
I think you are, because you are clearly an intolerant bigot who believes in ignorant broad-based generalizations. Will you admit it? No fucking way! Intolerant bigoted racists never admit they are! You will hide behind inflammatory slime from the past, in some attempt to show YOU are not racist, because YOU didn't come from Alabama! You think that somehow lets you off the hook and clears you from any possible racist implication, because you are ignorant.

Pretty sure having a girlfriend of color gets me off the racist hook. As for you, being from Alabama is pretty damning. Southerners aren't a race, by the way. I do dislike Southerners immensely.
Pretty sure having a girlfriend of color gets me off the racist hook. As for you, being from Alabama is pretty damning. Southerners aren't a race, by the way. I do dislike Southerners immensely.

I don't believe you have a girlfriend of color. I think you are saying that to deflect any suspicion, after showing everyone what an intolerant bigot you are. And who you are physically attracted to, has nothing to do with racism, Strom Thurmond fathered an illegitimate black child!
I don't believe you have a girlfriend of color. I think you are saying that to deflect any suspicion, after showing everyone what an intolerant bigot you are. And who you are physically attracted to, has nothing to do with racism, Strom Thurmond fathered an illegitimate black child!

Whatever man.
This is intolerant bigotry at it's best. You don't KNOW all Southerner's, yet you've already determined you don't like them based on where they are from! It's called PREJUDICE! Look it up!

Yes, I'm hugely prejudiced against Southerners. Absolutely. Many of them are like you, and I hate you.
Pretty sure having a girlfriend of color gets me off the racist hook. As for you, being from Alabama is pretty damning. Southerners aren't a race, by the way. I do dislike Southerners immensely.

well you might not be a racist, but you certainly are a bigot.
well you might not be a racist, but you certainly are a bigot.

Bigoted toward southerners like Dixie. Yup.

Count the number of people Dixie's bigoted toward. He lumps everyone into the "Lib Dem" category and spews hatred as often as possible.
Bigoted toward southerners like Dixie. Yup.

Count the number of people Dixie's bigoted toward. He lumps everyone into the "Lib Dem" category and spews hatred as often as possible.

LOL... that's just a flat out lie man. The overwhelming majority of my personal friends are LIBERALS! Including my very best friend in the whole world, whom I love dearly, who is devoutly pro-choice, Liberal, and Latino! As people, I don't hold any prejudice toward liberals or liberal dems. I think they are dead wrong about politics, I think they espouse pure Socialism for the most part, but as far as who they are as people, I have no problem with them at all.

On this board, Solitary is about as Liberal as they come, I don't hate him, he's a fellow Bama fan, and on that we can agree! I have no animosity toward him for his political views, I just think he is wrong. Now, you, on the other hand... you are an intolerant bigot filled with ignorance, so I naturally despise you because of it. I don't wish for you to die or anything like that, I just don't like you, and I told you why, straight up.

People like yourself, who are so consumed with ignorant and intolerant bigotry, think you are fooling the rest of us into believing you are something else, and I don't particularly like liars or frauds. You can't help but to let your prejudiced bigotry spew out in everything you do, even your screen name is a racial slur... "ib" as in "I be" which is a mocking of African-American slang for "I am." You will sit here and arrogantly deny your own racism while bashing an entire region of the country, under a screen name that illustrates just what a racist piece of dog shit you are.
I'm ignorant because I think Southerners are racist (more so than other parts of the country, which is a fact) and are a blight on progressive society.

K. Thanks.

Who won the civil war?
"even your screen name is a racial slur... "ib" as in "I be" which is a mocking of African-American slang for "I am."

I'm ignorant because I think Southerners are racist (more so than other parts of the country, which is a fact) and are a blight on progressive society.

K. Thanks.

Who won the civil war?

No, it's not a "fact" it is the opinion of an intolerant bigot!

The Union won the War Between The States.
Solitary is liberal in some respects and conservative in others. I think he's probly closest to Soc in politics.

Can you possibly take the time to actually READ what my posts are in response to, before you start typing???

"Count the number of people Dixie's bigoted toward. He lumps everyone into the "Lib Dem" category and spews hatred as often as possible."
