Dick Cheney Was Right

Honestly, I have to say that if I were black, this is the one thing the fanatics do that would upset me. Comparing two week old clumps of cells to African Americans. In fact, you guys are l ucky I'm not black because I'd be coming to kick the shit out of you.

Honestly, I think it's dismissive, demeaning, and borders on racism. It's beyond disgusting. It's the tool of moral turds.

wow... someone is rather emotional...

I am a 37 year old clump of cells... you are about the same age and still... just a clump of cells.

We are not comparing African Americans to the child... we are comparing those who wish to dehumanize a group of humans to others who wanted to to do the same.
No, I stated that you feverishly post on all abortion threads, or threads that even mention abortion. I'll go further and remind that you have in the past even turned threads that were not about abortion at all, into tirades on abortion.

You're a fanatic, so of course, you are not going to change this fanatical view you describe, yet again, above. But you're also irrelevant on this particular matter. So it's nothing for anyone to get upset over. Except for you I guess.

No dearest Darla... you are the fanatic. Just because I enjoy making idiots like you face the facts that science dictates on this subject, does not make me a fanatic. I would not kill someone over this issue. You would. That makes you the fanatic.

Yet here you are again, the one who doesn't have to post to the thread, still posting, ranting and raving your lunacy in an attempt to make the guilt go away.
The above is correct. One is growing and developing as it has implanted, the other is not. If the fertilized egg in the clinic is not frozen then it will die as we do not have the technology to keep it alive without implantation. But fertility clinics do freeze the eggs for future implantation.

As our technology increases we are able to screw around more with the natural life cycle.

OK, but is what they do murder or not? I mean, you've devoted countless post in this thread to convincing others that a fertilized egg is a "kid" or "baby" or "child" and that abortion is murder of these kids, babies and children. Moreover, while some eggs are indeed frozen for future implantation fertility clinics destroy hundreds of thousands of them each year.

Aren't these fertility clinics nothing more than murder mills?
wow... someone is rather emotional...

I am a 37 year old clump of cells... you are about the same age and still... just a clump of cells.

We are not comparing African Americans to the child... we are comparing those who wish to dehumanize a group of humans to others who wanted to to do the same.

Yes, I do get emotional about racism, (sorry you don't) and abortion is constantly being compared to slavery, and what is truly pathetic is that the moral turds who came up with this obvious canard, are the same turds who would have absolutely been quoting the bible to defend slavery. They are the same turds who snickered when Lee Atwater states that by the late 1960's you couldn't say "n**ger" any more, that'd hurt you, so you use terms like "forced busing" and "state's rights'. And they are the same turds who then started using code phrases like forced busing and states rights.

Today, they are the same turns who defend Tom Tancredo and Patrick Buchanon who both employ a known and convicted violent racist who beats up black women while calling them the n word.

I think it is so cheap to use the terrible history of slavery, rape, murder, lynching, torture, and degradation we have visited upon blacks in this country, as some strawman in an abortion debate.

OK, but is what they do murder or not? I mean, you've devoted countless post in this thread to convincing others that a fertilized egg is a "kid" or "baby" or "child" and that abortion is murder of these kids, babies and children. Moreover, while some eggs are indeed frozen for future implantation fertility clinics destroy hundreds of thousands of them each year.

Aren't these fertility clinics nothing more than murder mills?

A fertilized egg that is alive and developing that is killed... absolutely it is murder.

A fertilized egg that is frozen is more in stasis. sorry, but that is the best way I can describe it... it is neither growing/developing nor is it dead... this goes back to my comment on how our increased technology allows us to screw around with the natural life cycle.
No dearest Darla... you are the fanatic. Just because I enjoy making idiots like you face the facts that science dictates on this subject, does not make me a fanatic. I would not kill someone over this issue. You would. That makes you the fanatic.

Yet here you are again, the one who doesn't have to post to the thread, still posting, ranting and raving your lunacy in an attempt to make the guilt go away.

It's my thread, I won't walk away from it. But you know darned well it's the only abortion thread I post on, and that you are compelled to post on them all, endlessly.
A fertilized egg that is alive and developing that is killed... absolutely it is murder.

A fertilized egg that is frozen is more in stasis. sorry, but that is the best way I can describe it... it is neither growing/developing nor is it dead... this goes back to my comment on how our increased technology allows us to screw around with the natural life cycle.

This really doesn't make sense. Because if one believes your theory, then it's just in a state of development and even preventing that development is murder.

You're sliding here SF.
A fertilized egg that is alive and developing that is killed... absolutely it is murder.

A fertilized egg that is frozen is more in stasis. sorry, but that is the best way I can describe it... it is neither growing/developing nor is it dead... this goes back to my comment on how our increased technology allows us to screw around with the natural life cycle.

That is interesting, because your previous qualification on this thread - which is scientific FACT, according to you - was that the product of a sperm & egg cell is HUMAN.
Yes, I do get emotional about racism, (sorry you don't) and abortion is constantly being compared to slavery, and what is truly pathetic is that the moral turds who came up with this obvious canard, are the same turds who would have absolutely been quoting the bible to defend slavery. They are the same turds who snickered when Lee Atwater states that by the late 1960's you couldn't say "n**ger" any more, that'd hurt you, so you use terms like "forced busing" and "state's rights'. And they are the same turds who then started using code phrases like forced busing and states rights.

Today, they are the same turns who defend Tom Tancredo and Patrick Buchanon who both employ a known and convicted violent racist who beats up black women while calling them the n word.

I think it is so cheap to use the terrible history of slavery, rape, murder, lynching, torture, and degradation we have visited upon blacks in this country, as some strawman in an abortion debate.


Again dear emotional Darla, it is not abortion that is being compared to African Americans. It is one group of individuals (white slave owners) who wished to dehumanize a group of people (blacks/slaves) being compared to another group of individuals (abortionists) who wish to dehumanize another group of people (unborn children). That is the comparison dear emotional one. Abortionists are being equated to White Slave owners and Hitler.

It is not a strawman dear emotional one. You have no facts to support your claim that the unborn child isn't human. None. Neither did those who wished to proclaim blacks 3/5 human. Neither did Hitler when he tried to dehumanize the Jews.
That is interesting, because your previous qualification on this thread - which is scientific FACT, according to you - was that the product of a sperm & egg cell is HUMAN.

The fertilized egg is still HUMAN you moron. What I said did not change that.

The difference between a frozen embryo and an embryo that has implanted in the uterus is what?

come on.... you know the answer.... just say it...
A fertilized egg that is alive and developing that is killed... absolutely it is murder.

A fertilized egg that is frozen is more in stasis. sorry, but that is the best way I can describe it... it is neither growing/developing nor is it dead... this goes back to my comment on how our increased technology allows us to screw around with the natural life cycle.

1) Dirsegarding the frozen children, fertility clinics destroy hundreds of thousands of fertilized eggs each year. I guess my question for you, given your strong feelings about all of this, is why you aren't out trying to get them shut down immediately. That's an awful lot of baby-killing and you don't need to overturn Roe v. Wade to end it.

2) Stasis? OK. That's cute. I mean, I guess I can freeze my two year old and tell the cops that he is in stasis but i don't think they'll buy it. If my two year old is a child and a fertilized egg is a child, we ought to be able to treat the two the same way, no?
The fertilized egg is still HUMAN you moron. What I said did not change that.

The difference between a frozen embryo and an embryo that has implanted in the uterus is what?

come on.... you know the answer.... just say it...

I really don't know. According to your "proven" scientific definition, they are both human babies.
This really doesn't make sense. Because if one believes your theory, then it's just in a state of development and even preventing that development is murder.

You're sliding here SF.

No dear emotional one.... If one is in stasis, one is neither growing and developing nor is one dead. Again, our increases in technology have allowed us to screw around with the life cycle.

I understand your desperate attempts to try and find a 'gotcha' moment. But nothing will change the fact that abortion is murder.
The fertilized egg is still HUMAN you moron. What I said did not change that.

The difference between a frozen embryo and an embryo that has implanted in the uterus is what?

come on.... you know the answer.... just say it...

Well they're both human, so preventing the development of either is murder.
By the way Darla.... why are you still here? I thought the great one did not need to post in these threads. Is the great one becoming overly emotional? has she finally realized that she really doesn't have anything to support her own nonsense and thus feels the need to lash out?
Bullshit. Science dictates that the product of a human sperm cell and human egg cell is.... wait for it.... HUMAN.

Science further dictates that it is a UNIQUE human life based on our ability to map the human genome. To pretend that Science isn't 100% on this is nothing short of idiocy.

Here it is. You really seemed clear on it earlier in the thread, SF.
No dear emotional one.... If one is in stasis, one is neither growing and developing nor is one dead. Again, our increases in technology have allowed us to screw around with the life cycle.

I understand your desperate attempts to try and find a 'gotcha' moment. But nothing will change the fact that abortion is murder.

No, you've definitely stepped in it SF.

As far as it being murder, hey, that's how I feel about war.
No, you've definitely stepped in it SF.

As far as it being murder, hey, that's how I feel about war.

No, I did not dear emotional one. No matter how hard you wish it to be so.

Freezing the fertilized eggs does not kill the child. Sticking a sharp metal spike into its brain and scrambling it like an egg.... that kills a child. One is murder. The other is not.