Do You Think The Rich Should Be Taxed More?

Hello evince,

yes we can get back to affair life for all

You should proof what your voice recognition SW does.

But since you didn't you leave a wide open opportunity for a smart crack.

Sure looks like, with President Trump in office, we have gotten back to 'affair' life after all! ;)
limit how much a CEO can make

then limit how much market share a company can have

then tax them at a reasonable rate instead of letting them pay no taxes
Hello SmarterthanYou,

is the system corrupt? or is the people in charge of the system? if you keep eating foods that make you sick, do you take something to keep you from getting sick or do you stop eating those foods?

it's only too idealistic for people that can't break out of their established mode of left vs. right and the fears of the other side winning keeps you voting for the same disease.

it's time to change the people, not the system.

You could change all 535 and we would have just as much crony capitalism.
Hello evince,

You should proof what your voice recognition SW does.

But since you didn't you leave a wide open opportunity for a smart crack.

Sure looks like, with President Trump in office, we have gotten back to 'affair' life after all! ;)

that is all my stupid typos dude

I post in a conversational manner

and type for crap
if certain groups of people, either through ignorance, apathy, or fear, keep electing the same OBVIOUS two faced lying politicians in to office because of a party affiliation, fear of the other party, or idiotology, that's a fault.

you don't like Democracy


the only reason bad ones keep getting relected is that the republican party cheats in elections and have done so for decades
Hello and greetings Boris The Animal,

So you want America to become completely defenseless because you want worthless welfare programs funded?

I don't want that, have never suggested it.

How about we just cut back on military spending enough to simply make us the highest spender on military in the world?

Why is it necessary to spend as much as the next 7 nations combined?

It's overkill.

The F22 was a complete waste for an outdated weapon the day it was done.
you don't like Democracy


the only reason bad ones keep getting relected is that the republican party cheats in elections and have done so for decades

you are one of the primary reasons we have the fucked up crap we have today, because of your complete terror of anything other than communism. we're left wondering why you're so against russian involvement when you have such a love with communism
Hello SmarterthanYou,

then that makes it OUR fault, not the sytems. so we have to lie in the bed that we made.

In the ultimate sense, it is our fault because we don't stay well enough informed nor remain actively enough engaged in our self-government.

wouldn't it make better sense to put people in to elected offices who are not beholden to the upper classes and would actually make a fair tax rate for all without trickle up benefits?

I don't think it is an either / or kind of a thing.

Why can't we take steps such as overturn Citizens United, and implement new rules regulating the big money influence over government?

Crony capitalism is our big problem.

We should try to deal with it.
Hello Mott the Hoople,

We have never hesitated to use socialism when the markets are unable to provide needed goods and services at a reasonable cost. The Military, Public Education, Public Health, Roads and Transportation hubs, Public Utilities, etc,. Having said that...most conservative ideologues don't understand what socialism is (when government controls the means of productions). What they really oppose is socialism that is based on a command economy and not a market economy. I don't know about you but I sure as hell don't want to live in a command economy.

Well said.

And no, I don't want to live in a command economy.

Some conservatives incorrectly equate socialism with communism. Their mistake.

Marx was quite altruistic.
Hello Mott the Hoople,

Or we could have the political will to cut spending on popular programs like defense, social security, medicare/medicaid, education, etc. Since those serve very useful purpose, benefit us all (as the best government programs do) they are very popular so finding the political will to cut them is unlikely and since they make up the bulk of our spending finding cuts that will accomplish that goal without increasing taxes would seem unlikely.

Which is why that spending needs to be continued and we need to tax the rich more to balance the budget.