dq the racist per darla

Dq. You said the triumph of the Israelis over the gazans is "evolution in action". Do you know how sick you are in the head?

actually, yes

the real people to blame are the brits as they came in and screwed up the middle east...along with the french and germans
I'm sorry but that really is verging on the downright ridiculous.

It isn't ok to kill civilians. Normally this is such a blatantly obvious state of affairs that it is unnecessary to actually have to point it out.

that was the point of the question

but the propaganda folks seem to ignore one side doing it and dump on another...a bit ridiculous, what
Theodor Herzl (Hebrew: בנימין זאב הרצל‎ (Binyamin Ze'ev Herzl)) (May 2, 1860–July 3, 1904) was a Hungarian Jewish journalist who was the father of modern political Zionism.

Herzl was born in Pest, the Kingdom of Hungary (today the eastern half of Budapest, then a separate city) to a Jewish family originally from Zemun, the Kingdom of Hungary (today in Serbia). When Theodor was 18 his family moved to Vienna, Austria-Hungary. There, he studied law, but he devoted himself almost exclusively to journalism and literature, working as a correspondent for the Neue Freie Presse in Paris, occasionally making special trips to London and Istanbul. Later, he became literary editor of Neue Freie Presse,and wrote several comedies and dramas for the Viennese stage.
I gave this a lot of thought.

I concluded that, no...it's you.

And your entire post is Bullshit DQ.

On Egypt - be wary the people don't stage a coup. Unlike you, they are really pissed about their government's support, paid for with United States Dollars, for a state that is murdering women and children.

the arabs have been murdering each other longer than the israelis...at least for the last 200 years

the history of the region is filled with one nation brutalizing another

this does not make it right, but what i object to is the rather one sided propaganda

also, why is it alright for iran to feed the conflict with their weapons
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i have not had this much fun in quite a while :) :pke:

ps damo, what happened last night...with the software that is
the arabs have been murdering each other longer than the israelis...at least for the last 200 years

the history of the region is filled with one nation brutalizing another

this does not make it right, but what i object to is the rather one sided propaganda

also, why is it alright for iran to feed the conflict wit their weapons

Your ability to reason is shot. you are now a noahide race warrior, with no conscience to speak of.
I just have a lot of sympathy for Israel's position. Three generations of Israelis have had to go through these absurd wars, suicide bombings, and rocket attacks.

3 generations? Read the old testament sometime.

The joos have been killing and being killed back for tens of thousands of years at a minimum.
And according to the bible being conquered and enslaved many times for their sins against God.
Might just be Gods will that they be conquered again for their sins?
3 generations? Read the old testament sometime.

The joos have been killing and being killed back for tens of thousands of years at a minimum.
And according to the bible being conquered and enslaved many times for their sins against God.
Might just be Gods will that they be conquered again for their sins?

god? which god

since israel has nuclear capability, i am sure they will take a few with them
Your ability to reason is shot. you are now a noahide race warrior, with no conscience to speak of.

and i do not want one

war is natures way of proving darwin was right

i am perfectly happy to let other nations fight their fights some place other than where me and mine are

war is mainly organized insanity

fyi, originally israel was supposed to be a portion of germany as a way to punish the germans for killing so many - but they decided to punish the palestinians instead

oh well
DQ, you are not a racist, don't let these idiots tell you otherwise. THEY are the ones practicing antisemitic racist views, because they simply hate the Jews. Oh, they don't hate the Jewish people who live here, and routinely vote for Democrats, they are fine with them, but they hate the foreign Jews over in Israel, and certainly don't think they should have their own country. In their "world view" it is the Jew who is the whole problem with lasting middle east peace! If we would just step out of the way and let the antisemitic enemies of Israel wipe them off the globe, and "drive them into the Mediterranean," as they have vowed to do, it would solve all the problems over there! Or at least, that's what they think.
If you say so.

i am also equally for them too...

i am having fun stirring the pot to see what floats to the surface

i believe my first statement 'everybody can't be right if everybody is wrong' says it best

also, why is no one blaming iran for providing the rockets that started the whole mess

if a group of people on your border decided that your nation had no right to exist and was dedicated to destroying your nation (or ours) what would you do
Come for third DQ, you but dally, I pray you pass with your best violence. I'm afeared you make a wanton of me!
Come for third DQ, you but dally, I pray you pass with your best violence. I'm afeared you make a wanton of me!

get thee to a nunnery, to a nunnery with thee :)

chaos is good and violence is better - just remember to duck or hit the deck when someone yells 'incoming'
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