
By you displaying your hate here how are you any different than the hate you attempt to mock?

Dixie can choose not to be an ignorant SOB who argues against reality (missing dollar, 1/3, say he's doing an experiment about religious faith then say he's not, etc) and the folks like him who revel in ignorance and attend places like Bob Jones University (IN THE SOUTH! What a coincidence) deserve to be despised. People who hate people for things they have no control over are unforgivable. But that aint me.
Dixie can choose not to be an ignorant SOB who argues against reality (missing dollar, 1/3, say he's doing an experiment about religious faith then say he's not, etc) and the folks like him who revel in ignorance and attend places like Bob Jones University (IN THE SOUTH! What a coincidence) deserve to be despised. People who hate people for things they have no control over are unforgivable. But that aint me.

You said several times, you hate Southerners and think they are racist. People can't help where they are born, it's completely out of their control. Yet, by your own admission, you hate them and think they are racist for it. We can now add "hypocrite" to the list of things you are.
I don't think all Southerners are racist, of course. I think that they are more racist, overall, than the rest of the country. This is a fact, like it or not ('cept for maybe Idaho).

The list of things that you are is far to long to keep on paper. You'd need an SQL database to keep track of the number of times you've embarrassed yourself.
If you hate southerners, then you hate people becaise of something they cannot control and cannot change.

I was born and raised in the south. Nothing I ever do will change that.

And what does the civil war have to do with your original question about whether the south is more racist than the rest of the country? The civil war ended in 1865. Believe it or not, you won't find anyone in the south who fought in that war. In fact, some of our largest cities are run by minority mayors.

Your idea that the south is more racist is something that you want to see. I do not see it at all. As Epi said, most of us southerners have spent our entire lives in the company of blacks. We learned long ago to dislike people based on their individual actions, not on skin color.

Your claim that having a black girlfriend automatically exempts you from any accusations that you are prejudice is absolutely not true. There are plenty of examples of people dating a type of person that they hate.

No one here has said that racism does not exist in the south. But we have all said its either less common than elsewhere or no more common.

I stand by that.
I don't think all Southerners are racist, of course. I think that they are more racist, overall, than the rest of the country. This is a fact, like it or not ('cept for maybe Idaho).

The list of things that you are is far to long to keep on paper. You'd need an SQL database to keep track of the number of times you've embarrassed yourself.

Its a fact? Hmmm, I have seen nothing to suggest its a fact. Its simply your opinion.
First you say....

Yes, I'm hugely prejudiced against Southerners. Absolutely

I'm ignorant because I think Southerners are racist....

Then you say....

I don't think all Southerners are racist, of course.

You have a bigoted prejudice against people who are from the South, because you perceive them to be racists, and think this is some kind of 'established fact' . It is the hallmark attribute of bigoted prejudiced people, to state things as 'established fact' that are simply NOT facts. This is why I said yesterday, in another thread, ignorance doesn't mean you are dumb. You are a smart individual, but you are ignorant. Bigotry is borne of Ignorance, not lack of intelligence. Intolerant prejudiced bigots and racists, will often hide behind 'established facts' they've convinced themselves of, in their ignorance, it is what allows them to practice unadulterated hate for their fellow man. You have convinced yourself of a perception you have about Southerners, by calling your perception an 'established fact' when that is simply not so. Really, it is no different than a bigoted white racist making the same generalizations about black people, and claiming it is based on "facts" that aren't so.
I'm not ignorant of the South. I've lived there.

The South is more racist than other parts of the country. Simple as that.
I don't believe you have a girlfriend of color. I think you are saying that to deflect any suspicion, after showing everyone what an intolerant bigot you are. And who you are physically attracted to, has nothing to do with racism, Strom Thurmond fathered an illegitimate black child!
Yes and then he worked very hard to make sure his own daughter would remain a second class citizen. And that is the Rest of the story
I'm not ignorant of the South. I've lived there.

The South is more racist than other parts of the country. Simple as that.

You lived in every city and town in the South, and met every person who lived there? Wow, you sure do get around! You are a bigot, and your own words prove how bigoted and prejudiced you are. This "fact" you keep mentioning? Where is ANY FUCKING SUPPORT for that????
You know guys like me would have been hung (or their girlfriends would have been) for miscegenation in your state not too long ago.
You know guys like me would have been hung (or their girlfriends would have been) for miscegenation in your state not too long ago.

This is what I mean when I say ignorant bigots are not dumb. You have enough intelligence to know what "miscegenation" is, but you hide behind this 40+ year -old relic of the past, in order to support your bigoted philosophy of today.
However, the people here are disproportionately racist compared to other "inanimate region(s) of land" in the US.

That's just simply not true. Racism can take many shapes and form. In the south it was institutionalized in its body politic but in many respects the racism in the northern and midwestern states is much more virulent than in the south.
I have travelled a lot in my years. I have seen a big difference between the racism of the south and the racism of the northeast.

In the south you are more likely to find someone who will talk badly about an entire race. But these same people will be friends with, and even very helpful and friendly to individuals of that same race.

In the north you are less likely to find someone who will talk badly about an entire race. But these same individuals won't hire this same race. And they will cross the street rather than walk by them. And if blacks get caught walking in the wrong neighborhood they get beaten to death.

I've lived in both North and South and there's a lot of truth to what you're saying. I grew up in the rural midwest where most the white people would only refer to blacks as nigers. Not to mention that the north is way more segregated than the south is and has been for a very long time.