considered "fully" developed I believe at the age of 25. Abortion works for a lot of people because they don't have to look at or touch the baby before it is killed. Pro abortionists need to dehumanize the fetal stage so they can justify killing it. There really is no other reason.