Do we all experience the world in the same way?

Yes, we do for the most part experience the world in the same way.

We have the same means of experiencing it in terms of sensory inputs. We are able to convey by various means those experiences to others such that they comprehend and understand them.

Where people's experiences vary isn't in their sensory inputs but how they choose to interpret them. That is, how someone takes the inputs and decides on outputs. This is where insanity, incompetence, and the like come into play.
I agree. I used to see Republicans as good people that just have different opinions on policies.

Now, after the Donald Trump era has blossomed out of control, I just see Republicans as Racists, Autocrats, and ANTI-DEMOCRACY LIARS who are basically void of common sense, fairness, morality, dignity, or personal integrity!

SO yes, I have learned a lot about Donald Trump and his very nasty ass-kissing win-at-any-cost Republicans in the last 7 or more years.

Our democracy has turned into a LUNACY by the TRUMP-LOVING reckless traitors!

Republicans can no longer be trusted. I do not even trust any of my so-called Republican FRIENDS any more.

I don't even hang out with them anymore, based on their hateful speech and lies, as I do not consider them to be friends anymore- MORE LIKE PERSONAL ENEMIES!

You either respect me for having a different political opinion as you, or YOU ARE TOTALLY AGAINST ME.


That's your problem, you see racism where it doesn't exist.
It was what it claimed to be. A giant magical mystery ballot box.

It was the standard container that ballots are stored in. The entire situation, which included watching the full video for context, was investigated by the Secretary of state's office and there was absolutely nothing found that would be of any concern. The problem is, the news outlets that like to stoke the stolen election conspiracy theory fire, only report the conspiracy theory, not the details of the investigation into the conspiracy theory.
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It was the standard container that balance are stored in. The entire situation, which included watching the full video for context, was investigated by the Secretary of state's office and there was absolutely nothing found that would be of any concern. The problem is, the news outlets that like to stoke the stolen election conspiracy theory fire, only reports The conspiracy theory, not the details of the investigation into the conspiracy theory.

I find it concerning.

why officially 'close' then keep counting?

fraudulent ballots can be put in a standard box, dumbass.
what ID is required for a mail in ballot?.....

address the videos of people emptying postal holders of ballots into drop boxes in the middle of the night......what is the "full story" of someone dropping off multiple ballots at more than one location?......

Ok, we've gone from mail-in ballots concerns, to in-person voting concerns in the last post, and now back to mail-in voting concerns.

ID and signature are verified when you register to vote and your signature is verified when you mail-in your ballot. Mismatched signatures are verified with the voter or the ballot is discarded if the voter can't be reached.

However, as I asked in a previous post can you explain the logistics of using mail-in ballots fraudulently? If a state sends out a million mail-in ballots, and mustache-twirling, Soros funded ACORN members need 30k for ensuring a specific candidate wins, how would that work?

First, they'd have to go mail box to mail box and steal 30k ballots without ANYONE noticing and calling the cops (BTW that would be 30k federal felonies)

Second, they'd have to be able to forge 30k signatures of strangers to avoid triggering verification by the state.

Third, they'd have to hope that none, or very, very few of the people, who are missing their ballots, contacts the state regarding the missing ballots there by blowing the top off of the whole operation.

So, how often do you realistically see the stars aligning to make that happen?
I find it concerning.

why officially 'close' then keep counting?

fraudulent ballots can be put in a standard box, dumbass.

The article explained what happened The people counting the ballots thought they were done for the night and put the ballots away in the standard container. Of course, if you only watched the highly edited video, posted online by dishonest people, you missed the fact that, minutes before, that person was seen on video putting ballots into the very same container she later took them out of.

Your concern does not change reality.

As Ben Shapiro would say, facts don't care about your feelings.
The article explained what happened The people counting the ballots thought they were done for the night and put the ballots away in the standard container. Of course, if you only watched the highly edited video, posted online by dishonest people, you missed the fact that, minutes before, that person was seen on video putting ballots into the very same container she later took them out of.

Your concern does not change reality.

As Ben Shapiro would say, facts don't care about your feelings.

fuck that article and fuck your lies.

the election was bad.

what are you gonna do about?
fuck that article and fuck your lies.

the election was bad.

what are you gonna do about?

Lol... "my" article. What am I going to do about your beliefs? Nothing. You have to want to be informed. You have to want good information. You don't and there's nothing I can do about it.
Lol... "my" article. What am I going to do about your beliefs? Nothing. You have to want to be informed. You have to want good information. You don't and there's nothing I can do about it.

there was massive fraud enabled by covid exigencies.

one party perpetrated both.

there was massive fraud enabled by covid exigencies.

one party perpetrated both.


Right..... I mean, none of the fraudulent ballots were found in any audit, including Cyber Ninjas audit in AZ, and claim after claim after claim has been debunked, but sure, why not believe that.

Remember when Trumped called the Georgia secretary of state and claimed over 100k fraudulent ballots (Felons, under age, dead, illegals, etc)? I'm still waiting for him to provide the evidence for that claim... 2 years later.

I'm sure it's coming ANY day.

Right..... I mean, none of the fraudulent ballots were found in any audit, including Cyber Ninjas audit in AZ, and claim after claim after claim has been debunked, but sure, why not believe that.

Remember when Trumped called the Georgia secretary of state and claimed over 100k fraudulent ballots (Felons, under age, dead, illegals, etc)? I'm still waiting for him to provide the evidence for that claim... 2 years later.

I'm sure it's coming ANY day.


real audits were not performed.
real audits were not performed.

It wouldn't matter to the conspiracy theorists if "real" audits were done because there's always that next step down the rabbit hole. If every mail-in voter was contacted, and their vote verified, there would just be the next reason to believe the election was stolen. If it was an outside business doing the audit, and they found no fraud, they can't be trusted because they're Dem operatives funded by Soros. If the government did the audit and found nothing, then they're all part of the deep state/swamp and hid the fraud.
It wouldn't matter to the conspiracy theorists if "real" audits were done because there's always that next step down the rabbit hole. If every mail-in voter was contacted, and their vote verified, there would just be the next reason to believe the election was stolen. If it was an outside business doing the audit, and they found no fraud, they can't be trusted because they're Dem operatives funded by Soros. If the government did the audit and found nothing, then they're all part of the deep state/swamp and hid the fraud.

if... if... if...

no real audit has been done.

please stop worshipping satan.
if... if... if...

no real audit has been done.

please stop worshipping satan.

Satan? No. Imaginary supernatural beings have no influence on my beliefs about the election. But, your comment is very telling, as it implies that you are among a fairly large contingency in America who believes that Trump was put into power, quite literally, by the hand of your god. Once you've come to that conclusion, the next step of believing, with no proof, the 2020 election was stolen is automatic and irrefutable. Like I said earlier, I can't convince you of anything.
Satan? No. Imaginary supernatural beings have no influence on my beliefs about the election. But, your comment is very telling, as it implies that you are among a fairly large contingency in America who believes that Trump was put into power, quite literally, by the hand of your god. Once you've come to that conclusion, the next step of believing, with no proof, the 2020 election was stolen is automatic and irrefutable. Like I said earlier, I can't convince you of anything.

does that give you the right to murder me?