Do You Think The Rich Should Be Taxed More?

Hello Mason,

Only in a perfect world. We can't ever have true socialism because of human nature. That's why we have to have a proper balance of capitalism and socialism.

I agree,but Republicans want to end any balance.If they had their way,you would need a MasterCard to call the cops

The East India Company (EIC), also known as the Honourable East India Company (HEIC) or the British East India Company and informally as John Company,[1] was an English and later British joint-stock company,[2] that was formed to pursue trade with the "East Indies" (in present-day terms, Maritime Southeast Asia), but ended up trading mainly with Qing China and seizing control of large parts of the Indian subcontinent.
So you want America to become completely defenseless because you want worthless welfare programs funded?

the military budget could be 10% less and still function the way it's supposed to now......just with a handful of lobbyists and politicians getting pissed off because they aren't getting that money anymore.

An appropriate comment for this thread, is one attributed (although almost certainly apocryphal) to bank robber Willie Sutton.

When asked why he robbed banks, he supposedly said, "Because that's where the money is."

I'm sure you all can see why I consider it appropriate for this thread.
"Correct" taxation, according to brain dead Liberals is to tax the evuuuul rich 100%, and make all private sector businesses state owned.
$$ spent more than the next 10 countries combined. Defenseless? Joke, right?

Bloated contractors sucking $$ from all of us.

In case you forgot numbnuts, National defense is MANDATED in the US Constitution! Welfare, food stamps, healthcare, and education are not! When the hell are you brain dead Liberals going to understand?
Hello and greetings Mason,

We don't have to choose between socialism and capitalism. We can blend the two (as we already have) andseek to choose the best aspects of each, while minimizing the worst.
We have never hesitated to use socialism when the markets are unable to provide needed goods and services at a reasonable cost. The Military, Public Education, Public Health, Roads and Transportation hubs, Public Utilities, etc,. Having said that...most conservative ideologues don't understand what socialism is (when government controls the means of productions). What they really oppose is socialism that is based on a command economy and not a market economy. I don't know about you but I sure as hell don't want to live in a command economy.
Hello Mott the Hoople,

Thinking back to the time often envisioned as when American 'was great again:' The 50's. Tax rates were very high, the economy was strong, the middle class was strong. One paycheck not only supported a family but allowed savings, health care, vacations, sick leave, etc, AND worker pensions were very common. We can't go back there, but we can certainly stand to tax the rich more and get our debt to GDP ration back in line.
Or we could have the political will to cut spending on popular programs like defense, social security, medicare/medicaid, education, etc. Since those serve very useful purpose, benefit us all (as the best government programs do) they are very popular so finding the political will to cut them is unlikely and since they make up the bulk of our spending finding cuts that will accomplish that goal without increasing taxes would seem unlikely.
In case you forgot numbnuts, National defense is MANDATED in the US Constitution! Welfare, food stamps, healthcare, and education are not! When the hell are you brain dead Liberals going to understand?

Funding private contractors who are sucking your blood are not in the Constitution, douchenozzle.

The General Welfare Clause is, moron.