dq the racist per darla

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
[FONT=&quot][/FONT][FONT=&quot]darla[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]
[FONT=&quot]yes, you have caught me out – I am a closet racist, but please inform me which race I am racist against[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]while i preferred hil to bho, i wound up voting for bho as did my wife[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]what we did not do was support him financially, but my wife caved in and did volunteer work for him (i cannot as i am fully disabled) because neither of us wanted mcsame elected even though bho had a lock on ca[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]as for the Gazans, you say that Israel closed its border to Gaza, for which i have no problem when you consider that the Gazans declared that Israel has no right to exist and needs to be destroyed - they brought this mess down upon themselves[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]further, why do you not pound on egypt for not allowing aid to flow into Gaza since Gaza and egypt share a common border

furthermore, Gaza has a long seacoast along which supplies could be shipped to them - if rockets and other weapons/explosives can be shipped into Gaza from iran, why not food and medical supplies

we would (and have) closed our borders to suspected terrorists so why cannot Israel

perhaps it is your anti-jewish/Israel sentiment that is governing your emotions or just that you are succumbing to arab/Gazan/Palestinian propaganda[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]also, how is it that Israel is dealing with the Palestinians in the north bank – is it because they do not deny Israel's right to exist[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]also, why is it ok for suicide bombers to kill innocent civilians, but not Israel, especially since the innocent civilians in Gaza are co-located with hamas rocket launchers and soldiers/leaders

Israelis have been on the receiving end of hamas/Gazan rockets starting before Israel's attack on Gaza

[FONT=&quot][/FONT][FONT=&quot]darla[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]
[FONT=&quot]yes, you have caught me out – I am a closet racist, but please inform me which race I am racist against[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]while i preferred hil to bho, i wound up voting for bho as did my wife[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]what we did not do was support him financially, but my wife caved in and did volunteer work for him (i cannot as i am fully disabled) because neither of us wanted mcsame elected even though bho had a lock on ca[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]as for the Gazans, you say that Israel closed its border to Gaza, for which i have no problem when you consider that the Gazans declared that Israel has no right to exist and needs to be destroyed - they brought this mess down upon themselves[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]further, why do you not pound on egypt for not allowing aid to flow into Gaza since Gaza and egypt share a common border

furthermore, Gaza has a long seacoast along which supplies could be shipped to them - if rockets and other weapons/explosives can be shipped into Gaza from iran, why not food and medical supplies

we would (and have) closed our borders to suspected terrorists so why cannot Israel

perhaps it is your anti-jewish/Israel sentiment that is governing your emotions or just that you are succumbing to arab/Gazan/Palestinian propaganda[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]also, how is it that Israel is dealing with the Palestinians in the north bank – is it because they do not deny Israel's right to exist[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]also, why is it ok for suicide bombers to kill innocent civilians, but not Israel, especially since the innocent civilians in Gaza are co-located with hamas rocket launchers and soldiers/leaders

Israelis have been on the receiving end of hamas/Gazan rockets starting before Israel's attack on Gaza


Shut up, brainwashed noahide racist. israel came in not too many years ago, and attempted to create an ethnic supremacist state where nobody else wanted it, based on mythology in a religious text.
Dq. You said the triumph of the Israelis over the gazans is "evolution in action". Do you know how sick you are in the head?
[FONT=&quot]also, why is it ok for suicide bombers to kill innocent civilians, but not Israel, especially since the innocent civilians in Gaza are co-located with hamas rocket launchers and soldiers/leaders


I'm sorry but that really is verging on the downright ridiculous.

It isn't ok to kill civilians. Normally this is such a blatantly obvious state of affairs that it is unnecessary to actually have to point it out.
perhaps it is your anti-jewish/Israel sentiment that is governing your emotions or just that you are succumbing to arab/Gazan/Palestinian propaganda.

I gave this a lot of thought.

I concluded that, no...it's you.

And your entire post is Bullshit DQ.

On Egypt - be wary the people don't stage a coup. Unlike you, they are really pissed about their government's support, paid for with United States Dollars, for a state that is murdering women and children.
I gave this a lot of thought.

I concluded that, no...it's you.

And your entire post is Bullshit DQ.

On Egypt - be wary the people don't stage a coup. Unlike you, they are really pissed about their government's support, paid for with United States Dollars, for a state that is murdering women and children.

The people are pissed because they would rather be destroying Israel than stay at peace. We bought Egypt long ago, and their leaders are a good barrier between us and the hate of their people.
The people are pissed because they would rather be destroying Israel than stay at peace. We bought Egypt long ago, and their leaders are a good barrier between us and the hate of their people.

Actually all of this is due to the compulsive need of Jews to establish an ethnic supremacist state where nobody else wanted one.
The people are pissed because they would rather be destroying Israel than stay at peace. We bought Egypt long ago, and their leaders are a good barrier between us and the hate of their people.

You've become a dangerous warmonger Epic. I remember when you used to feel you were on high enough of a moral horse to lecture me on any consideration of Hillary because she voted for the war YOUR friends might have to fight in. That's not a change for the better.

If you believe that they're pissed because they'd rather be destroying Israel, and not because Israel is an occupying force who has continued their illegal settlements, their blockades (Clear act of war, period), and their gross and depraved indifference to any non-Jewish human life, than your thinking is lopsided.

And you are dangerously naive to believe for one micro second that our money has created a a barrier between us and the blowback. Dangerously naive.
I just have a lot of sympathy for Israel's position. Three generations of Israelis have had to go through these absurd wars, suicide bombings, and rocket attacks.
Yep, they're just whining only because they've been attacked by the entire middle east on a couple of occasions and suicide bombers constantly come and blow up their citizens. Why can't they get over it?
Yep, they're just whining only because they've been attacked by the entire middle east on a couple of occasions and suicide bombers constantly come and blow up their citizens. Why can't they get over it?

And these attacks are only due to them establishing an ethnic supremacist state by force.

I thought nationalism and racism were both wrong. I guess they're only wrong for non-jews?