Do You Think The Rich Should Be Taxed More?

Hello Quetzalcoatl,

Good point about the USA being largely untouched by infrastructure damage (not completely - don't forget Pearl Harbor) and that was a huge factor in our success of the 50's, but at the same time we had Tremendous debt to pay off from WWII. We also helped rebuild Europe, forking over $13 billion during 4 years of the Marshall Plan. We did all of that, paid for the GI Bill, the middle class was stronger than ever, - and - the rich still earned 10-20 times the income of the middle, and they lived in luxury. It's not like the high taxes of that age held capitalism back. The biggest difference was that wealth was distributed more equitably than it is now.

The only thing tremendous was our military spending in peace time. Cut back on that by 75% and let me know how much we need to tax people first.
you don't make policy

the republican party has stabbed itself with lies and racism

the world will be more liberal now

you silly libertarians have lost
Hello Quetzalcoatl,

Good point about the USA being largely untouched by infrastructure damage (not completely - don't forget Pearl Harbor) and that was a huge factor in our success of the 50's, but at the same time we had Tremendous debt to pay off from WWII. We also helped rebuild Europe, forking over $13 billion during 4 years of the Marshall Plan. We did all of that, paid for the GI Bill, the middle class was stronger than ever, - and - the rich still earned 10-20 times the income of the middle, and they lived in luxury. It's not like the high taxes of that age held capitalism back. The biggest difference was that wealth was distributed more equitably than it is now.

The marginal tax rate was much higher but not the effective tax rate. And, the total revenue as a percent of GDP was less than the lower tax rates of recent years. Both revenue and spending as a percent of GDP was lower in the 50's-60's.
Hello and greetings Shallon Peterson,

"Tax the rich,till there are no rich no more"!

Great song, but hardly applicable to the conversation. We are nowhere near that situation.

How about we just set the top tax rate at 50% and begin paying down the debt? Wouldn't that be a good thing?

This rate would only affect the top 1% of earners. The rest could remain as is.
OK, Obama was presented with a near depression to fight off after Bush. Obama would not have had to do that if the Repubs were capable politicians. Obama should have nationalized some banks after the right wing,Republican crash. But he did not have the nerve.
OK, Obama was presented with a near depression to fight off after Bush. Obama would not have had to do that if the Repubs were capable politicians. Obama should have nationalized some banks after the right wing,Republican crash. But he did not have the nerve.

Nor the authority
Hello and greetings Shallon Peterson,

Great song, but hardly applicable to the conversation. We are nowhere near that situation.

How about we just set the top tax rate at 50% and begin paying down the debt? Wouldn't that be a good thing?

This rate would only affect the top 1% of earners. The rest could remain as is.

We never will pay off the debt.
OK, Obama was presented with a near depression to fight off after Bush. Obama would not have had to do that if the Repubs were capable politicians. Obama should have nationalized some banks after the right wing,Republican crash. But he did not have the nerve.

Wouldn't that be socialism?
Hello and greetings Shallon Peterson,

Great song, but hardly applicable to the conversation. We are nowhere near that situation.

How about we just set the top tax rate at 50% and begin paying down the debt? Wouldn't that be a good thing?

This rate would only affect the top 1% of earners. The rest could remain as is.

A 50% tax rate would not even eliminate the deficit much less start paying down the debt.
I think people should vote for whomever they choose.

But anyone who votes expecting money to "trickle down" because of the favorite American conservative kidding him/herself.

Republicans never suggested the money would "trickle down." Trickle down was a derogatory term used by Democrats to oppose the tax cuts. Under higher taxes the money did not trickle down to more people, either. It went to the government.
Republicans never suggested the money would "trickle down." Trickle down was a derogatory term used by Democrats to oppose the tax cuts. Under higher taxes the money did not trickle down to more people, either. It went to the government.

As I said, "...anyone who votes expecting money to "trickle down" because of the favorite American conservative kidding him/herself."

Allow me to repeat it:

Anyone who votes expecting money to "trickle down" because of the favorite American conservative kidding him/herself.