dq the racist per darla

i am also equally for them too...

i am having fun stirring the pot to see what floats to the surface

i believe my first statement 'everybody can't be right if everybody is wrong' says it best

also, why is no one blaming iran for providing the rockets that started the whole mess

if a group of people on your border decided that your nation had no right to exist and was dedicated to destroying your nation (or ours) what would you do

the Iranians should run with there hands up in the air cryin like sissies to surrender and squeel with delight when they are accepted as criminal prisoners & at the local country club battalion in the desert sahara.
god? which god

since israel has nuclear capability, i am sure they will take a few with them

Their God.
Same one as the muslims worship.
Strange that....

"since israel has nuclear capability, i am sure they will take a few with them"
Might be worth it....
Shut up, brainwashed noahide racist. israel came in not too many years ago, and attempted to create an ethnic supremacist state where nobody else wanted it, based on mythology in a religious text.

do you even know what a noahide racist is? do you even know what noahide means?
Their God.
Same one as the muslims worship.
Strange that....

"since israel has nuclear capability, i am sure they will take a few with them"
Might be worth it....

no, israel and muslims have a different god. christians and muslims have a different god. don't forget the prophecies that jesus would also be rejected, however, muhammad claims god never had a son, nor would he ever.

ask yourself this....allah all knowing, yet he has his muslims pray to jerusalem and then change direction because the jews didn't believe in allah. why didn't the all knowing allah forsee this?
no, israel and muslims have a different god. christians and muslims have a different god. don't forget the prophecies that jesus would also be rejected, however, muhammad claims god never had a son, nor would he ever.

ask yourself this....allah all knowing, yet he has his muslims pray to jerusalem and then change direction because the jews didn't believe in allah. why didn't the all knowing allah forsee this?
Because he isn't there?
[FONT=&quot][/FONT][FONT=&quot]darla[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]
[FONT=&quot]yes, you have caught me out – I am a closet racist, but please inform me which race I am racist against[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]while i preferred hil to bho, i wound up voting for bho as did my wife[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]what we did not do was support him financially, but my wife caved in and did volunteer work for him (i cannot as i am fully disabled) because neither of us wanted mcsame elected even though bho had a lock on ca[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]as for the Gazans, you say that Israel closed its border to Gaza, for which i have no problem when you consider that the Gazans declared that Israel has no right to exist and needs to be destroyed - they brought this mess down upon themselves[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]further, why do you not pound on egypt for not allowing aid to flow into Gaza since Gaza and egypt share a common border

furthermore, Gaza has a long seacoast along which supplies could be shipped to them - if rockets and other weapons/explosives can be shipped into Gaza from iran, why not food and medical supplies

we would (and have) closed our borders to suspected terrorists so why cannot Israel

perhaps it is your anti-jewish/Israel sentiment that is governing your emotions or just that you are succumbing to arab/Gazan/Palestinian propaganda[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]also, how is it that Israel is dealing with the Palestinians in the north bank – is it because they do not deny Israel's right to exist[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]also, why is it ok for suicide bombers to kill innocent civilians, but not Israel, especially since the innocent civilians in Gaza are co-located with hamas rocket launchers and soldiers/leaders

Israelis have been on the receiving end of hamas/Gazan rockets starting before Israel's attack on Gaza


There are so many things that they do not report here.

Soldiers are killing unarmed Palestinians. Israel's retaliation has always been overkill. Liken it to the Native Americans when we "settled" the West. Might doesn't always mean right.

He is another report on the issue and a great book to read, "The Case Against Israel" Israel doesn't mean Jewish! Many of the people in charge are secularist.

Does Israel's pointing nuclear weapons at their neighbors count as terrorism?
Why do they pretend to be a non nuclear country, when in fact, they are armed?

Israel was crossing the border and doing raids into Gaza back in November. This didn't make the news here at all, or I didn't see it. They broke the truce first, but that is conveniently left out in our press.

I get very tired of the slanted reporting. Hamas is a terrorist organization, but the humanitarian aide it gives to Gaza can not be discounted and Israel is guilty, too and the USA turns and looks the other way when it comes to her sins.

I just feel it is time we hear the rest of the story!
The people are pissed because they would rather be destroying Israel than stay at peace. We bought Egypt long ago, and their leaders are a good barrier between us and the hate of their people.

The sentiment exists on both sides, why isn't it Israel's fault, also?
I just have a lot of sympathy for Israel's position. Three generations of Israelis have had to go through these absurd wars, suicide bombings, and rocket attacks.

And what of the Palestinians, those who aren't the militia, the innocents who have had their homes bulldozed by Israeli tanks?

You have sympathy for a bully and one who is there illegally. The Palestinians have occupied this area for thousands of years. They have been the majority. The Jews, when they were in Israel were very small in number. This idea of a state for Israel was thought up by people who did not live in Palestine. The Zionists didn't have the same idea as the rest of the world when it came to the Palestinians and Israel's promise land.

Israel, along with her bully allies, the USA and Britain have thumbed their nose at the rest of the world when it comes to Israel's behavior. The US press does not represent the Palestinians side, fairly. In fact, very few in the US know the whole history of Gaza.
the arabs have been murdering each other longer than the israelis...at least for the last 200 years

the history of the region is filled with one nation brutalizing another

this does not make it right, but what i object to is the rather one sided propaganda

also, why is it alright for iran to feed the conflict with their weapons

Why is it alright for us to feed the conflict with our weapons? It is why the Palestinians dance in the street when something bad happens in the US, because the bombs that fall on their schools and hospitals are marked, made in the USA. Seeing my child blown to bits by these bombs would make me angry. I would fight back with sticks and stones and anything at my means.
DQ, you are not a racist, don't let these idiots tell you otherwise. THEY are the ones practicing antisemitic racist views, because they simply hate the Jews. Oh, they don't hate the Jewish people who live here, and routinely vote for Democrats, they are fine with them, but they hate the foreign Jews over in Israel, and certainly don't think they should have their own country. In their "world view" it is the Jew who is the whole problem with lasting middle east peace! If we would just step out of the way and let the antisemitic enemies of Israel wipe them off the globe, and "drive them into the Mediterranean," as they have vowed to do, it would solve all the problems over there! Or at least, that's what they think.

Jewish isn't a race, people. It is a religion. There are secular Israelis, and some of the Jews are Zionist, but not all Zionists are Jews.

People are amiss when they claim racism against the Jews. The Jews were originally a Semitic tribe, Hebrew, like their Arab brothers. Jews do not share a common ancestry or biological traits. A person of Chinese descent may become a Jew, but he is still Chinese.

I laugh when people claim antisemitism, are we talking against the Jews? Not all Jews are Semites.
froggie - There are so many things that they do not report here.

but the press in palestine/gaza are reporting what happens

Soldiers are killing unarmed Palestinians. Israel's retaliation has always been overkill. Liken it to the Native Americans when we "settled" the West. Might doesn't always mean right.

gazans are killing unarmed israelis

He is another report on the issue and a great book to read, "The Case Against Israel" Israel doesn't mean Jewish! Many of the people in charge are secularist.

also, there are non-jews in israel

Does Israel's pointing nuclear weapons at their neighbors count as terrorism?

only if they use them, they do not seem to stop hamas from using force on israel

Why do they pretend to be a non nuclear country, when in fact, they are armed?

it is a poorly keep secret since most assume that they are a nuclear nation - but then they get to have their 'security concerns' like other nations

Israel was crossing the border and doing raids into Gaza back in November. This didn't make the news here at all, or I didn't see it. They broke the truce first, but that is conveniently left out in our press.

it is all reported but mainly by outfits like cnn/chn and arab news organizations - also npr

I get very tired of the slanted reporting. Hamas is a terrorist organization, but the humanitarian aide it gives to Gaza can not be discounted and Israel is guilty, too and the USA turns and looks the other way when it comes to her sins.

it is all bad - but iran is in this up to their eyeballs - where do you think hamas gets the rockets and other arms

I just feel it is time we hear the rest of the story!

me too, i think the whole story needs to be told - not just the propaganda

however, why is it that the palestinians in the 'east?' bank can deal with israel and the ones on gaza cannot - because the hamas/gaza palestinians deny israels right to exist and calim the only solution is the destruction of israel

also, you did not address all of the points that i made :( i am sorry that you feel the way you do (and others) because we usually agree
no, israel and muslims have a different god. christians and muslims have a different god. don't forget the prophecies that jesus would also be rejected, however, muhammad claims god never had a son, nor would he ever.

ask yourself this....allah all knowing, yet he has his muslims pray to jerusalem and then change direction because the jews didn't believe in allah. why didn't the all knowing allah forsee this?

Excuse me? Aren't they all the God of Abraham? Isaac and Ismael? Islam acknowledges the Old Testament and Jesus as a prophet, his difference was that he thought he came to perfect "the word"

Early forms of Christianity also claimed that God did not have a son. Religion is such a great thing to study as a hobby!
froggie - There are so many things that they do not report here.

but the press in palestine/gaza are reporting what happens

Soldiers are killing unarmed Palestinians. Israel's retaliation has always been overkill. Liken it to the Native Americans when we "settled" the West. Might doesn't always mean right.

gazans are killing unarmed israelis

He is another report on the issue and a great book to read, "The Case Against Israel" Israel doesn't mean Jewish! Many of the people in charge are secularist.

also, there are non-jews in israel

Does Israel's pointing nuclear weapons at their neighbors count as terrorism?

only if they use them, they do not seem to stop hamas from using force on israel

Why do they pretend to be a non nuclear country, when in fact, they are armed?

it is a poorly keep secret since most assume that they are a nuclear nation - but then they get to have their 'security concerns' like other nations

Israel was crossing the border and doing raids into Gaza back in November. This didn't make the news here at all, or I didn't see it. They broke the truce first, but that is conveniently left out in our press.

it is all reported but mainly by outfits like cnn/chn and arab news organizations - also npr

I get very tired of the slanted reporting. Hamas is a terrorist organization, but the humanitarian aide it gives to Gaza can not be discounted and Israel is guilty, too and the USA turns and looks the other way when it comes to her sins.

it is all bad - but iran is in this up to their eyeballs - where do you think hamas gets the rockets and other arms

I just feel it is time we hear the rest of the story!

me too, i think the whole story needs to be told - not just the propaganda

however, why is it that the palestinians in the 'east?' bank can deal with israel and the ones on gaza cannot - because the hamas/gaza palestinians deny israels right to exist and calim the only solution is the destruction of israel

also, you did not address all of the points that i made :( i am sorry that you feel the way you do (and others) because we usually agree

But, we still have a great deal of respect for each other.

There are so many wrongs that have been committed on both sides, I just feel that Israel is a bully because it has a standing army that is well trained, well organized, well financed and deadly.

The forces that Israel has gone up against have always been poorly organized and not very well armed. Now that other nations in the area growing wealthier with oil money, they are finally able to give the Arab militias weapons other than the sticks and stones that the Palestinian youth have used to assault the tanks that were mowing down their neighborhoods.

It is tragic because there is no magic answer and in this case the innocent on both sides suffer greatly because of the actions of a few.

The Israelis have been given far more by the West and as a recent a huge resentment has grown. If we had started both sides out on equal footing, how different do you think it would be now?
Jewish isn't a race, people. It is a religion. There are secular Israelis, and some of the Jews are Zionist, but not all Zionists are Jews.

People are amiss when they claim racism against the Jews. The Jews were originally a Semitic tribe, Hebrew, like their Arab brothers. Jews do not share a common ancestry or biological traits. A person of Chinese descent may become a Jew, but he is still Chinese.

I laugh when people claim antisemitism, are we talking against the Jews? Not all Jews are Semites.

God's promise was to the descendants of Jacob, descendants means people does it not? You should read the actual bible.